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worried about SO. should i calm down or what?

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    worried about SO. should i calm down or what?

    hi guys, here's the situation:

    (timeline given is UK time. where i live is UK TIME + 4 hours.)

    my SO's due to arrive in my country at 7.15am tomorrow, i.e. Saturday morning.

    he finished work at 3pm yesterday (Thursday). he was feeling unwell. he got home and said he needed to sleep. we wished each other good night, it was 6.30pm his time (10.30pm my time). i usually whatsapp him at whatever hour i feel like, specially now that i can hardly sleep (i'm 37wks pregnant). i messaged him at around midnight his time, the message didn't go through. i tried again every few hours. none of the messages went through.

    now, he told me he was working 8.45am to 1pm today, i.e. Friday morning. so i called his workplace, colleague told me he's away on holiday. hmm. so i called my SO's mobile phone. straight to voicemail. that has NEVER happened before. he never switches off his phone (unless his battery's flat...?)

    i then called another friend of ours who works in the same company. i thought maybe SO is working in another branch today. but my friend informed me that he isn't scheduled to work. (say wuuh?!!) (i'm wondering if maybe he called in sick?)

    it's now 11.30am in London. his flight is in 5 hours approx.

    coz he said he was unwell... i'm worrying something's happened. i'm worried sick.

    am i overreacting? maybe he's still sleeping and he's got a flat battery?

    i'd be grateful if anyone could give a reasonable/logical point of view. i don't think i'm in the right frame of mind and might be worrying for nothing.

    thanks guys.

    My first thought is do you think he's left a day early to surprise you?


      He is probably going to surprise you,as redapple suggested (although we might have indirectly ruined it if that's the case).

      He had to have given his workplace prior notice, so this is all probably planned.

      It also makes sense that you can't get in touch with your SO if he is flying.
      Last edited by Tooki; January 18, 2013, 05:43 AM.


        it is probaly nothing, but i would be worried to..
        he's is probably packing his stuff and such and don't want to be disturbd?
        try to call him in a bit or so and keep calm (i know it's hard)
        bigg hugg!!! and try to relax


          hun im the same i worry if he does reply if messages aren't going through. but its always something silly even though i worry myself sick. but he always texts me back when hes finished doing what he is doing. just relax and stop worrying it gets you no where and he will reply soon. you need to calm down worrying tho your pregnant (congratulations) but he will call or whatsapp you back. yes he might be surprising you a day early hun.


            just keep calm and dont worry and keep us informed! i also agree he may be surprising you,but is there any way you can contact his friends and ask them?
            Last edited by Irina_Linn; January 18, 2013, 05:53 AM.


              guys, thanks loads for the quick replies.

              at redapple and Tooki: it did cross my mind... i mean, all the facts add up. but SO's really NOT the type to surprise me like that. he is terrible at giving surprises. he can't keep anything from me for that long. i don't know. this is very unlike him. and i just keep thinking, he was saying he's feeling really unwell. i think that's what's got me stressed out.

              at dragonlady: his phone's going straight to voicemail. and re: him not wanting to be disturbed, if he was packing, he would lemme know that's what he's doing and would message when he's done. in any case, he told me last night that he'd finished his packing.

              arrrrggghhh. i heard it's snowing really heavily in London. brother's friend in Jersey said same and that this is causing network problems in certain areas.

              might this be the case in some parts of London as well? though it should be noted i'm currently message two of my friends in London and they don't have any network issues.

              somebody, anybody, please grab me by the shoulders and rattle me around and maybe give me a slap, tell me to calm down.


                thanks Jade 22 and Irina for replies.

                at Jade 22: thank you i only slept a few hours last night, i was having rehearsal contractions and whatnot. so i guess the lack of sleep really doesn't help my state of mind right now!

                at Irina_Linn: i've contacted friends who are also his colleagues, as far as they know, he's not working and meant to be flying out today.

                maybe, maybe he's still sleeping. or maybe he's up now and his phone's not working. it suddenly decided to stop working.

                ok. i'm gonna try and calm down. *takes a deep breath* (on the surface i'm very very calm, i'm freaking out inside my head only. my Mom's with me and i don't want her to feel stressed, so i'm pretending to be OK. lol)

                i'll keep you guys informed.


                  hey hey girl calm down!i am actually pretty sure it may be coz of our country it snows so badly that certain areas are left without electricity even.stay cool,we are here to support you.if you wanna talk send me a pm.


                    Originally posted by Hyacinth View Post
                    but SO's really NOT the type to surprise me like that. he is terrible at giving surprises. he can't keep anything from me for that long. i don't know. this is very unlike him. and i just keep thinking, he was saying he's feeling really unwell. i think that's what's got me stressed out.
                    Neither me or my SO are the types that can keep secrets. I'm really so bad with surprises that I've been known to blurt out what's in the present while he's unwrapping it. That's how bad at keeping secrets I am. But we both managed to surprise each other with a surprise visit. We both kept it from each other for about 2 months! It was really hard but to cover for our unusual absence while travelling we had to lie, ie make up excuses. It's shitty of him to lie about feeling unwell if that's what he did. But maybe it was the first thing he could come up with.

                    If he had called in sick, his colleagues probably would've told you about it. But if they said he's away on holiday, surely he requested it before. They knew he'd be absent so it's not very likely that an accident occurred. Just try to keep calm and think of this as a surprise or at least a tech issue, until you hear otherwise.

                    Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                      There's a fair bit of snow around:


                        Originally posted by kacie View Post
                        Ironically enough, that amount of snowfall is very normal near Estonia and they manage the snow fine on a yearly basis. Gotta love when a 'freak' event happens.


                          Originally posted by Hyacinth View Post
                          at redapple and Tooki: it did cross my mind... i mean, all the facts add up. but SO's really NOT the type to surprise me like that. he is terrible at giving surprises. he can't keep anything from me for that long. i don't know. this is very unlike him. and i just keep thinking, he was saying he's feeling really unwell. i think that's what's got me stressed out.
                          Maybe this is him being terrible at surprises

                          And I wouldn't say it's snowing 'heavily' in London, but then I'm Canadian and I don't understand why they're cancelling flights and trains over a few inches of snow. But it is shutting things down quite a bit, and I've been watching the snow fall from my desk all morning!

                          Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                          Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                          Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                            at kacie: thanks for the link. now that's ANOTHER issue! lol.

                            at Tookie: eeekk!! nooo, not loving the freak events! loll

                            at kteire: your post made me laugh apparently they've cancelled 170 flights/more! hmmm!

                            at Malaga: well. i dunno if i should think he's trying to surprise me. that's just setting myself up for disappointment. haha

                            at Irina: thank yooouuu <3 i think what this pregnant chick is gonna do now ... is she's gonna TIME the bloody hell OUT for a little while! it's another meal time for Mommy and baby.

                            guys, thank you infinitely for your constant stream of support, it's the only thing that's keeping me going right now. and as usual, i'll keep you guys informed


                              tiny update: i did some snooping around on the emirates website (he's flying emirates) and found out that the arrival time he gave me for tomorrow morning is bogus. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

