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Opposite Sex Friendships/Jealousy

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    Opposite Sex Friendships/Jealousy

    My fiance and I are having some problems because he is not comfortable with one if my opposite sex friends and I need some advice. I'll start with some background information.

    I've always been the kind of girl who has trouble making/keeping friendships with girls. It's not that I don't want to be friends with girls I just find it so hard to start friendships, or keep them going because I find girls to be selfish and it's emotionally draining. I've been friends with my best girlfriend Jess for about 6 months. I met her at work and out of about 20 employees she is the only other woman I work with directly. We both work as customer service reps in a glass shop. I have always kept a professional relationship with all of the guys and have never been romantically involved with any of them. That being said, we do have a lot of fun and some of us have gone out before. My fiance and I have been together for about a year and 5 months, and I have worked at the same place for a year and 6 months. the fact that I mostly work with men has bothered my fiance a bit for a while.

    When I first started working there I went on a trip with a girlfriend (who I am no longer friends with) to Vegas and met my fiance. After that, we eventually decided to try a LDR and we didn't see each other for approximately 7 months because he is in the military and was deployed overseas. Sometime near the beginning of my relationship with my fiance I had a friend who I'd known for a few years who was being disrespectful to me and my relationship by persistently sending me sexual text messages. I ended the friendship with him immediately. While I was hurt, I was fine with it because I think one of the rudest things someone can do is try to get in between someone's relationship.

    During this time I became pretty close friends with Trevor (one of the guys at work) and went for coffee with him once but other than that we just talked at work or by text and once in a while over the phone. There was never anything going on between us, other than friendship - or so I thought. Eventually, after my fiance was back my friend from work wrote me a letter which pretty much said that I meant a lot to him and that he was in love with me.

    Before Trevor gave me this letter my fiance had a friend (Joy) who more than once made comments either on his facebook wall, or just in messages to him that he should come visit her in another state, or that our relationship wasn't good and it wouldn't last and she couldn't understand why he was dating someone in Canada. He had previously dated her over one summer a long time ago and they had fooled around. So to me these comments were her being blatantly disrespectful and trying to break us up. She eventually sent me a long message on facebook and I had had enough. That was the third and final straw for me and until she did that he didn't realize that she was trying to get in between us despite what I had told him. Because she was causing so many problems for me and my fiance I had to tell him that he either establishes some boundaries with her and she stops, or I was done. He has since done so but she still will message him or text him and say similar things. At one point she told him that I was controlling and could expect a lot more of that.

    Back to Trevor. I was very hurt when he wrote me that letter because he was a good friend of mine and he knew that I had intentions of spending the rest of my life with my fiance (we weren't' engaged yet). I knew that I would not be able to be friends with him anymore because he didn't respect the boundaries of my relationship with my fiance and I was fine with that, and ended the friendship. There was a time before this occurred where my fiance said that Trevor probably liked me and I dismissed it because we were just friends. So naturally when I told my fiance about this letter he flipped out. Instead of realizing that I was hurt by my friend and that I was mad that he did that - despite me saying so, my fiance took it out on me. He made me feel horrible like I should have seen this coming and I could have prevented it and he completely pushed me away for a while. We worked it out a little bit but it was still pretty rocky.

    Eventually another guy at work (Kyle) bought me a case of cherry coke that he found somewhere in the city because he knew I like it and it's really tough to find in Canada. I still have no idea where he got it. So I told my fiance that and again he flipped out. I felt horrible when I again, had done nothing wrong. I told my fiance that he needed to stop and he needed to talk to someone about it, so he talked to his dad. I guess his dad basically said "what are you doing?" and told him he needed to stop behaving that way. We worked it out and then things were good for a while.

    There was one time where I hung out at my brothers house with him and his girlfriend and a mutual friend (Daryl) who I had known for over a decade and I considered like a brother. Everything was fine that night but Daryl later texted me and said I was beautiful and that since his girlfriend had cheated on him he had a free pass. Effed up right? I dismissed him because I was not having it. I haven't seen him since and because this bothered my fiance I have avoided going to my brothers at times since then because Daryl hangs out there sometimes. I don't feel that that is completely fair because aside from that text message he has never tried anything, in over a decade.

