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He says he wants to move forward with us, I am not so sure.

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    He says he wants to move forward with us, I am not so sure.

    I don't know what to say to my boyfriend.

    Tuesday night we had a very long conversation about our relationship. He told me to not freak out, there was no reason for me to panic and he absolutely does not want us to break up (hence why he is having this talk with me) but he had serious concerns over us. For the last month he had been acting distant (something I picked up on, and instead of nagging and acting needy I gave him a lot of space even though I was absolutely panicked and miserable, which I am sure came through in my posts). He told me he felt like he had been putting on a bit of a show and forcing his emotions when we talked via IM (he wasn't interested in Skyping or calling at all, and he said he felt bad about it but the pressure of trying to act like everything was normal would have been too much). He said that he felt as though his affection toward me where at 70% versus the 100% from just a month ago and it concerned him.

    Monday night his band played a gig (they are one of the official bands on the bill for Jameson Whiskey). Initially I didn't want to go because I had a fear that he would be cold toward me, or he would break up with me there, however he was extremely affectionate, loving, and all of the right stuff. During our talk he told me he felt like he had to act a little (not much, but a little) but said he was very happy to see me and seeing me again really put him at ease and put us into perspective. However he said he felt guilty because he was having to pretend a bit. He also said he had thought of calling me the night before the gig and telling me not to come, but decided he'd rather see me in person to see how he felt (and said he felt positive during our meeting), and he debated on talking to me about this in person but didn't want me to have to drive home two hours through dark country roads and highways not being able to focus at a late hour.

    So we talked for a good two hours about what was bothering us in the relationship, the issues, and things like that. He confided in me that he has never lasted longer than 3-5 months and he has been fighting his urges to take flight and be alone. He has had one serious adult relationship which ended in the girl treating him terribly for about two years. He rarely dates because he knows he is so bad at it, and usually ends up running. He also said he has serious problems maintaining any kind of a relationship, be it work, friends, family or with a girl. He has been a serious loner since he was about 8, but he says it has been working with me since I am not needy or demand his attention. Though this past month he said he felt like he was forced to talk to me sometimes because he felt guilty or because he felt like he had to fill in the dead space we'd fall into (we both agreed to work on the quality of our conversation and not the quantity).

    He then said that he realizes he can no longer keep up this behavior, and wants to work on it with me. He wants to work on our relationship and our individual problems together, he wants a long-term relationship and doesn't think that the bachelor life is going to be good for him much longer (he's turning 30 in March).

    I told him I was concerned because the last guy to pull the whole "I don't want to break up with you but I am having issues with the relationship." broke up with me a week later after swearing up and down everything was okay. He told me that he can not promise we won't break up in the future but he doesn't want to break up currently and wants to have a long-term and meaningful relationship, which is why he is taking the time out to talk to me about this instead of just ended it like he usually does.

    I am currently 900 miles away (well, he is about 200 right now while the band finishes up the album) but having been working a lot and saving to move to Boston. While he told me that our distance is one of the biggest problems in our relationship he also said that the 'idea of a girl uprooting her life just for me scares the hell out of me.' I asked him if he had a concern that when I come to live in his city I would be around him too much or want to hang out too much and he said it was a slight concern (to which I reassured him that would not be the case, as I need a lot of alone time, will not be living with him and have my own friends/roommates to be with). He also shared some very sensitive information with me regarding the band and how he had been lying to me that he's broke and relies on his twice-a-year flower delivery gig for money, and that he is more than comfortable. He told me to just keep saving my money because he 'has more than enough for bills, rent, things I want and plenty of money to spend on you'. He told me a lot of things he said he has not told other girls about himself.

    After all this he says he feels like a huge weight has been lifted off his shoulders, and he thinks everything can go back to normal. However, I am not so convinced so I start saying things like "If we are still together..." and "If we continue on..." in regards to little changes we can make to our relationship. He seemed hurt by this and asked me why I kept saying 'if we continue' because he thinks we're okay now and plans to continue on.

    After all this we decide to end the call. I started to cry and he told me to hold it together, reassured me there is absolutely no reason to be upset because we are not ending, he feels better and wants to make this work. He says he is going to do some thinking (and says he knows I need to think as well) and we say goodnight. I fall asleep right after this and four hours later he texts me to say good night. I ignore the text all day, and last night around midnight he texted me again to tell me that he hopes I had a good day. I again ignore it until about 5 in the morning when I tell him I am sorry I am not talking, I just don't know what to say right now, that we can talk later, I love him and goodnight. He responds back with: "Yeah I understand if conversation is awkward for a bit.......but I'm here and I do want to move forward. Good night, and I love you too."

