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Poll: which do you prefer - travelling to your SO or your SO coming to visit you?

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    Poll: which do you prefer - travelling to your SO or your SO coming to visit you?

    Just a thought that popped into my mind.
    I think I prefer going to him as it's an adventure getting to travel etc.
    Also being treated as a guest etc

    So do you prefere been the one doing the travelling or the one waiting for them at the airport?
    And why?

    Both for me! It's the travel back home/ school that sucks. I don't like dropping him off at the airport, and I also don't want him dropping me at the airport. Either way, it always makes me cry. In our current situation though... we both travel to my parents' home in Vegas, coz I'm out of the country for school.

    On the contrary, the anticipation and excitement of picking him up or him picking me up at the airport is the GREATEST feeling ever!
    S & C


      i'm still yet to visit my SO. But i love to travel and i will be travling across the pond in august to see my boyfriend! Soo i would say to travel and see him. I like to see new places! and i dont think london is really THAT amazing (but i live here i would say that) Plus when i leave him i have the whole plane journey to eat and get fat because ill be depressed!

      but i dont think i would like the whole having to walk away from him! But then again i dont like i would like him to walk away from me! Its a tough choice!


        Its a 50-50 for me, I love when he visits, the excitement of that day even though im waiting, and then when i finally see him coming out! I get so happy. But I do love seeing him, the long plane ride I can do without, but the excitement as the planes about to land before I see him! And then knowing he's waiting for me. It's pretty good both ways.
        I love you Nathan <3
        5/25/09 <3


          I enjoy going to my GF (although she hasn't come to me yet). I really enjoy flying and I enjoy Tallinn so much because its not like Australia.


            I like traveling to him because we actually get alone time when that happens which, is not always possible where I live.

            Met Online: 02/2012
            Started talking privately: 09/20/2012
            First Met in person: 09/22/2012
            Started Dating: 10/30/2012
            Closed the Distance 4/24/2013


              Both, there's no way I can choose; the experience is very different! I do love travelling, with all the excitement of booking tickets, packing, waking up on the day... then being out of my usual environment for a while, it's very refreshing. However, I get a lot of joy out of knowing that my SO gets to feel the same anticipation when he comes to see me. Not to mention when I'm showing him around my city or country, even the world I know as "ordinary" seems more exciting somehow when he is by my side


                Travelling to him. I love seeing new places and the US countryside is so much bigger and more astonishing than the lovely rolling English hills (much as I love them). I live in London and it's so good to get away from it once in a while. My SO didn't think much of it when he visited, he is such a country boy, and I like being with him when he's more at ease.

                Plus things are so CHEAP in the States!!!
                London girl, American cowboy. "Like a western Dirty Dancing."


                  I'm the one that goes to him because he can't travel out of state let alone out of the country, which sucks big time Although if he could travel I would love him to come to England, then he could see its not as great as people think Lol! Hubs has got another 14 years to wait until he can leave the U.S

                  The worst part is always leaving him! I don't know what it's like for him to leave because we haven't gone through that scenario. All I know is that it destroys him every time I leave

                  Started Writing - February 2010
                  First Visit - September 2010
                  Second Visit - June 2011
                  Third Visit & His Release Date - February 2012
                  Our Wedding Day - April 2012
                  Submitted I-130 Visa Application - July 2012
                  NOA1 - July 2012
                  NOA2 - December 2012
                  Fourth Visit - December 2012
                  Closing The Distance - Watch this space


                    Defenitely going to see him. My SO's family's place is about 5 times bigger than ours (no kidding, it's HUGE!) so way more privacy over there. It's also really refreshing to just get away from everyone and everything once in a while. Although, I must confess I start missing the Finnish way (or, atleast the part with same company as here :P) to deal with garbage :P Not to mention when I try cooking... Finding the ingridients is sometimes rather difficult...
                    We part only to meet again ~ J.Gay


                      Eh I think I'm 50-50, I love upstate NY the weather is always beautiful, my SO has a car so we can go places, but I HATE flying. I have trouble sitting still for more than 2 hours and I always get stuck sitting next to assholes. That and when I visit my SO he still works so we really only get 1/2 days together besides a couple hours before he passes out.

                      Although I do love the excitement of feeling the plane touch down and knowing my SO will be out there waiting for me.

                      Met: 8.17.09
                      Started Dating: 8.20.09
                      First Met: 10.2.10
                      Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                        When we were long distance, I loved going to him because it felt like my own little vacation



                          Definitely going to see him! It's like a mini vacation for us! We are totally alone at his place when I go up there to visit on the weekends he doesn't have his teenaged son. My front door on the other hand is like a revolving door! Never know when one of my kids and their friends will be walking in!! We can't really relax at my place having to keep one eye on who might be walking up to the front door! Going to his place on the other hand is a treat! He loves to cook and always has a fun, delicious light meal (and a bottle of wine or vodka tonic) ready for me when I get to his place after a 4 1/2 hour drive. He also lives in a more fun area than I do. We love to explore, fish, bike and hike the Smokey Mountains together!


                            Originally posted by Oldblighty View Post
                            I'm the one that goes to him because he can't travel out of state let alone out of the country, which sucks big time Although if he could travel I would love him to come to England, then he could see its not as great as people think Lol! Hubs has got another 14 years to wait until he can leave the U.S

                            The worst part is always leaving him! I don't know what it's like for him to leave because we haven't gone through that scenario. All I know is that it destroys him every time I leave
                            Similarly to you, I have always been the one to visit my boyfriend. Though he is not prohibited from leaving his country.. he just has a greater fear of the flying part as well as other fears.. he has even more anxiety than me. I love visiting him though, it's like a mini vacation, and I love the UK! I think it's better because everything in the UK is better because I'm with him when I'm there. Even when I'm here.. I like seeing UK brands in stores or anything about the UK mentioned anywhere really.. I get so excited. I love travelling to him. I get excited now when I hear the word "travel" or "flying" but then get disappointed when it's anywhere other than the UK. I love booking my ticket, I love being on the plane just knowing in a few hours I'll be there. I love the taxi ride to his place, getting to share a bit of my story with the driver. :P And I love that first moment when I see him and the whole time we are together.

                            I'm so excited for when he can come here though, and showing him around where I grew up and places that I go to, the stores here... though I'm concerned about him and not being able to find the brands he likes.. because he gets fussy about brands of foods and things sometimes. Also I'm kind of glad he's not coming so quickly because my parents are more conservative so I've been scared to bring up sleeping in the same bed.. so hopefully when he gets here, we'll have our own place. There is complications with him coming here.. mainly due to his anxiety as well as because his father is really the only family member he has left (the others are alive but the family is broken up because people were greedy and selfish basically) so we'll see. In the mean time, I'll be happy going there. Though I hate when people ask me when he's coming here! Because I feel like I'm always repeating myself. lol

                            Also I agree the worst part is leaving him... it also hit me once.. I think it's even harder for him because he has to be in the same place we once were together and the memories are still there. Though I hate leaving him and walking to the taxi and through the airport and getting on the plane.. all the while thinking I just want to run back to him but I can't and my legs have to keep moving forward or I have to stay on the plane and have to leave him. Then when the plane's in the air, all I'm thinking is that I want it to land so I can at least talk to him online.
                            Last edited by squeeker; March 14, 2013, 11:05 PM.


                              I loved both, but him coming to me was awesome. I loved having him spend time with my family and friends and showing him all my favorite places.

                              Met online: 1/30/11
                              Met in person: 5/30/12
                              Second visit: 9/12/12
                              Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!