    I have another friend (Damon) who I hang out with once in a while who I consider one of my best friends and I've also known him for over a decade. My fiance has met him and they get along really well and he's comfortable with my friendship. We didn't hang out too often before and now we hang out even less because he has a girlfriend

    Moving on. I have slowly become friends with a completely different guy at work (Simon) and we talk at work and over text message. We've hung out outside of work with other people around but never alone. My fiance has even met him once and was fine with him. Since the time they met I once said that Simon can apparently "read me like a book". I can't remember what we were talking about but I didn't mean anything by it. I've been struggling with depression for a long time and since last winter its been worse because I don't have many friends and I've been isolated because I'm in a relationship, but it's even worse because it's long distance so I don't have much to do other than work. Simon can relate because he has also struggled with depression. My fiance never has. There are however, no romantic feelings between Simon and I and we mostly just bullshit or joke around and rarely talk about personal things. Never about my relationship with my fiance or any of our problems.

    A while ago my fiance and I were having arguments a lot and I felt like he wasn't listening to me which I have felt for a while and we've fought about it a few times before. In the heat of the moment during one of our arguments I said that I felt that the only person who listened to me was Simon. He flipped and we had one of the biggest fights we have ever had. I understand that I shouldn't have said that. It was wrong and I wish i could take it back cause it was mean and it would make anyone feel insecure. He told me that when he had met Simon the night when a few of us went out I gave Simon a "weird hug". I can't recall a "weird hug" but I can recall giving him a hug. I hug people who I care about sometimes. It's more likely when I've been drinking; we all had been drinking that night. I know I gave everyone we were hanging out with a hug. My fiance, Jess, her boyfriend (who I work with), my brother, his girlfriend, Damon and Simon. I would have hugged Simon in the same way that I hugged anyone else. I know this because he is my friend and I care about him but again, there are no romantic feelings!

    After the huge fight with my fiance things cooled down a bit. We established some boundaries in what we should do when we aren't together or how we should hang out with friends of the opposite sex. Because Simon had done nothing wrong he said I can still talk to him and we can still hang out if other people are around. My fiance wants me to be able to tell him things that go on and talk to him about what I'm doing and things in general and feel comfortable doing it. He agreed to work on the way he reacts when I try to talk to him about things.

    One night after work I dropped Simon off at his driving lesson and went home. I didn't know if I should tell my fiance if I did that, or if i should have told him before I did it or after I did it. I wondered if I should have asked him if it was okay. I was talking to my fiance later in the night before bed and I wondered if I should tell him then or wait. I felt that if I waited he would ask me why I didn't tell him sooner. I was afraid he was going to be upset. I told him on the phone before bed and it started an argument. I should have know that before bed was not the right time... We had been having arguments frequently before bed because he would bring issues up right before I had to go to sleep. Because of the time difference I was suffering more because of it and I was always the one to say stop, and I would have to end it because he just continues despite my protests that its the wrong time. We agreed to stop doing that and it got better so I can see why he would be mad that I brought it up before bed. We got over that eventually and its been a couple weeks. He agreed again to everything we agreed upon before about the friendship boundaries between Simon and I. Driving Simon to his driving class was apparently okay.

    We have an engagement party planned in 2 weeks for when my fiance is here again and naturally I want my close friends to be there. I told my fiance that I want Simon to be there and instead of explaining that he would be uncomfortable and would appreciate if I didn't invite him, he said something like "if it will make you happy invite him". Automatically I knew that he wasn't saying that graciously and that it would bother him. I asked him if it was going to be okay or if it was going to be an issue. Instead of again just telling me how he felt and not being passive aggressive, he brought up Joy. He said "would you be able to just let go of what happened with Joy and be comfortable with her being at our engagement party?" Needless to say this turned into a huge fight. Also, the situation with Joy is nothing like the situation with Simon.

    I've dated controlling guys before and I do not want to do it again. I have very few options for people I can hang out with and I spend a lot of time at home with not much to do. I hang out with Jess but a lot of the time she's busy because she has a lot of family she's close with and she's a single mom. I haven't seen Damon for a while because he's busy with his girlfriend. My brother and his girlfriend live on the other side of the city and neither of them drive. I hang out with them once in a while but it takes a considerable amount of effort just about every time because they don't like to come to my end of the city, or where I live. I went to a pub once with Simon and Jess was there. It was his birthday and a lot of his friends (guys and girls) were there. I thought that maybe I could meet some new people and make friends but it doesn't happen automatically. It's hard to just become friends with girls.. I did talk to some of them but for some reason it's not as simple of saying "hey lets be friends and hang out" and then actually hanging out. I don't know why it's more complicated between girls and its something which my fiance doesn't understand.