    This morning I replied: "I want to move forward as well. I feel better today. Hope you have a good day!" He didn't acknowledge that but sent me a link to a funny video a few hours later but I ignore it all day, then finally respond saying it is funny and a link of my own. He replies that its funny. I give him a smiley face icon. He has seen it but said nothing.

    I don't know what to say or how to talk to him. What should I do? I have also been struggling with the idea of breaking up with him just to save me what could possibly be heartache down the road.
    Last edited by wonderlandless; January 31, 2013, 10:04 PM.

    My best advice is don't stop yourself from being happy now because you might get your heart broken in the future. Every relationship goes through stages of super strong affection and then even where you may not like the person. Another person on here was saying how she read a book about a couple who had been married for a long time and they even admitted in the book that there were times they flat out didn't like the other one. Loving someone isn't always continuous and it isn't always at the same intensity level.



      Its been about an hour since our last IM interaction... I honestly don't know what to say to him. He says he's here for me and wants to move forward but I am unsure how to.


        I'm sorry you have to go through this. To me it seems like you need to feel sure about that you can rely on this guy for the future. So then the question is - how do you decide if you can do that... I guess you have to sit back and think through how your relation has been so far, has he let you down or not being true about things during the time you have known him, has he changed his mind often... You may see a pattern then if you can trust him or not.
        Best of luck


          Is it possible he is out of the honeymoon phase? I think a lot of people go through such a stage eventually. As long as he doesn't run for it immediately, which he doesn't seem to do, in wouldn't give up hope yet. The fact that he talked about it and doesn't want to break up shows that he cares.
          So I would go on as usual. Don't draw back now because you're scared you'll get hurt. Be strong and throw yourself in there. Of course still express your fears and worries but don't let them consume you.
          I hope it works out for you.


            Thanks for the ear, guys.

            We talked a little more last night. I had a lot of questions and he was very willing to answer them... At least to the best he could. He is a realist who lives 'one day at a time' so his answers are usually 'it is possible' and 'we just will have to see what happens' (that makes me want to pull my hair out!). I told him I was still feeling unsure and a bit shaken up, he agreed he felt unsettled but was trying to move forward. I told him I would like to move forward as well but I am worried that moving forward may mean moving away from each other. He replied he is aware of that possibility, especially sim e his feelings have drifted away a bit but said "distance can do that." He then reassured me that he IS feeling better and wants me to visit for Valentine's weekend.

            I still wasn't feeling reassured so we hopped on Skype to talk more easily. I said I hoped his feelings didn't drift too far to which he agreed that he doesn't want that either and while he knows I am worried and wants to comfort me we gave to take things one day at a time. I kept probing for answers to which he summed up with: 'Right now I feel relief that I got off my chest what I needed to, and I feel that seeing you the other night made me feel better about us, the best answer I can give you is I am feeling more positive and that is the best we can hope for.'

            I then asked if he felt like he is getting comfortable or losing interest, he said he hasn't felt much comfort this past month and felt like he was starting to lose interest before my last visit in late December, but having me visit was very good and helpful.

            We talked more just about things in general, but this is why I don't know what to do. He says distance is probably the worst problem and what is causing him to lose interest, but at the same time I can't get to Boston until May. He says he doesn't think him losing interest or is breaking up is a probability, but he can't deny the fact it is a possibility.

            Hans: no, he has never let me down, he is always good on his word and even while we've had the bad past month he still went out of his way to try and make sure I felt good and loved. He is not the type of person to make sudden and rash decisions.

            Sorry for the long posts, I just am lost. None of my friends have been in LDRs and the only other LDR I have been in the guy was practically sprinting to the wedding chapel (which is why I ended it). I figured you guys could give better insights.


