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I Love You Fail...

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    I Love You Fail...

    ...and one more (for now), though I will be clear that I still had a great time and that we are still together, but I really needed to express this and have some support.

    So, a few nights into the trip, I finally told him that I am in love with him. My heart was racing and I felt so nervous. Having lost a best friend unexpectedly a few years ago, I have come to more firmly believe in saying how I feel and treasuring the time I have with people. I know that when I had previously talked about the idea of telling him how I felt on the forum, that people told me to be prepared if he didn't feel the same way yet. I thought I would be okay with him not feeling the same way, but then I was so very sure that he did feel the same way. He kissed me (we were in bed together) and then looked me in the eyes and said that he was glad I told him and that he cares about me very much, but can't say that he feels the same way yet. That felt like a knife through the side and I think I was in shock at first, because I just nodded and stayed in his arms...thought I was okay with it, but then I ended up curling into a little ball and crying my eyes out. He tried to hold me and that just made it worse--his hands felt like they were burning me and in addition to the feelings of hurt, all this negative self-talk crept into my mind. We ended up getting out of bed and were talking on the couch or pacing around. We were both really upset, as I felt like I wanted to go home and was questioning what it was that was keeping our relationship together and he was devastated that I might leave him for good. It was terrible. At one point, I was a bit childish and took all my letters that he kept very carefully by his bed and threatened to tear them up (I know, I know...but in my favour, I wasn't trying to make him feel a certain way, I was just being selfish and wondered what the point of him keeping them was). He said that he felt it was too soon for him to say it and I asked him if he was waiting for some sign from above. The most hurtful thing on both of our parts was when he repeated that he cares for me a lot, but didn't feel like he was at his full capacity yet (that was combined with my worries that he needs the intimacy of living in the same area to feel that way and being worried that he would never feel that way, since we are far apart...which means he would never feel enough to end the distance) so I stormed off for awhile after saying I hoped that he found his dream girl whom he could fulfil that capacity with, because it seemed like I would never be the one. Oh my gosh. We both decided that we would be devastated not to be together and to try to work things out, but couldn't come up for a solution for what was said and not said (we didn't think it was healthy to pretend it didn't happen). Keeping this as PG as possible, too...I should mention that I lost my virginity to him (on his first visit) and that was a really big deal, since I had promised myself that I would wait until marriage for so long.

    After that, we mostly made up, but things were certainly a little tense the next day. We have mostly avoided talking about it, except the night I was leaving, I hinted that I was trying to numb my feelings or hold back sometimes, so I was feeling at the same pace as him (we are almost at 5 months now, that really too soon to feel what I feel?), but that it was breaking my heart. How do I deal with this? Like, after that, sometimes when we were kissing, he was touching me tenderly, or gazing into my eyes, or what have you...I felt this pang of anguish like I shouldn't trust what he was doing completely or it was painful to realize that even just brushing my hand against his feels so amazing for me and to him it must feel something so very inferior. Being home, I have worries creep in and feel so very alone, because I don't think my "partner" (as he prefers I call him) truly partners my feelings.

    Okay, not to sound pushy, but I still have this hope that he is in love with me, too, but just can't say it. Does a guy who is not in love: phone and talk for hours with his SO who lives so very far away? Remain faithful to, save with, interested in and excited by a girl whom he can only see every several months or longer, if he is lucky? Save up all his money to fly her to him and continue to treat her to so many wonderful experiences once she is there? Put up with her habits of taking way too long to get ready and always being a little late and still manage to give her a smile? Look into her eyes and see only her, and truly convey with his entire spirit, as he says it, that she is amazing? Wait hours and hours at the airport on the other side of the security glass just to make sure that she gets back on her flight home which has been delayed for so long, even though he has had little sleep, only to well up with tears in the middle of the crowded airport when he sees her wave goodbye for the last time?

    Yesterday, I stumbled onto this song, when I was listening to their other songs. Florence and the Machine "Hardest of Hearts." feel like this song was made for me. I kind of want to send it to him, but I guess that wouldn't help anything.

    Oh wow, that was a bad situation. I understand why you reacted the way you did even after readying yourself for that chance. Saying "I love you" and "I'm IN love with you" are very very big deals when they're meant, especially if you waited to be in person to say them. It is pretty shattering when you can't have the words returned, but I think you and I both know he didn't not say them to hurt you. It may be he's very scared of admitting it even after you have or a number of things that keeps him from questioning the 'volume' of his own affection towards you. I believe in his way he loves you as much as you do him but he needs to find the right moment for him to say it and not have it feel like it was an obligation. I know some people feel when they're told "I love you" that they HAVE to say it back, so saying otherwise creates some pain.