    I understand that my fiance wouldn't want Simon at our engagement party because of what I said about him but apparently not its not okay for me to ever hang out with Simon and his friends. I feel like I can't make my own decisions about what I do or who I hang out with because a lot of the time I do I get in trouble. I'm allowed to be friends with him but only talking to him at work or over text and we're not supposed to talk about anything personal. My fiance has admitted that since his friend Joy made the comment about me being controlling and Trevor wrote the letter everything for my fiance has been spiraling and getting worse and worse.

    It's not fair for my fiance to be uncomfortable with any of my friendships. It's not fair for Simon to not be my friend when he has done nothing wrong. It's not fair for me to sit at home with nothing to do frequently. I am frustrated, sad, lonely and confused. I resent my fiance and I don't know what to do. I do know that if my fiance doesn't control his jealousy before we are together I can look forward to this for the rest of our relationship. He's had a problem with every guy that isn't Damon or my brother. I have never cheated on him in any way; not even emotionally. The only thing I've done wrong was tell my fiance that I felt like the only person who listens to me is Simon. I don't know how to make friends with anyone else, or be friends with people in general anymore. I fear that when I talk to my fiance about things he will flip out on me. This is a perfect breeding ground for deception and I really do not like that. I don't know why my fiance doesn't trust me 100%. He's done things that I would say are outside of our boundaries for what we do while we're apart and in a relationship and I still trust him. I have no problem ending a friendship with someone because they cross the line...

    I apologize for the novel and if it's all over the place. There are a lot of factors that have gotten my fiance and I to where we are at now. I'm confused about what kind of behavior is okay between two people in a relationship and what kind of behavior is okay between opposite sex friendships when you're in a relationship. There are obviously some things that are clearly "right" or "wrong" but at what point is it too much? Please help!


      Firstly sorry i couldnt properly read all that but i skimmed it and if i get something wrong feel free to tell me off!

      I'm like you, tend to make friends with guys faster than girls so i can understand you from that point. What i think the issue your boyfriend is having is that most of the guys you're friends with develope feelings for you and that could make him feel insecure. Now, i'm not saying youre knowingly doing anything to envoke these feelings in these guys but maybe these guys are reading you wrong? I had a group of guys i used to hang around with and one by one they all made a move on me, making my boyfriend feel like crap. He trusted me completely but it made him feel uncomfortable which i think most of us would understand.
      The thing you said about Simon being the only one who listens to you hurt your guy bad, alot worse than he'll admit to and it's probably made him feel even more insecure hence why he doesnt want this guy at your party.

      Advice..... that's a tough one. He needs to except you have guy friends but i think you need to watch these guys more closely to make sure they dont see you as anything other than a friend. I'm all for being honest with your boyfriend but somethings are best kept to yourself, just because a guy hits on you doesnt mean you have to tell your guy about it aslong as you dont act on it. Correct the offending guy and move on.
      As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


        Thanks for the advice. I definitely will watch any of my guy friends more closely. I think guys mistake me being a very caring person for having feelings for them and that's not something I can change about myself.


          After reading all that... really I think your SO is a controlling hypocritical dick. Not to be blunt or anything. Not once in that long story did you actually do anything wrong yet he treats you like a criminal. That's not ok. When your friends hit on you, you automatically end the friendship. From what I can tell you don't encourage their attentions, they always know you have a SO etc. You're not doing anything wrong. End of story. Even the comment about Simon, while hurtful, I wouldn't count as "wrong". If you said that about a female friend, would it have been such a big deal?

          I don't get why people are so hung up on gender. Is your SO sexually attracted to every single chick he meets? Likely not. Is every woman he talks to considered a threat to the relationship? Probably not. Then why is he so insecure about you having friends that are blokes?

          The thing is, if you don't get along with women for whatever reason and your friends have always been guys then it's likely to continue like that. He needs to either accept that this is who you are (and this was how you were when he got together with you! It's not like you changed part way through) or find a different woman to control.

