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Who is in a long term LDR?

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    I think the question should be: who isn't in a Long term Relationship. But that's just me.

    Personally, me and my SO both agree we that a relationship must be serious and long term. No heart break wanted or part of the picture. At the moment we've been together for almost 9 months (see my signature) and it will be another few (2-3 years) till we will be living together. And yes, we are going to get married to! But that is all in our future and currently in the present our goal is meet each other in person for the first time this December.

    "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
    "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
    "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

    Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


      So this is my first time posting on the site, as i only found it this morning, but i love the idea of it.
      people sharing advice and so forth.
      So me and my better half have been together for 21 months, 8 mths of which we were both in Australia, where we met, then 6 mths apart, she returned to Germany, then 6 mths together, i went to Germany, learnt German and lived there with her, and then from March this year i have been back in Australia, workin to save money, and my BH(Better-half) continues her studies in Germany. Our current plan is to have her come over next year for 6 mths to study English, then either i go back to Germany with her, or stay. Having been with my BH on and off (physically not emotionally) i can say that at this point in our relastionship, it is a little dry. Finding things to talk about when we both have our routines in place, the same thing week on week off, we skype twice a week and i guess thats alot but neither of us is willing to settle for less.. and i guess yes we do treat each other differently.. i think we are both more careful to avoid the pitfalls that come with being in a LDR, but also more careful not to upset each other, and in that respect holding back slightly on our true feelings and thoughts.
      I mean im a talker i need to talk things out, but i hate doing that, because inevitably, i try to talk things out with my BH and she ends up in tears, and there is nothing worse when in a LDR then having to sit there, watching(skype) or in some cases, hearing(when i cant stand to see it) the one i love cry. so yes we treat each other with more care but we cant be as honest. We grow together, and we do make progress, but as anyone reading this would know, being in a LDR is an uphill struggle, BUT it is all worth it, in that one moment when you get to hold them in your arms.
      Last edited by NatsloveisinGermany; July 31, 2010, 08:51 PM.


        I've been with my boyfriend for a 1 year 7 months. And everyday our relationship gets stronger and stronger. We learn more and more about each other every day


          Kirby and I lived next door from one another. We fell in love and his job moved him Im in a LDR. I hate it.
          I adore him but Im slowly losing him to his new life pattern, his new pressures of which his job keeps very well in tact, and I just dont feel loved like I did before..and safe. I miss him. I miss us. I really do.


            I've been in mine for a year and 11 monthes as of almost 2 years.He treated me so sweet when we started dating, and he's only gotten sweeter.I believe i treat him sweeter now than i did within the first month, because i was used to guys just breaking my heart, and ending it within a month, so when he actually stayed i realized he was really in love with me just as much as i was with him(i knew him more than a year or two before we dated so..i didnt rush into love with him),but from then on, i just decided i wanted to give him my everything,and more.=)


              We were long distance for 2+ years but he's been living with me for about 6 months now. (Wow it feels like just the other week he arrived here)


                That is a really good question!
                Weve been together for a bit over 5 years now, and LD for the past year..
                since weve been physically apart things have been very different in the "everyday" sort of way.. We are not like a lot of people who go from CD to Ld and try and keep things as if they were still living together, ie the wake up call for kisses, the multiple contacts throughout the day, the late night calls etc... We keep regular contact, but its not scheduled, or planned for... We are trying to be both living seperate lives and fully getting the best out of it, becoming better indi iduals and on the long run a better couple for it..
                When we did get to stay together for a few weeks, after 11 months being away, it was as if we never were... And that feeling is amazing! Knowing that what you feel for that perwon does not depend on space, time, whats been happening in your lives.... Its a feeling i wouldnt trade for the world... And thats why i love the quote in my signature, because i feel that even if we were apart for years without single contact we would still feel the same for eachother and around eachother
                Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
                And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
                ~Richard Bach

                “Always,” said Snape.

