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The Good, The Bad, and The major Suxxors.

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    I suppose I can see your point of view on this...

    But tbh if I was him I'd want to know if someone loved me, and I'm pretty sure he can still make his decision based on what's the most lucrative thing to do. I don't know how you've managed so long without saying I Love You, saying it and hearing it is the best thing in the world! I hope you'll say and hear those words soon

    Ps if he ends up staying for another 9 months, I'm sure your love is strong enough to last that even though right now it might seem impossible.



      I'm also really sorry to hear this, Gurl - and on your birthday, too! Talk about timing... :S
      I envy your strength, selflessness and positive attitude - and I think that will keep you going. I agree to the others, though, that I would want to be sure about his feelings before waiting for him for such a long time. That was one reason I went back home to see my husband over break... I wanted to know if we are still good together, if our feelings are still the same - I just needed that reassurance to keep going. I can understand that you don't want to say it first, though - if he says it back, it might seem like you pressured him into replying that way.


        OMFG that's it EXACTLY luna.. though I know him well enough to find it hard to believe anyone can pressure him into anything, I'd still wonder....


          Originally posted by Gurl View Post
          OMFG that's it EXACTLY luna.. though I know him well enough to find it hard to believe anyone can pressure him into anything, I'd still wonder....
          That would be *my* fear, too. Not knowing if he really meant it. And even if he says it back, I'd still drive myself crazy waiting until he says it first. I know guys who don't ever say it (my father, a friend's ex-bf), so I hope he's not one of those... Then again, there's other ways of finding out if it'll be worth the wait - have you talked about your future?


            Not really... when he was getting ready to go and i was scannig things he told me about things he wants for his future...then just before he left he intimated that he'd considered me as a part of that future without coming straight out and saying it (which was probably partly due to the face he had family around at the time.. long story.). But that's been it... though he does tell me when things happen that could change things like how long he is in kuwait etc....



              I think even though he is not with you right now, you could start initiating a conversation about your future together. Not to put pressure on him, but just as a "I'd like to know what you think" kind of thing. Sure, there's still no guarantee, but at least you'll know where the two of you stand.


                For god sake woman, just tell the man you love him! =D