          This is coming from a chick who has both male and female friends, in relatively equal proportions. My best mate is a guy and stood as a bridesmaid at my wedding. And my SO is cool with it, not that I ever gave him an option not to be. You can't choose each others friends.
          Hope this made sense, it's still early here
          Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


            I've dated controlling guys before and I do not want to do it again.
            And yet...

            the fact that I mostly work with men has bothered my fiance a bit for a while.
            despite me saying so, my fiance took it out on me. He made me feel horrible like I should have seen this coming and I could have prevented it and he completely pushed me away for a while. We worked it out a little bit but it was still pretty rocky.
            I felt that the only person who listened to me was Simon. He flipped and we had one of the biggest fights we have ever had.
            He told me that when he had met Simon the night when a few of us went out I gave Simon a "weird hug".
            ecause Simon had done nothing wrong he said I can still talk to him and we can still hang out if other people are around.
            One night after work I dropped Simon off at his driving lesson and went home. I didn't know if I should tell my fiance if I did that, or if i should have told him before I did it or after I did it. I wondered if I should have asked him if it was okay.
            "if it will make you happy invite him". Automatically I knew that he wasn't saying that graciously and that it would bother him. I asked him if it was going to be okay or if it was going to be an issue. Instead of again just telling me how he felt and not being passive aggressive, he brought up Joy. He said "would you be able to just let go of what happened with Joy and be comfortable with her being at our engagement party?"
            It's not fair for my fiance to be uncomfortable with any of my friendships. I
            Your SO has you on a leash and choke chain and every time you make a "wrong move," he wraps that leash around his hand for one more knot and he pulls on that choke chain a little bit tighter. Eventually you're not going to be able to breathe, because despite his saying that he would work on his behaviour, you're still the one grovelling up to him and licking his chin to appease his behaviour. You're still the one ending friendships, and to be honest, when you have intimate relationships with men, and you're a woman, there's the capacity for them to develop feelings for you. It doesn't mean that they're betraying you, and telling you that they have feelings for you is probably less to destroy your relationship and more to put it out there because it's hard to maintain a friendship locking those emotions up. That does not mean it's your fault. It happens. When you're a girl in a LDR meeting regularly with a straight male, if he likes you, he likes you (this can happen with men in a LDR if they're meeting up with straight women). That doesn't mean you two can't talk about it, accept it, and be careful about it and still remain friends. I have remained friends with people who have told me they liked me when I was in a relationship and my relationship never suffered because I thanked them for telling me and reiterated my boundaries and they listened to them. Simply wanted to say that someone admitting they're in love with you is probably being honest, not necessarily trying to sabotage the relationship. I won't commend on the one who wanted sex, cause, erm, yeah...

            That said, this post bothers me because this isn't going to change. You're being isolated from every single friend your fiance doesn't okay. He's making the engagement party about him and what he wants, and as opposed to communicating any of it to you, he ends up getting critical, passive aggressive, angry and he yells at you. Depending on which context you see it in, that is abusive behaviour. And I'm probably going to be devil's advocate in saying no, you shouldn't have told him Simon is the only one who listens to you, but not because he'd be hurt but because he'll make it your fault and not deal with the actual problem. If my partner said that to me, I'd be hurt, yes. I might even get angry. But I would think about it. If he said Joy is the only one who listens to him, you'd probably eventually step back and say, "you know what, I haven't been the most supportive" and you'd fix it, because sometimes even our partners need to be reminded to listen or to do x or y. The issue is your SO doesn't want to take any responsibility, so none of the issues are being fixed. None of the issues are solving anything and these issues are going to keep cropping up and reoccurring as a result, because the reason you feel the resentment is you're rolling over and showing your stomach so that he doesn't get angry and the result is that the problems get swept under the rug. They're still there, but the issue is it stops being a little bit of dust swept under and next thing you know, you're hiding an entire dust elephant under there. :/

            There is nothing wrong with being caring and approaching people in an open heart space any more than there would be anything wrong with saying you appreciate them telling you but you don't have feelings for them and you're in a relationship and they need to respect those boundaries. Love (not talking romantic) outside a relationship is not a bad thing if the love within the relationship can be respected and sometimes people can move on from each other and still stay friends. What I'm more concerned about is your fiance, because I can only see him getting worse when you're his wife. He already treats you enough like his property that he has to piss on to keep you and himself safe. What happens when you're married and are more stuck with him because of it? If anything this behaviour will get worse. At a year and a half, you should not be having these reoccurring problems.
            Last edited by ThePiedPiper; March 17, 2013, 05:09 PM.


