Hi guys, I'm having a slight problem, and it hurts like crazy. I met a girl in Canada, we spend a little but of time together and we clicked straight away. We talked on viber for hours on end every night for a good month or so, and we told each other how we felt. I said to her I would come back to see her because we got on so well. We did use FaceTime a bit before I went back. I had an amazing exciting feeling, and when I got there it was even stronger, and we were perfect together. We got promise rings too, and we spend 16 in the same apartment and it felt so good. Now that I'm back, after about a month, I had a doubt for a split second if I loves her or not, I felt empty and crap and since that time I feel the excitement and happy feeling, and mushy goeey feeling has gone, and I feel empty I need this back, as we are meant to be, and It hurts to think of the distance, and to listen to our songs. I'm going back there in march, but it hurts so much now. I need some help please people my heart and future depends on it