    Give him the time he needs and try to hang on to the knowledge that, if he felt nothing short of love for you, he would not go through so much with you and he would not stick around in times like these.


      I definitely know your feeling. I told my fiance that I was falling in love with him and at the time I told him, I'm telling you how I feel but I don't want you to say it back if you don't mean it right now and he didn't. Well we all know how that ended up since we are engaged and getting married as soon as his visa gets done. I feel like he already loved me probably at the same time because of the things he said and how much he cared but since we were both each other first relationship he didn't know what or to what extent he was feeling. Nonetheless, just because you say it doesn't mean they have to return it.YES it would be great if he did but honestly, would you want him to say it now just because you said it and him not mean it or for him to realize his feelings and know what they mean and when he finally does say "I love you", to really believe it and truly mean it? I also think women get to loving someone sooner than a male does JMO and maybe they do feel that way as well as soon, but maybe don't know what the strong feelings are if it is their first relationship or first love. This is the best advice or comment I can give and I hope it helps some. Good luck hun xx


        Oops, in my G rage black-out, I forgot to comment on this thread. Thanks again for your comments and sharing your stories. I do agree that I would rather have a truthful expression later, than a falsified expression now. I think, though, that you have helped give me some hope to sqaush that negative mind-talk and take comfort in his acts of love, leading to a future confession.

        I think that I need to give some background, as to why he may not be able to say it and maybe you could give further comments. When he first visited me and we had that big conversation about being official and relationship perameters, etc. He had a bit of a break-down before everything was decided (like crying and a loss of his usual articulate self) and talked about how years ago (I was given the impression that it was at least 4, but I am not sure...could be less or more), he had had a long-time best friend, whom he had expressed his romantic feelings towards and she would not only have none of it, but was not apparently all that emotionally stable (as he said he wasn't at the time either), and reacted very angrily towards him. He said, vaguely, that they were both at fault for certain things, but that their friendship was destroyed and they both wound up in counselling for some time. (He had alluded to this situation very briefly in previous conversations). I expressed sympathy for him, of course, but he went into brooding mode I talked about how I understand that it might still be hurting him, but that I hoped that he could recover from it and perhaps come to feel deeply towards me (which he said that we had something special and had a connection and happiness he had never felt with anyone else, etc. lots of good things)...but that I couldn't play second fiddle to someone and that the thought hurt at the time, so it would be even more unhealthy in the long-run...I didn't want to let him go, but if he needed to explore reconnecting with her, then I would step aside, but I wouldn't wait. He ended up saying that his romantic feelings for her were finished and that she lived several hours away and they hadn't talked at all and he had no desire to renew a connection with her. I hope, then, that he is over her or an idea of getting back together with her, but think that he may have been and could still be suffering a wound from the situation (it must be pretty impactual to make him cry). Other than that, I have a rather basic impression that he seemed to have had flings and girlfriends, but none he considered a long-term partnership with (like he does with me) and he never brought anyone else to meet his parents before me.

        I guess I am wondering if you could help me untangle how that event could relate to why he can't say he loves me yet. I think it relates, but I am not sure how.
        I wonder if you could
        Last edited by Lunar Snow; July 31, 2010, 10:01 PM.


          Oh wow, your situation sounds soo similar to mine!

          My bf has been through several bad relationships before me. He was always surprised with some of the way I would respond to verse the way his previous relationship went. (In a good way of course) For example, they would chew him out for taking to long to call them back...etc. Which doesn't bother me as long as he calls me back But I do think his past experiences have kinda made him more cautious as a result of trying to protect himself. Like you, he has yet to say that he loves me ( I haven't said it i guess that's not fair) and he's kinda reluctant to promise me a future. And BTW we have been dating over a year. But he did tell me once that he wanted me, cares for me, and that I'm his rock and he doesn't know what to do without me. This only happen when I confronted him.

          And like you, he was my first too. So sometimes it frustrates me that he's not as affectionate with me and doesn't tell me how much he cares. I get a lot of "I like you". But come on! Ugh! So i totally know how you are feeling. He says and does things once in awhile to make me feel ok, but at the same time i like him to be honest with me.

          But like everyone says give him some time. It may take some time for him to build up to it. I'm still waiting...

