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Weirdness after first LD argument with SO

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    Weirdness after first LD argument with SO

    My SO finally contacted me over the weekend and apologized for not keeping in contact with me better. We didn't have an argument about it and there wasn't any yelling or angry voices I had expressed my frustration with the situation and while I understood he was settling in and busy with a new work position and thus left him alone other than 2 very short emails asking if everything was okay, it still was uncool that he couldn't bother to text once or twice or email back. He acknowledged it and promised to be more proactive with communication. So far so good and it hasn't been brought up since.

    Today, we got into an argument via email. Here is some brief background information. My SO is currently enrolled in an online degree program and has about 1 year left. Since he was going on the road with work, he needed a laptop computer to do his schoolwork. He couldn't rely on having time or access to the website through work terminals. So, he bought a used older Macbook online through ebay the week before he left. It has all the software he needed to do his work and a camera and wi-fi built in. He didn't have it checked out or scanned for viruses or anything nor did he install any kind of anti-virus software. Now, my SO is also an internet junkie. He will go on any website and almost click on anything that he can see that interests him. If it's not the computer, it's on his I-phone or Ipad. Sometimes he is using two devices at the same time to look up stuff. Currently, he is relying on public wi-fi spots to connect to the internet via the hotel system or places such as Starbucks or other public retail places.

    Well, today, two of his email accounts got infected and started sending out spam email to a bunch of contacts saying the email and embedded link were from him and the subject line was his email addy. I myself got two emails from his account on two of my accounts and was the one who alerted him because were were email chatting. He blew up at me and instantly accused me of hacking into his emails and doing this. He must have asked/accused me 3 or 4 times. I denied it because I didn't do and don't have any interest in hacking into his email, certainly not to send an virus ladden email to random contacts including myself. I tried to explain to him that he doesn't have any protection on his computer, is using very unsecured internet connections and is clicking all over the internet. I also sent him links to a dozen articles about the recent malware attacks Apple and apple computers have been encountering in the last week. It's all over the news. He still insisted it was me and I am hell bent on breaking in and wanting his personal info and "trying to destroy his life."

    At that point, I blew up. I didn't curse him out or anything but I did use an angry tone. I basically told him I was very upset and didn't appreciate being repeatedly accused of doing something when I told him I didn't, never had done it in the past to indicate I would, nor was there any proof such as log in info to show I accessed the accounts from my location and his problem was a result of his lack of security on his computer and wi-fi access points and his browsing habits. As for trying to get his personal info, the only thing I asked him was were he is living because, hell, I am his girlfriend of 5 years. I don't think it's crazy or uncalled for to know where my boyfriend lives. I had planned on sending him a package of his favorite cupcakes from a bakery his loves that delivers nationwide so he would have a little sweet piece of home. He replied to me asking why I was being mean and ugly to him and it went back and forth.

    I don't know if he just didn't get why I would be offended or upset or if he is playing dumb at this point. He didn't even apologize. He just pretended nothing was wrong and he didn't do anything wrong and his emails to me for the rest of the day were terse and distant. And that's where we stand. I still feel hurt and an not sure when or if I will get a phone conversation with him anytime soon. I haven't ever had to resolve such a conflict over LD when I can't just go to there person face to face to iron everything out. Advice?

    What I've learned through the years is that if somebody is lashing out at you like this, they're probably hiding something and its more than likely, cheating or they're straight out lying to you about who they are. I mean really, he won't give you an address? There is literally no logical reason why he would be treating you like this (stress, ectect) and you defiantly do not deserve it. I'd try to do some digging on this guy if I were you. Have you met? Have you seen where he lives? Idk all just sounds fishy to me.
    Last edited by Black_Halloween; February 26, 2013, 09:05 PM.
    Made it official: 12-01-10
    First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
    Closed the distance: 07-31-13


      We have been together for 5 years and the LDR only began a little over a week ago. He took a job that requires traveling so he is in his current city for about 3 months. Before this, we were CD and I have met his parents and sisters and been to his house thousands of times. His family has my contact info and they have mine. I have done his laundry. I have already been privy to his personal life for the last 5 years at his invitation.

      There is nothing about his job that require secrecy about location or anything like that. He basically is setting up operations and training employees in select cities for a new consumer program his company is launching. He stays in one city until it is up and running so it's not like he is bouncing from place to place every few days or week. He is basically in one place for 2-3 months. I have no desire to ferret out of him details about this program or what he does in detail. I just want to know the basic things that anyone in a relationship want to know: how was your day, where do you live, talk to me about your day, are the people nice to you, etc. All of a sudden, I am being accused of being "hell bent" on knowing about his personal info. Which, honestly, is making me feel uncomfortable.


        You know, there's nothing normal about this, unfortunately. If there's no reason why he can't tell you, well, that's just weird and something is off about it. Also, the way he accused you, seemingly without reason, is also a strange reaction. I don't have any real advice other than to tell you to be careful here, I know you've been together a long time, but seriously this situation just feels really wrong
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          I hate to say this but there is something very wrong here
          May I ask how old you are and have you videochatted? And have you tried meeting up?
          Him accusing you of such things is so not on and the fact that he won't tell you where he lives rings an alarm bell.
          I agree with Moon. You have to be very careful.


