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seeing babies

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    seeing babies

    Hello all.

    now i know its spring here in old- blighty, and i dunno if anyone living here has noticed there is an EXPLOSION of babies atm. which i'm not moaning about, they r cute!!!!!!!!

    however i last few weeks i have learnt that some of my distant cousins have become parents, a collegue at work has announced she is pregnant and our other collegue who is currently on maternity leave came in today with her 5mth old girl.

    not to say then i am seeing- and therefore contemplating what it would be like to have one. I have been pregnant 2 times before, both ending miscarrage. after the last one i went on the implant, and my current SO has made it EXPLICITLY clear he doesn't want marriage or kids. I am kidding myself if i think i can change his mind on either.

    so has anyone else had these thoughts un-bidded entering about having a baby; or have you already discussed it with your SOs? how many are in a LDR like mine where there are differing opinions on it?


    oh SO wants to have minimum 2 and i cant say i like babies much.i dont enjoy spending time with them neither i see source of family happiness in them.maybe i am just too young


      I understand! Right now it seems like so many people I know are getting married and having babies! While I catch myself often contemplating what it would be like to have a baby, both my SO and I know that's a good few years off still. We're not financially stable and even when we are and we close the distance, we want to enjoy time as a couple first, ideally. We are both pretty agreed on 2 kids. My SO is more scared than me, he doesn't want to put me through the pain. :P lol. It's sweet though and even though I don't want a baby any time soon, I can't help smiling when I see babies and watching youtube channels of new moms! lol!


        Im off to visit my SO in 71 days .. not like im counting or anything LOL. But my SO clearly stated he would be happy if i left America Pregnant!. i was abit like ' woooahhh ' but its actually really cute and find it really attractive that my SO is really looking forward to being a dad!.

        Me myself, i don't really want to fall pregnant just yet! i wanna be able to enjoy our time together as a couple!

        All i am saying is that im looking forward to being a mum and being a family! But i am happy to wait


          Considering I want a baby, I see them everywhere. Feels like everyone on Facebook is either pregnant or has an infant. It tends to make the jealousy pop up but I do alright at keeping it at bay. My SO and I are on the same page about it. We're figuring out the situation with my health insurance, which will tell us when we can start trying.

          Met online: 1/30/11
          Met in person: 5/30/12
          Second visit: 9/12/12
          Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


            My SO was not really in favour of having kids before he met me... He was in a very serious relationship before and they agreed not to have children if they had stayed together for good. This struck me at first because I do want to have them. Not right away (I know 25 used to be a normal age for having kids, but I am still a student and certainly don't feel ready yet!), but at some point, yes. So this topic came out rather quickly for us (in half or very drunk state, I tend to become very truthful, hehe) and he was deeply touched by the fact that I want him to be my kids' dad. I really loved this reaction and since then, he's open to it as well. He doesn't talk about it a lot, but I think he understands how important it is for me and I appreciate he's willing to discuss it. I just don't think my life would be complete without them! (call me old-fashioned if you will


              I definitely want children and am also definitely not at the right stage in life to have any! But I, too, have noticed a TON of new babies and pregnancies and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. (which reminds me, I have baby gifts to buy!)


                Know the feeling. It was a big decision I had to make myself for this trip and whilst I chose not too.. that was before the ex I am still good friends with accidentally got his gf of less an a year.. more like 3-4 months at most.. pregnant. My 19 y.o sister is pregnant and about to pop in 2 months. And it's all insane. It's what I want but can't have. What I'm ready for, but its not the right situation. Gotta love it eh?


                  so has anyone else had these thoughts un-bidded entering about having a baby; or have you already discussed it with your SOs? how many are in a LDR like mine where there are differing opinions on it?
                  For sure
                  I see babies everywhere and I want a baby at some point in the future. Two of my friends had babies recently. Rather sooner than later
                  My SO and I discussed this topic from the start. For me it's very important that my partner and I agree on such fundamental issues and I'm passed the point having a relationship with somebody who has completely different plans for life than I have. Luckily my SO wants kids and I think our babies are going to be super cute


                    I'll be the odd one out to say that rarely do I get the urge to have a baby. I'm 23 and my SO is the first guy I've dated that I could ever see raising a family with, but I'm not jumping that far ahead yet. I'm also still really greedy. I have a lot left I want to do before I give up 18+ years to a child. If I'm going to have children I want to make sure I'm emotionally prepared to raise them. My SO would be an amazing Dad but I'm not always convinced I would be a great Mom in this generation of kids. I'm old fashioned and I can't handle the rude, disrespectful children I see here. For now I'll just play with my friend's kids :P

                    Super happy for you guys though! Always nice to see couples who love each other enough to start a family!


                      I don't really want children at all but lately I've noticed them everywhere. I'm one of the last in my group of friends to not have children so actually watching all these babies grow up makes me have a moment of "oh maybe that would be nice." I also have a habit of looking at really cute baby clothes. Ultimately the thought of my own children tends to scare me, so for now I'm happy playing the Aunt or Godmother role. My SO doesn't want children at all, and I'm very okay with that. He isn't even comfortable with the Uncle role in life but he's working rather hard on that due to the extreme amount of children I have in my life.

                      If I never have kids I'll be fine with it. I already have lots of little ones in my life that I can play with and return home when I want to.


                        We've discussed it, and I have to agree that it seems everyone I know is having babies and/or getting married and it makes me want them. Both of us do want kids, but with my health the way it is, it's unlikely that I will be able to either get pregnant, stay pregnant or even get through labour without major problems, so it's not something we plan to happen. Yes, if it does, great, but we also want to be married and in the same time zone when/if it happens.

                        As for your SO not wanting marriage or kids, I doubt you'll be able to change his mind. I know a lot of childfree people who never change their minds. I guess it's something you need to talk with him about.
                        Joey & Scott
                        Met: April 2002
                        Lost Contact: August 2002
                        Reconnected: April 2010
                        Together: May 20th 2010

                        [COLOR="#800080"]"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." Benjamin Franklin


                          We had to do something when we were *cough* snowed in!
                          But yeah, lots and lots of babies due or newborns around, I love me some cute little babies to cuddle and I have my moments when i get broody but then i remember being woken at 3am by crying baby and colic and poopy nappies and im over it.
                          As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                            I have never wanted kids. I have never liked kids or babies at all. Recently, though... I sort of do. Being with my current SO... I think I may want to have a kid with him some day. It's a weird feeling, to be honest. We had it come up her or there, but nothing too terribly serious of a conversation, yet.


                              lol, various replies, lol at leons, yeah i mean we had TWO bad winters, and heating is soo expensive these days.....

                              it is great to hear that most of you have it sussed and are speaking from the same hymn sheet with your SOs on the topic. I guess there are a few in my boat who arent fussed yet, so why rock it?. doesn't stop the thoughts and oogiling at the clothes etc. dizzy makes good point of being able to run home whenever!! mayb i should just play the crazy aunt to all my friend and family's new additions for time being!