              Zephii, The Pied Piper, I agree with what both of you said. It's really frustrating and I wish he would see the light but I don't know how to get him to do that. It seems like I have to get ridiculously upset or give him an ultimatum before he deals with things that are causing problems, and thats not healthy. I love him so much and I feel like a broken record saying these things cause I've said it before in other relationships. It would be easier to change some things if we were together and not in a LDR, but we are. I believe he is different than guys who have hurt me in the past, and I want him to be. Unfortunately it's not up to me to change his hurtful behavior. The worst part is that he doesn't get it and thinks its justified. His last ex cheated on him on the previous deployment and he didn't deal with those feelings and I'm paying for it.


                Originally posted by missyoulove View Post
                Zephii, The Pied Piper, I agree with what both of you said. It's really frustrating and I wish he would see the light but I don't know how to get him to do that. It seems like I have to get ridiculously upset or give him an ultimatum before he deals with things that are causing problems, and thats not healthy. I love him so much and I feel like a broken record saying these things cause I've said it before in other relationships. It would be easier to change some things if we were together and not in a LDR, but we are. I believe he is different than guys who have hurt me in the past, and I want him to be. Unfortunately it's not up to me to change his hurtful behavior. The worst part is that he doesn't get it and thinks its justified. His last ex cheated on him on the previous deployment and he didn't deal with those feelings and I'm paying for it.
                The thing is, it wouldn't change CD... If anything, he'd keep closer tabs on you. What happens when you want to go out with a friend without him for the first time? It's inevitable that you're going to want some friend time without your SO there. Because his ex cheated on him, is he going to get pissed and scream at you and demand why you want to go out alone with some guy (or a group of guys) when he's right there and perfectly capable of going with you? The thing is, he may be different from some of your past relationships, but that doesn't mean that it's going to be the perfect relationship. If dating controlling men is a habit of your past, it sounds like it's trickled over into your present and it will be a part of your future if you get married to him, only it will be a lot easier to leave him now before all the legal work comes into play. The thing is, you have to decide with whether or not you'd be okay with these issues for the rest of your life. :/ Because these are going to happen whether you're LD or CD. I know people like to believe that's not the case, but it really is.


                  Your SO is definitely over possessive. Does he have a reason to be? Well, no....

                  I don't know you at all but perhaps so many men garner feelings for you because you are a really great girl that a lot of men would like to have? If that is so, you can't help it if men become interested in you, and you shouldn't feel bad for it either. You have gone about this in the right way as well.

                  Your SO needs to be more understanding. Will that happen? I don't know, but this is something that he needs to work on.


                    You can't make him change. The good news is you see it. That means you can leave and get yourself safe. You can only tell him that what he's doing is hurting you. Which I do recommend. I'd say, don't get ridiculously upset or give him an ultimatum. Sit him down and have a serious conversation. Tell him that he's driving away your friends because of his insecurity and jealousy. Tell him he's punishing you for what his ex did -- you never cheated on him. Tell him what the consequences of his actions are -- you are lonely and hurt. He needs to recognize his behavior and understand the consequences (you leaving if that's it). Then he can decide if he wants to change or not.

                    I had a very controlling ex and I lost all my friends and even some of my family because I tried to appease him rather than make my life what I wanted. It sucked. Don't let him drive all your friends away. Also, guys having feelings for you does not have to be the end of the friendship. Often, it's just a passing crush, and once out in the open it can be dealt with and it will eventually fade and you can still be friends. I'd say, if another friend comes to you saying they have feelings for you, tell them very seriously that you don't share their feelings and hope that their feelings won't interfere with your friendship, but you'll understand if they don't want to be involved anymore. The line only has to be drawn by one of you for you to remain just friends. It takes two to tango, as they say.