              I can sort of see both points of view, yours because in my previous relationship my SO said a lot of the same to me, that he was having to pretend, felt like he had to talk to me, was losing interest etc. But we ended up breaking up a short while after that anyway, because like in your previous relationship, he swore to me it was all fine then suddenly it wasn't, and it hadn't been all that time. Its hard, especially now when you've got the distance as well to contend with, feeling secure in a LDR is essential..
              From his point of view the only thing I can relate to is the fact that sometimes, and I think a lot of people probably have the same, I have times where I don't feel as connected to my SO than I feel I should, sometimes I miss him so much, and sometimes...I'm grateful to have my own space. Its easy to forget sometimes, how someone makes you feel, if you've not seen them in a while. I was starting to feel a little disconnected from my SO again recently, and last night I saw him on Skype for the first time in weeks, and every one of those feelings came back. I think its a good sign, a really good sign that he wanted to talk this through with you and be honest about how he feels. He doesn't want to break up with you, and as lovely as it would be to be able to honestly say "I will be with this person forever"...none of us know, as much as we might intend to be, none of us can know, so of course from a realistic point of view, breaking up is a possibility, its a possibility that one day you could be the one losing interest in him, its impossible to judge. But he's told you he wants to work at it, which means even though he considers a break up a possibility, he wants to work at it to avoid that, and that is good.

              My advice would be to talk to him, tell him exactly how you feel but make sure he knows you're not attacking him, just explaining to him. Tell him that you were thrown by what he said but you want to work at it as long as he does and that you'll take it at a pace that is right for both of you. You said you are moving to Boston, but you'll have your own friends there, and you'll be supporting yourself, so you won't be relying on him for support nor demanding all his time, right? So if its what you want, go to Boston with your friends, have a great time, try to make this work and see where it goes, some people find LDRs harder than others, maybe once the distance isn't an issue anymore he'll feel more settled with you there

              Good luck! x


                I've been following your posts, and I think that you both are on that top-of-the-roller-coaster place that determines true commitment in a relationship. Sometimes people spend a minute there; sometimes it's years. If you hurtle down toward commitment, then it's a free-fall, and there are going to be those moments where you feel your stomach is in your mouth, and there's no solidified consciousness to cling to. That's okay. Relationships are a free-fall on the surface; in retrospect, you realize that actually, there was ground to cling to--step by step by step--and even if you didn't feel it under your feet, you were making your own way all the time.

                I say this because I do think your boyfriend is right when he says it's a one day at a time thing. However, I think you're right when it comes to needing to know about the future! (Sometimes it feels like juxtaposed agendas, yes? ) I think, in order to move forward, you need to merge your mindsets. When you focus on the relationship, zone in on the "one day at a time" aspect--be present in each moment, understand it for what it is, and then apply it toward your future hopes and dreams. At the end of the day, the only actions you can control are your own--be vocal about what you want (like how you're planning on moving to Boston), but also listen to what he has to say (which it seems like you both do, very well), and, once again, merge those mindsets. For example, tell him you'd like to just focus on each day in the relationship for what it is, but in those very days, casually drop in mentions of Boston--maybe ideas of what you could do together while you're there, landmarks you're excited to explore (on your own and [hopefully] with each other), but most of all, how excited you are for this as an opportunity for personal growth (if, indeed, you feel that way). I think by emphasizing your independent capabilities and being excited about the future just might make him start to believe in himself as well. It sounds to me like he harbors his identity in his incapability to sustain relationships. He's comfortable; he's not sure he can push himself to complete intimacy. The best thing you can do is show him how much you care, how excited you are to be with him, and to respect his thoughts and feelings (and vice versa, of course!). Believe in him when he doesn't believe in himself, and let him believe in you when you don't believe in yourself.

                I think you can guys can definitely have a successful relationship. If he doesn't move forward, and you find you can't stand the stagnation, then that's another story. You eventually will move on together or on your own. Just trust in the possible, and I think you might just be surprised.

                Best of luck, dear! My inbox is always open if you need to talk.
                "I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning


                  I don't mean to sound rude here or anything, but it seems like you may need to take some alone time for yourself to figure things out. To me your bf seems caring and willing to be there for you even though the distance and some things that have happened in the past have created some awkward moments between the two of you. To me it seems like there may be some deeper issues inside of you that you can't fully understand right now and that some time to yourself may help you understand what you truly want. My gf is kind of the same way, but I'm really good at helping her understand things like a therapist would, and not all relationships have communication that is that good.

                  I hope you two can figure things out and that things will get better for you! Hope you're having a wonderful day!
                  I'm mmm mmm good!

