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The littlest things sometimes mean the most in an LDR...

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    The littlest things sometimes mean the most in an LDR...

    So I haven't really talked about my situation recently. The short story is that my SO and I have been LD since we met over 8 years ago (official for more than 2.5 years), but we lived 5 hours apart and were able to talk multiple times a day and see each other every 4-6 weeks. Then he took job overseas in a remote area of a war-torn country (don't want to be more specific than that due to security reasons). He will be there for 12 months. We had hoped to see each other in August, but due to safety/timing issues, we decided it was best that we hold off until his contract is finished in February. We're able to talk every other day or so: sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on how well skype is cooperating. It's more than I thought we would be able to communicate, so I'm happy about that. But it's also always on his schedule, so I really miss being able to call him whenever I want, even the middle of the night.

    This brings me to the reason for my post. Tonight I fell asleep around midnight and then woke up again around 2:30 feeling really anxious. I'm still up now at 4:00am. It doesn't happen all that often, but there are times I'm up all night because I get myself all worked up about something. Logically, none of these things I have anxiety about are big enough to warrant staying up all night worrying. But I somehow manage to do it to myself.

    When my SO was closer, I would call him when I would get like this. He would barely wake up from his sleep, tell me not to worry, that he loves me, send me a hug, etc. If I really needed to talk, he would wake up fully and talk to me for as long as I needed. It wouldn't always be enough to totally rid myself of anxiety, but it would always help.

    Well, now that he's overseas, that just doesn't happen. If I'm feeling anxious and upset, I don't have anyone I can call. I usually spend the evening surfing online, watching videos, etc. Tonight, I just kept thinking of him, wishing I could call him up like I used to. And then suddenly, I see that he's on skype! I knew he was working, but I wrote him a quick message anyway to tell him I love him and that I hoped he is having a good day. And before I was able to hit send, he called! We were only able to visit for a couple of minutes since he was on shift, but I feel so comforted that he's all the way on the other side of the world, but he's still there for me like he always has been.

    And these are the things that help me to see that, no matter how hard it is to be apart from him, we are connected. And no amount of distance will break that.

    Anyone else have stories like this you'd like to share? What kinds of little things help you to feel that your LDR is meant to be?

    There are a lot of little things which show me, that me and my SO are meant to be together. But one of the most important to me is that he is always there for me, when i have problems again with my family. Lately i have tons of those problems and my mood is getting really bad afterwards. I am aggressive and stressed out. And even if i don't tell him, he realize it every time on the phone and does his best to do something against it - he is making jokes, trying to keep me up and phoning with me as long as he can. And happily: it always works faster than we both expect it.
    It is so sweet that he is trying so hard, so i am not sad. He is also really good in writing me SMS in the most non-expecting moments, so my heart is jumping higher than ever! And usually the SMS try to keep my mood up too <3


      ...i don't know. there are so many. i miss crying in his arms. he was really good at giving me more confidence. i just ...know. somehow.

      ...that's a rubbish answer, sorry.

      okay, let's try again.

      i know it's meant to be because for once, i don't feel the amount of effort put in isn't even. i want to make him happy as he does me. it's great.


        Jay waited for me through a lot of drama and time. He was an amazing friend and now he is an amazing bf. I know that through everything, he was sweet and patient. Also, i waited through some issues that he had to work out on his own. Regardless of how far we were from each other, issues between us, months without speaking and me trying to keep it casual (i feared the distance), we fell in love. We fell so in love and i know we were meant to be.
        He visited and left home yesterday. I gave him my ring to keep so that he can see and feel it when we are apart. Also, he sprayed his cologne all over my bed =). I wouldnt want to be with anyone else and i feel its the same for him. All the little things are what remind me of how lucky we are that things worked out between us.
        Last edited by Belle; July 25, 2010, 03:24 PM.


          I think I do the little things more because I have more free time (and because I'm weird, I love giving) than he does.

          My SO works 7 days a week, usually 9 am to midnight or later because he works in a disney park. Every 6 weeks or so he gets 1 day off. The past 2 months he's been online a handful of times and we've talked less than that since he tends to get on before work which can either be around 7, 9, or noon depending and it's hard for me to wake up that early and stay up every day and then stay up late at night. When this first started he expressed he felt bad we didn't talk enough so now every day I text him at least once. I've also sent him cards, a love note (that took me 3 hours to write), and today I sent a couple gifts along with a usb stick with a video telling him I loved him, some music that reminded me of him or us, and a couple funny pictures plus two of me on it. I even themed the whole stick's set up after the Alice in Wonderland "EAT ME" "DRINK ME" things by titling the video WATCH ME, the music folder LISTEN TO ME, and so on. It's enough to know that when he gets them, he'll at least smile and it won't take him much energy to play with the usb stick and see and hear me whenever he wants.

          I think if it weren't for my silly desire to constantly remind him he has a short person 2 1/2 states away that loves him and is crazy as the day is hot in summer, he'd be worse off at work. Plus it makes me feel better because I'm contacting him with a weird way to say 'hi' or 'I love you'. It's enough for me, even moreso when he expresses his like for what I've done like when I drew him a picture and he made it his avatar on AIM and MSN.


            Originally posted by Rach321 View Post
            Anyone else have stories like this you'd like to share? What kinds of little things help you to feel that your LDR is meant to be?
            Whenever I need him, in any way, shape or form, he ALWAYS knows how to rebalance my world and make it right. Usually it's kisses, sometimes it's a boot in the ass, but it always turns my bad times into another notch strengthening our relationship and proving why it makes us grow into better people. We do this for each other, and just knowing each other like no one else does, and the way we sync ... there's just no one else like him in the world. He's it for me.

            LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


              My situation is a lot like yours, when I need him because im upset, stressed or anxious he's always there, asleep or not. LoL


                she sends me text messages at random times and it always makes me smile to see her name in my phone. Sometimes we send packages to each pther, tshirts, teddybears and journals. So if i really miss her, i'll find her tshirt, read the journal and try and picture her there with me.
                When we're on skype she's really good at sensing when i'm feeling bad and she'll give me some space and then try and cheer me up by either talking to me about whatever i'm stressing about or just being silly.


                  Well, first off I must say.... I have night terrors. Bad. I wake up screaming, sweating, crying, twisted in the sheets... Yea... Not fun. My so has really bad insomnea. Neither things are good, but we can seem to make them good. Whenever I have a bad dream, I'll call her (even at like 2 or 3 in the morning) knowing that she'll still be awake to calm my fears. Some mornings when I get up for work she'll still be up to text me and tell me good morning and that she loves me. It kicks my days into gear when she does that. God I love this girl..... *grins*

