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Follow up from previous thread about meeting him for the first time..

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    Follow up from previous thread about meeting him for the first time..

    I posted a thread on here last October (which I'm unable to link for some reason) entitled 'Advice urgently needed: Meeting my bf for the first time.'

    I'm sure as many of you don't know who I am and as I haven't been active since that thread, I doubt many of you will find this thread remotely interesting, but I do need to get something off my chest. As I'm unable to link the thread, I'll give you some background details first. Cutting a long story short, I've been in touch with a guy who I met online for 2 years. We never intended to make something of our online exchange; I didn't meet him on a dating site or anything like that. But, as our correspondence progressed further (started exchanging handwritten letters and sending funky stuff through the post as well as webcamming and the usual phone calls), it became clear that we could be more than just friends- probably offline, too.

    Anyway, he came to see me and spent a few days here. Both of us were understandably nervous and uncomfortable; I didn't expect anything different. But whilst he got quite comfortable with me during his stay and was rather...touchy-feely for lack of a better word, I just wasn't feeling all. There was no 'chemistry'- at least not on my part; there was no denying it. For fear of appearing rude and ungrateful, I went along with it and returned his affectionate, although at times it was obvious that I was doing so reluctantly. Nonetheless, he enjoyed his stay and I enjoyed his company ('cept when he was drooling over me), but I knew this wasn't going to work out in the way intended. Of course I didn't tell him then.

    When he returned to his home country, I told him that it wasn't going to work out and that it'd be unfair if I reluctantly continued to pursue our relationship and mislead him in the process. I'll be honest, I had more fun as friends as all we've done since is argue and insult.

    I regret taking our online relationship further and I feel naive and stupid for doing so. How's that for an update?! (sigh)

    Hope you're all well. Thanks for reading my shit story.

    These things happen. It sucks that it wasn't what you were hoping for, but at least you were honest and told him how you felt (or didn't feel). Remember the good things as you move forward. You'll find someone who makes you happy, even if it wasn't who you planned.



      Thank you for your reassurance.


        I am glad you posted, so many people are all unicorns and rainbows about LDR, and don't want to acknowledge that meeting in person can be a very different situation. Your experience adds a dose of reality that people need to consider. I'm very sorry it didn't work out for you, I wish you the best of luck in your future relationships.
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          I am truly sorry that happened. I am afraid of that happening for me too, as I am scheduled to meet mine in less than 3 weeks. But why feel naive and stupid? you took a chance and it didn't work out unfortunately, which.. I know.. is terribble. bute better that then to keep asking yourself what if and to not be able to move on


            Originally posted by Moon View Post
            I am glad you posted, so many people are all unicorns and rainbows about LDR, and don't want to acknowledge that meeting in person can be a very different situation. Your experience adds a dose of reality that people need to consider. I'm very sorry it didn't work out for you, I wish you the best of luck in your future relationships.
            Exactly. And you'd much rather find out in the beginning, than after you've closed the distance. As I can personally attest to someone not at all being who they pretended to be and it blowing up in both of your faces. It probably wasn't the best to return his affections if you weren't feeling it but hey - you live, you learn.


              Originally posted by summerkid View Post
              I am truly sorry that happened. I am afraid of that happening for me too, as I am scheduled to meet mine in less than 3 weeks. But why feel naive and stupid? you took a chance and it didn't work out unfortunately, which.. I know.. is terribble. bute better that then to keep asking yourself what if and to not be able to move on
              You're right. Really hope it works out for you. I wish you the best. : )


                Thanks for posting, and I'm sorry that things didn't go the way you thought they would. However, it was the right thing to do to tell him outright rather than pretend and end up worse off. *squishes*
                Joey & Scott
                Met: April 2002
                Lost Contact: August 2002
                Reconnected: April 2010
                Together: May 20th 2010

                [COLOR="#800080"]"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." Benjamin Franklin

