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Just a detail that has been bugging me

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    Originally posted by Irina_Linn View Post
    *RELIEF SIGH*!! uhhh i love people who can take sarcasm!
    concerning topic,well its a serious sign,actually.if i were you i would start re-looking my life because you know its totally not normal.try making some horoscopes to see whether his planets and stars are causing any conflict situation or making him act like that.i dont think you should ignore it.loving people are supposed to use every free minute (free of talking or texting) to remind how much they love each really.duh
    I know!! Doesn't he know he is supposed to devote every waking moment and every dreaming second to me!? GAH!! Such a jerk. I should dump him right now! ;]

    Originally posted by AABRCL05 View Post
    Def overthinking SO doesnt always tell me he loves me, but I am secure enough to know that he does love me so when he doesn't tell me it isn't such a big deal!
    Yeah, I'm trying not to be so insecure. I had a string of crappy, flaky relationships over the past two years so I am a little nervous when things like this change.

    Originally posted by Fltricia View Post
    We usually only say it when one of us needs to hear it. We can tell. And when we have been drinking the L bombs start coming out like crazy.
    He's pretty good about comforting me when I need it, so I shouldn't worry too much. I am naturally a worrier, though (I'm sure you can tell, haha).

    Originally posted by kiara_silver View Post
    Me and my SO are the type who say I love you often. But I personally don't think it could loose meaning or you can over say it if you mean it. And we always say it when we last talk or say goodnight. As corny as it is you never know, may be the last thing you get to say to each other.
    See! This is my logic! It could be the last thing I ever say to him, or anyone, you know (I always tell my grandma before getting off the phone or before I leave). I guess he just doesn't get it. Men!

    Originally posted by littlekakau View Post
    Don't worry. My SO doesn't say it has a long time, he neither replies back "me too" when I say I love you.
    But he never calls me by my name, always by cute names and when she says my name he refers to me as "my Kakau".
    To me, it means his "I love you" unsaid.
    Haha yeah, he always calls me his 'cutie' and uses pet names as well as <3 signs. He still talks to me every day, wishes me a good day if I haven't IMed him first (or if I am at work) and fills me in on random details of his day, so really, I suppose there is no need for worry. If he didn't like me he could easily ignore me or give lack-luster answers days later.

