This is my first time ever dealing with the deployment of an SO, other than family...
This is His first time having a girlfriend while on deployment...
We are driving each other nuts, and are headed in a down hill spiral...
I'm trying to only be positive always remind him that I love him and miss him, and am happy he is reaching his goals and living his dreams...but it's all feels so one sided at time...I hate the "me too's"
He once said they are trained to deal with this.... I doubt it lol he has no idea how to express himself without being just mean lol
I know he is a very stressful situation, I can't even begin to imagine what it's like...but all I'm asking for is a random text...not just replies..but he gets so angry and just tells me he has to go
"Whatever Pamela" ...ughhhh lol it drives me nuts!!!!
It makes me feel like I'm a then I just let him come to me...
Ohh God...what for?! Lol then I get the..".oh, you must have your eyes elsewhere that you can't text me..."
when he needs someone to talk to, who answers even after he takes his stress out on me?
when he as a 2hour layover in Jersey (we're from CT) who drops everything ( calls out off work with the "cough cough, im sick "sorry ass excuse) just to spend a little time before we are apart for so long?
Y can't I just get a dam "good morning beautiful" text
His excuse: I told you you weren't going to like me on deployment mode.....
Yea no shit...I do LOVE you insane
Help?? Please??
Not feeling the Love >_>
This is His first time having a girlfriend while on deployment...
We are driving each other nuts, and are headed in a down hill spiral...
I'm trying to only be positive always remind him that I love him and miss him, and am happy he is reaching his goals and living his dreams...but it's all feels so one sided at time...I hate the "me too's"
He once said they are trained to deal with this.... I doubt it lol he has no idea how to express himself without being just mean lol
I know he is a very stressful situation, I can't even begin to imagine what it's like...but all I'm asking for is a random text...not just replies..but he gets so angry and just tells me he has to go
"Whatever Pamela" ...ughhhh lol it drives me nuts!!!!
It makes me feel like I'm a then I just let him come to me...
Ohh God...what for?! Lol then I get the..".oh, you must have your eyes elsewhere that you can't text me..."
when he needs someone to talk to, who answers even after he takes his stress out on me?
when he as a 2hour layover in Jersey (we're from CT) who drops everything ( calls out off work with the "cough cough, im sick "sorry ass excuse) just to spend a little time before we are apart for so long?
Y can't I just get a dam "good morning beautiful" text
His excuse: I told you you weren't going to like me on deployment mode.....
Yea no shit...I do LOVE you insane
Help?? Please??
Not feeling the Love >_>