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How often do you see each other?

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    How often do you see each other?

    Just wondering and it kinda goes with my series of questions.

    How often do you and your SO get to see each other? Do you set dates to see each other or just go with the flow?

    Also, how often do you contact each other? Do you contact each other throughout the day? Or once a day? Or every couple days? (By phone, IM, text...etc).

    Me and my boyfriend text throughout the day. He leaves me good morning texts to wake up too. I usually call him after he get's off work. Then we text for a few more hours and then talk on the phone before bed.

    And we see each other ever 3-4 months


      We see each other about very other month or so. We set dates, that way we can both ask for specific days off work.

      Everyday we have some kind of contact. Usually via e-mail on "off-days" (days where we try not to talk to each other much and just do our own thing), but sometimes we can't resist talking on the phone on those days! We also IM. And we text when I go to the city. (I live in a rural, mountainous area where cell phones don't work.)


        How often do you and your SO get to see each other? Do you set dates to see each other or just go with the flow?
        We get to see each other once or twice a year. Not nearly enough! We have to set dates since it's such a great distance, so we can't just randomly decide to visit each other. Also because we have uni and school. Money is another thing.

        Also, how often do you contact each other? Do you contact each other throughout the day? Or once a day? Or every couple days? (By phone, IM, text...etc).
        Throughout the day! When I get up I send my SO emails, if she's online she replies right away. When I'm asleep she also sends me emails whenever she has the time and we also talk mostly every day over Skype before she goes to bed.


          How often do you and your SO get to see each other? Do you set dates to see each other or just go with the flow? well our first time will be Friday(omg! O_o) and were shooting for me going over there on christmas, so once or twice a year

          Also, how often do you contact each other? Do you contact each other throughout the day? Or once a day? Or every couple days? (By phone, IM, text...etc). everyday. i dont feel complete until i talk to her on the phone daily, when she had the internet it was through msn daily


            Well, we have to set dates once we know plans because we live in two different countries. ^^; but right now since neither of us know for sure what our plans are going to be we can't set a definite date.

            As for how often we talk... when Alex isn't busy/stressed we talk almost every night Monday-Thursday. If he's stressed our schedule is sporratic. I think he was trying to make up for that last night, though. ^^; we ended up talking until 2:30 AM @.@ lol


              We only get to see each other 1-2 times a year; getting time off and the money for a trip to Australia isn't easy, and he's searching for a job to save up and come here. We met in May, my best guess is we'll see each other in February. *shrugs* Setting dates right now isn't an option given the distance and cost associated with it.

              We contact each other every day. When I get up in the morning and before bed we always Skype. We often send text messages if one of us can't be at the computer during that time, and we also exchange emails and care packages.

              LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                I feel like a lucky person... i get to see my s/o every day now. Its cute that he always tries to talk to me on the same schedual on the phone though to. When we were LDR he would call on his lunch break and his drive home from work. He does it still... and he texts me thruout the day while working. I find it endearing


                  We talk/text/email daily and try to visit as often as we can which is about 3-4 times a year because we live in different countries.


                    We do try to e-mail every day, even its just a quick little message.

                    As for visits, its extremely sporadic. Before May, we hadn't seen each other in almost 3 years. Now he's coming out at the end of this month. After that it will probably be a few more months before we see each other.


                      We live in different countries so we'll probably only be able to see each other once or twice a year.
                      We contact each other everyday, and throughout the day. That's with text, myspace, skype, and facebook.


                        Well he doesn't have a job yet, he's been looking, and I have a job but most of it goes towards college. But we're going to finally have our first visit this month, so right now it's about once a year, but when he gets a job it can be a bit more frequent.

                        Oh I talk to him everyday. MSN is our best friend, that's kind of how we met. I get a bit spoiled though cause when he goes somewhere for a day I sit around going "Now what am I supposed to do?" lol

