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Neither of us actually asked about it straight out, it just sort of happened I guess we became a couple the first day we met each other, at night, when we spent the entire evening just kissing and talking about everything, until the sun came up.... And that was that
Met online:February 2011 Met the first time: August 16, 2011
We had been talking to each other for 3 months (the day I realized I was in love with HIM and not my boyfriend anymore is another story..) and I had broken up with my ex about 2 weeks prior, but I was still living with him and since I didn't know where to go I couldn't move out and when I told him this he said that he finally wants to tell his friends that I'm his girlfriend and I just said "I'm a pretty bad girlfriend, huh?" and he got all excited and was like "YOU JUST CALLED YOURSELF MY GIRLFRIEND!! I have to write it down - May 22nd"
Relationship began: 05/22/2012 First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013 Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
Married: 1/24/2015
Became Resident: 9/14/2015
He got a crush on me about a month after we started talking, which developed into love. I knew this but I was in a relationship and felt bad for feeling the same way, but I couldn't really admit it to myself or him, nor could I break contact with him. He visited, and I fell so hard for him, 2½ months later I visited him and we sat at Krispy Kreamy in Paddington cuddling, when he said "I'd love to live with you one day. I can only imagine marrying you someday in the future..." (not exactly, but something like that :P ) and it just hit me that I couldn't imagine doing any of this with my then boyfriend... I just replied "well lets live together then. I love you" and I ended it with my ex shortly after... My SO spent more or less my whole visit being shocked, though :P And that day I came over and finally took the (so far) best decision of my life is what we count as our anniversery
I had told him that a guy at college had asked me out but I didn't accept and he said " He better stay away from you. You're my girl. " aaaaaand that was it lol I was visiting my cousin and she witnessed me getting all red and excited and she asked me what he had told me and I told her. We screamed out in joy like crazy hahaha.
”Distance means so little when someone means so much.”
We were having abit of an argument when we decided to become a couple.
I'd not long split from my husband and was getting hassled by some guy friends so my SO and I decided to put on facebook we were in a relationship to see if these idiots would leave me alone..... didn't work.
My SO had a long history and were full on in love with each other at this point and the attention i was getting was getting him down, they showed me no respect and treated me like a piece of meat and he snapped.
We started arguing, i said i wasnt interested in them and i didnt want the attention and he asked me "What do you want?" and i said "You, i want you.... what do you want?", He said "You"
And that started the relationship talk.
As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance
I didn't ask, she asked me, but I think she was joking with me, we had known each other only for 2-3 days and this were just magical to be honest, we were sat with some of her friends outside a bar and they were talking, she turned to me and asked "are you my boyfriend?" I didn't think she was joking but I answered instinctively and fast "yes I am", i didn't even think about the answer before blurting it out, she was shocked, but thought I was joking too, we've talked about this many times since, like when I first told her I love her, she that I was joking and said it back too, but we both know now it's real
"Buddha made you for me" - My SO
1st Met/Visit: Nov 2012 - Thailand
2nd Visit: May 2013 - Thailand
3rd Visit: Jun 2013 - Thailand
4th Visit: Sep 2013 - Thailand
5th Visit: Sep 2013 - Jan 2014 - UK
6th Visit: Apr 2014 - Thailand - Marry 7th Visit: Sept 14th 2014 - Thailand - Wedding Ceremony / Party
Close the distance - Sept 21st 2014 - UK
UK Wedding Party: November 8th 2014
Well, we were messaging on a website for a little while, then we moved to e-mail, and then we began texting each other every day. Flirting started, sweet little things were said. One night I just had to ask him what he thought about us. Where we were and what we wanted. We mutually said that we would be together. (:
Neither of us actually asked about it straight out, it just sort of happened
It was a gradual process and in the end we were in an relationship I guess.
I remember after a few weeks (maybe three?) of seeing each other he took my to his friend's birthday party (at a club, though) and apparently he had told his friends that he would be taking his girlfriend. At the party they asked me "So, you're [my boyfriend]'s girlfriend, then?" and I was like "NOOO!" OOps.
Well, I am now.
We had been spending time with each other maybe just over a month. It was a Saturday morning cuddling in bed, and he says to me. ' a guy from uni asked me on Friday if I had a girlfriend, I told him I kind of did. he then said to me what does that mean that she wants to be but you don't really. I told he not really.
Then Steve says to me so next time someone asks me if I have a girlfriend do I tell them yes. I told him to say yes.
and in 3 weeks that would have been 2 years ago.. I love him lots
”I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever. I promise to never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love. I vow to love you, and no matter what challenges might carry us apart, we will always find a way back to each other.”
The Vow
I liked her for quite a while and never told her. I told her that I loved her and she thought I meant that I loved her like a friend. On December 5, 2012, she said she had a crush on me. I couldn't believe it. For nearly a week, I returned to her asking for clarification and she said that she loved me, that it was more than a crush. She texted in early January that she wanted to visit me. She visited me on January 15. The second she arrived, I wanted her to stay and not leave.... ever. She was only in for a couple of days. We hardly left each other's side at all. Shortly after she left, I asked her to be my girlfriend. She said yes.
We met in WoW around 5 years ago, were good friends, he hit on me a lot, and while I super liked him, I just thought he was a big flirt. Finally when my last relationship went to sh*t, I asked him over google talk if he wanted to step it up a notch. He said yes, and now we're coming up on a year together. <3
My SO was telling me a story about something that happened right before I arrived for our first visit as more than friends. In this story, he told his co-worker that his "girlfriend" was coming into town. When he said that, he paused and looked at me "idk if you want tittles or anything..." I was stunned and said nothing so after a second, he continued the story. Later that day/next day (we can't remember) we were cuddling and I thought to myself "he's never gonna ask me to be his gf because I didn't respond to his question. What if he thinks I don't want anything official!??" So I asked him then and there is the most awkward way.
Me: do you wanna be my bf?
Him: Yea...... Do you wanna be my gf?
Me: Yea. (laid down on his arm again...)
..... I get up...
Me: i mean it seriously. not like "hey you wanna go to the grocery store?" and then you don't go, but like "you wanna go to the grocery store?" and then you actually go.
Him: yes i wanna be your bf
LMAO! And thats how I asked my SO to be my bf.