            Originally posted by Kiyama View Post
            I hate to say this but there is something very wrong here
            May I ask how old you are and have you videochatted? And have you tried meeting up?
            Him accusing you of such things is so not on and the fact that he won't tell you where he lives rings an alarm bell.
            I agree with Moon. You have to be very careful.
            We are both in our early 30's. We skyped two days ago. He was in a starbucks coffee place.
            I am not sure what you mean as to meeting up? We haven't met up since he left for his new job. We started in a CD relationship 5 years ago and because of his new job, we are now recently in a LDR because his work requires him to travel for months at a time for the next year. I don't know when he will be visiting me and his family yet.


              It seems to me that there is an underlying issue. I don't know what his problem is, but he seems to have something going on which triggered him to react this way. Yes, it is normal for you to have his address, and it is not normal for him to react this way.

              Something seems off to me too. I hope it turns out to be something fix-able.


                This pattern of behaviour reminds me of my aunt, who's schizophrenic. She seems OK for most of the time, one day her car randomly breaks down and she accuses us of trying to kill her. She's on the phone, the call gets cut off because of bad signal or something, she thinks her phone's been bugged and throws it away.

                I'm not saying your SO is schizophrenic but from my experience this type of paranoia suggests he's not mentally stable. If he hadn't always been like that, maybe something triggered it when he moved away.

                Or he could really be an international spy, I guess you can never know for sure...

                Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                  Him saying you hacked his account and the fact that he got all defensive says to me that he's got something to hide. Also it's only natural you want to know where he's living, you've been his partner for many years and have every right. Also it's a bit melodramatic to say your trying to destroy his life when all you were trying to do was help him out. I might be totally wrong here, but something doesn't sit right with me due to the way he reacted..

                  Started Writing - February 2010
                  First Visit - September 2010
                  Second Visit - June 2011
                  Third Visit & His Release Date - February 2012
                  Our Wedding Day - April 2012
                  Submitted I-130 Visa Application - July 2012
                  NOA1 - July 2012
                  NOA2 - December 2012
                  Fourth Visit - December 2012
                  Closing The Distance - Watch this space


                    We are both in our early 30's. We skyped two days ago. He was in a starbucks coffee place.
                    I am not sure what you mean as to meeting up? We haven't met up since he left for his new job. We started in a CD relationship 5 years ago and because of his new job, we are now recently in a LDR because his work requires him to travel for months at a time for the next year. I don't know when he will be visiting me and his family yet.
                    Ok that's good to know.
                    Well I would say he definitely has something to hide. For whatever reason I'm not sure. You see I have made experience with that. My ex once told me he was at a seminar in xy for a week but wouldn't give me the name of the hotel, telling me there is not phone in the room, blabla (that was before cheap cell phone contracts). Then someone saw him in our city and innocently told me about it. I went to his work. Turns out he got fired. There was no seminar, therefore no hotel. He was too ashamed to tell me about it. And to scared to tell me his super religious parents were in town that week so he made up that stupid story.
                    So I don't know what it is in your case. But people make up the weirdest stories sometimes, god knows why. Is there any way you could find out a bit more? I'm usually against spying but in such a case I could imagine he gets defensive if you confront him.


                      Originally posted by Kiyama View Post
                      Ok that's good to know.
                      Is there any way you could find out a bit more? I'm usually against spying but in such a case I could imagine he gets defensive if you confront him.
                      I am sure I can find out a bit more but I don't know if I want to go through those channels. I can easily contact or visit his family (whom he lives with when not traveling for work) and innocently speak to them about random things to get more bits and pieces but I don't want to stir up that pot nor do I think they should be involved in this. There are other ways I can be a sleuth but honestly, I don't have the energy to actively search at this time and need to put my focus more on my new job I am starting a couple of days. I will be away for 3 days myself for training and travelling is such stress on me in general. He is well aware of this and I am equally frustrated and upset that he would be pulling this crap on me at the same time.



                        Has he always had the tendency to get defensive? If he's always had this tendency to get riled up when no offense was meant (I only say this because you made a lot of points about your tone in the post and I'm not sure if this is for our benefit or his), then it's possible the fact you've been communicating over text has only exacerbated that tendency due to the absence of any tone or real body language at all. Even communicating over the phone lacks important social cues and sometimes people who are naturally defensive tend to need a little bit more skirting around. My ex was very high in defensiveness and though we could communicate, it was always worse when we were farther away from each other and the worst of all was when we were texting or talking over IM. It's possible that it could be the same with your SO, if he's always been this way but the problems are only now exacerbated that you're LD.

                        The other possibility is that something suspicious is going on. I wouldn't bother snooping around with his family and friends because my guess would be if he's aware you have access to them, he won't have told them anything either, and like you said, you don't want to stir the pot. That said, if this is a sudden development/change in his behaviour, then I am inclined to say that it's very very strange and I would potentially confront him about it, but doing so as gently as possible.