                    As for blaming it on his ex, don't even let him do that. He chooses to take it out on you. I used to do the same thing. "He was cheated on, so he's just worried everyone is like that. It's his ex's fault." But that's BS. My SO was cheated on by almost every woman he's ever been in a relationship with. We're talking double digits here. Yet, he trusts me unquestioningly. He never tries to say who I can or can't hang out with. He never asks me when I'll be home. When we were LD, he never asked me to tell him where I was, who I was with, and what we were doing all the time. What happens to us is out of our control. How we react to it is what we control. Him taking it out on you is ENTIRELY his choice. And it's a bad one. If he isn't over what she did to him, he probably isn't ready to be in a relationship until he's dealt with that. Now that he is in a serious relationship, he needs to deal with those feelings and issues on his own. Do whatever it takes to not let it affect you. Which he currently is not doing.

                    So really, you have two options. Keep putting up with his shit, for the rest of your life. Lose your friends, be alone forever because no only will your friends be driven away, he will never trust that you are faithful even though you do every irrational thing he asks.

                    OR, you can tell him, bluntly, quickly, and without sugar-coating what his behavior is (he doesn't see it as abuse, but it ABSOLUTELY is), how it affects you, and what the consequences will be if he doesn't change. If he denies and fights, run away fast. If he says he'll change, look for evidence he's actually doing it. Is he going to therapy? Is he trying to get over his ex? If not, leave. And never look back. I know you love this guy, but if he doesn't change, he doesn't love you. You'll be so much better off without him.

                    Good luck and we'll be here for you every step of the way.
                    Met online: Nov 2010 - Met in person: Nov 20, 2010
                    Closed the distance: April 27, 2011
                    Accepted to PhD program 200 miles away: March 2012
                    LD again: July 24, 2012
                    Left School and Closed the Distance for good: March 8, 2013
                    Married: November 1, 2014
                    Started job 200 miles away: February 23, 2015


                      There is... a lot in this thread I could comment on, but I want to be as concise as possible. I'm only going to address the OP, @missyoulove.

                      First of all, I can understand your SO feeling frustrated towards you, but it is NOT okay for him to be acting this way. You need to let him know that when he becomes angry, it does more harm than good by pushing you away. Then reassure him he's the only one you want to be with. Make him feel like the 10/10 superman you want to spend the rest of your life with.

                      A lot of this has to do with the old "Can girls and guys be friends?" debate. There's no real answer. Seeing as you are clearly an attractive girl with a great personality, you really must be cautious and set some rules. I know it seems unfair, but this is the conclusion I've arrived at after experiencing similar problems.

                      1. Do not hang out with your male friends one-on-one. It will lessen room for confusion.
                      2. Long text conversations and a no, too much room for misinterpretation. If a guy's into you, a simple smiley face could be misinterpreted as flirty. ALWAYS be cautious about what you say and consider how it could be interpreted via text.
                      3. No late night phone calls, and keep them under an hour if they happen. This can also be misinterpreted as romantic (no surprise there, think of how your relationship started with your SO... talking for hours and hours and hours).
                      4. You don't have to tell your SO EVERYTHING. If someone makes a pass at you, politely reject them/ignore it, and go on with your day. What does telling him about it accomplish other than more negativity? The only time I tell my SO about a guy is if they are being aggressive persistent and I'd like him to step in.


                        Your situation sounds pretty much exactly like my ex and me and I really feel for you. My ex was controlling and manipulative, passive aggressive and hypocritical. He went onto my Facebook and deleted a bunch of my male friends (who were all back here in Australia while we were in the States). I made the mistake of doing as Inez advised and I completely regret it, I was miserable and not being true to myself. I could understand him acting that way if you were spurring on advances or flirting with your male friends but by the sounds of it, you have never given him a reason to doubt you. If it’s ok for him to continue to text Joy (who seems to have made it her mission to get between you two) then I don’t see any reason why it isn’t ok for you to hang out with Simon (who has never shown any signs of romantic interest in you) especially when your previous behaviour shows that if he ever did, you would not continue the friendship. My ex had numerous female friends, both CD and LD, most of which he exchanged extremely inappropriate text messages/emails with while we were together (and he actually reciprocated).

                        If you ever need someone to talk or vent to, PM me. Good luck, it is a sh***y situation to be in.


                          I'll be honest, I didn't make it through your whole post. (okay, I skimmed about half of it) Nor did I read the responses so apologies if I'm way off base or just repeating.

                          Set boundaries. So you know what's okay and he knows what's okay. Boundaries are different for each couple, set yours and a lot of issues will be solved.

