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What brought you two together?

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    I got forced to play Tales Runner by one of my best friends. I really didn't want to, because of the style of the game, but somehow i liked it afterwards. And she was also the one who found him. His name was APirateHat and she was teasing him a lot etc. Actually i thought maybe the two will get together, me wasn't interested at all in him. I didn't even like his name then. But when i posted my picture he spammed me and somehow i felt i should couple him. Then we coupled InGame and added each other in Skype and MSN. Then we started to talk more with each other... and found out, that we have really much things in common. Well... then it happened to both of us XD


      Lady gaga brought us together, more specific, the fame/monster.
      Many a night did we talk about that album, on a different forum. Then we hung out on xbl and that ended up with us talking about anything else that came to mind and some serious clicking went down.
      Borderlands, L4D and Halo: ODST cemented our relationship. We make a lot of inside jokes playing those games and being silly together.


        The military brought us together We met at a cadet course, which is run by the military. We had that interest in the forces and that brought us together.

        We also have the same taste in TV (lotsa sci-fi :P), music and the outdoors.



          On one fateful day, i was going through my contact list and deleting some people who i was no longer in contact with. I saw him online and thought 'Hm, who's that stranger. I cant remember ever adding him'' & so i decided to enquire. The conversation went like this ..

          Royale : Hi, just wondering who you are? :]
          Antonio: I'm the portuguese guy, and you?
          Royale: I'm the irish girl ^^

          and the rest is history


            Originally posted by Butterfly-x View Post

            On one fateful day, i was going through my contact list and deleting some people who i was no longer in contact with. I saw him online and thought 'Hm, who's that stranger. I cant remember ever adding him'' & so i decided to enquire. The conversation went like this ..

            Royale : Hi, just wondering who you are? :]
            Antonio: I'm the portuguese guy, and you?
            Royale: I'm the irish girl ^^

            and the rest is history
            heh thats cute


              Originally posted by Caitlin2009 View Post
              heh thats cute

              Isnt it! Thx


                These are all such sweet stories!

                I don't even know where to begin. We both love music. When he told me his two favorite bands are The Who and Pink Floyd, I knew he had to be awesome, haha. Aside from just loving music, we're both musicians, so that was another connection. We both love to wear black hi-top Converses, we both love chocolate milk, we both talk nonstop (that definitely makes for interesting conversations!), the list goes on and on. I still can't believe that the boy I just thought was cute and wanted to dance with, and then ended up kissing (and a little more :P ) is so perfect for me. If I'd known it then I probably would have spent more time with him when I had the chance...


                  Our fear of getting into trouble...

                  <a href=""><img src="" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Daisypath Anniversary tickers" /></a>


                    We met on a dating site lol I wasn't too serious about it...he im'd me one day, we talked, and then we switched to facebook...within a few days we were texting, and then talkin on the phone...a month and a half later we actually met ^_^...we're really new at this but I'm hoping it all works out can't imagine him notbeing part of my life


                      Ours isn't too fancy, heh. The first time we ever saw each other was at a dance at our Uni. Then about a month later we saw each other at a GSA meeting that she just luckily happened to be at (she was playing water polo at the time and missed every meeting but that one). We never spoke, but caught ours eyes together and there was a spark. Then we didn't see each other again for 5 months over the summer, and I thought I never would because she had seemed like and exchange student (the accent! lol). Come to find out she was a student who had transferred in and that autumn we finally spoke to each other in the first meeting of the year. We hung out with people from the club a few nights after and there was such a draw between us. We even had one of those cute "innocently hold hands, then act like it was the other one who did it first" moments lol. The spark re-ignited and we started dating only two weeks after we met properly!

                      It was such a change, starting a relationship so quick. My previous one started very slow with us meeting online through mutual friends, then meeting IRL, then starting to date a while after.
                      But we've had no problems and I wouldn't have had it any other way. She's so amazing, I new that day at the meeting in spring that we would one day know each other.


                        Our love for alcohol and partying


                          Faceboooook!!! He added me on facebook, but we didn't really talk much, and then I deleted him because I was cleaning out my friend's list. And then, he decided to add me again, so I messaged him. We started talking after that, and we'd been talking every single day since then. Didn't even start being 'together' until 6 months after we started talking, but we were best friends up until that point! haha
                          [CENTER]"To truly love something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If it survives, it is going to be stronger than ever. Distance is pure proof of this, and forever we will love if we survive."


                            She joined the diving team in my town from the next town over and I didn't think that much about it because I didn't want a girlfriend in high school but she texted me and we started talking and we hit it off instantly. She asked me out to the movies and 5 days later I invited her over, cooked for her, and we watched 8 Crazy Nights and cuddled up on the couch and I asked her to be my girlfriend. From then on it was diving that really brought us together because I always picked her up for practice and went over her house after and hung out there.

