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First meet in almost two weeks...

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    First meet in almost two weeks...

    and I am so nervous...and excited..and impatient ..and a whole bunch of other things. But it's finally, FINALLY happening...

    weirdest thoughts we've had:

    mine: I'm quite embarassed by this, but here goes, I was brushing my teeth before bed after talking to him and looked over at the stack of toilet paper and realized he'll be using this same set which I have now. And that's when it hit me that it's actually happening really soon.
    his: noticed his yoghurt will expire on the 5th, and by then we'll already be together.

    I have been an emotional mess lately...we've been fighting a lot, mainly because of me .. I went into panick mode and decided this won't work so that it won't be such a harsh blow if it doesn't. Nothing in my life right now seems to be going okay.. and it's nerve wrecking because I am also very close to things taking a turn and going great. So I am trying really hard to deal with everything.

    Took a long look at myself in the mirror after the shower this morning. Got depressed haha... I am really nervous and insecure, and if this were more casual I'd probably be able to feel more relaxed, but this matters. And I feel like I am not good enough, or that he should be with someone who is better and looks better ( sorry guys, this is a bit depressing... but I am sort of trying to let this out somehow )

    Our plan is: meet in "neutral territory", a city neither one of us has explored, spend some time there, explore it together and see if we could work. So we have an apartment booked for a few days in Copenhagen. We don't have any major plans .. other than spend time with eachother, get to know eachother, enjoy the city while doing that

    If things go well, we come back to my place and he moves in until summer. Next: Vienna together for some time, Undecided location for a week .. and after that Berlin together for a month ( where we found this tiny tiny but really cute apartment which I am kind of excited about ) ...

    I am looking forward so much to all of this, but I am also aware it might not happen .. we might not click in person.. I might spend the summer depressed while eating chocolates and just being a breakup cliche

    I am however going crazy in the meantime, with stuff I have to do as well as this and getting ready...

    How did you guys prepare yourselves? Things I should consider ( other than a camera )? Things I should pack? How do I stop myself from freaking out?? How did you guys prepare for the possibility it might not work in person and that there might be no chemistry? How do I build some confidence in 2 weeks?
    first time Do's and Don'ts?

    Ah.. we're meeting on his Bday... I have no clue what to buy and am seriously short on cash.

    P.S. 1: I didn't know whether to make this a post or a blog ..I've actually been looking forward for my turn to come to write one of these and I finally can mwahaha mwahahaha (dunno why, but I felt like some evil laughter is in order )

    P.S. 2: I am paranoid that he'll find this site and figure out i'm writing all of this haha...*

    Ahh lucky you!! I don't know when I'll finally get to meet my man. I'll probably be scared nervous, excited and crying when I get my chance lol. Umm..just pack what you need I guess especially a camera. I want to hear how it goes.


      Originally posted by katiecat08 View Post
      Ahh lucky you!! I don't know when I'll finally get to meet my man. I'll probably be scared nervous, excited and crying when I get my chance lol. Umm..just pack what you need I guess especially a camera. I want to hear how it goes.
      I'll probably do some crying too. I guess all of this is understandable.. it's SUCH an experience. I don't know what to compare it with, but i count myself lucky to go through it, and I am sure so will you I didn't have a plan for a long time too .. so, don't worry and try to stay positive.


        Originally posted by katiecat08 View Post
        Ahh lucky you!! I don't know when I'll finally get to meet my man. I'll probably be scared nervous, excited and crying when I get my chance lol. Umm..just pack what you need I guess especially a camera. I want to hear how it goes.
        This and to add i would say stay calm and relaxed dont think about it too much.. Just think about having good time together. I am sure you are gona have chemistry and the sparks and the clicks(in most cases it does ) Just dont over pressurize urself. DO let us know about the visit and show us pics too :P
        Sorry am not of much help


          Try not to put too much pressure on yourself. Have ZERO expectations. Just show up and hope for the best. If you have big expectations then you have the chance of being disappointed, but if you don't have any expectations then you have the chance to be amazed. I wish the best for you with this, and I hope and pray that it goes well, and I cant wait to see the pictures.
          But, if it doesn't go well, remember, that's ok too...


            I know you feel anxious about this and you have a lot of questions in your mind (like me!) but I just want to tell you to relax and think positive! I'm excited for you! You're almost there! (I'm still going to wait for six months for my turn sigh)

            And as arrah5 said:
            Originally posted by arrah5 View Post
            But, if it doesn't go well, remember, that's ok too...


              thank your for your words..

              SeeRat... kind of difficult to relax, but thank you. I really hope it goes well too. Pictuires: kind of difficult. I do not own a camera and neither does he. I like looking at other people's photos ´, I like photos in general... i just don't like taking them. But I have and Ipod touch, so I'll see if that works.

              arrah5: will definitely be trying to lower my expectations .. but it's been a year, I love him and i can't help feeling that after so much time we both deserve some closure. Thank you so much for your wishes!


                Originally posted by chizatlauren View Post
                I know you feel anxious about this and you have a lot of questions in your mind (like me!) but I just want to tell you to relax and think positive! I'm excited for you! You're almost there! (I'm still going to wait for six months for my turn sigh)

                And as arrah5 said:
                6 months... *huugs* I am sure it's worth it though. Thanks! And if it doesn't work out.. I guess I'll come back here and write a giant post lamenting and cursing life and being pitiful haha.. and I'll do it while eating chocolate or something


                  talked with me so about the same things where both insecure about all of that, and also when i am bouncing of the walls (we meet in augustus) i TRY to relax and just go with the flow
                  for the camera part you could get a trow away cam? those arent that expansive
                  good luck! you will be fine


                    1) If things go well you might want to have sex, so pack condoms.
                    2) My bf met one of his exes on the internet. He said first meeting was awkward at first, but they got comfortable after. So awkwardness is ok.
                    3) Make him a card or something handmade?

                    take pictures on the itouch. they are so worth it. good luck!

                    How did you meet him online?


                      I'm going to disagree with the thought to pack condoms. Honestly, I think that will just put pressure on you. If you feel like the two of you are ready for sex during your first meeting, you can go out and buy them. I guarantee you'll be able to find at least one place where you can purchase them.

                      As for his birthday, make him cookies! Food is always a good gift, especially when it's homemade from your SO.

                      2016 Goal: Buy a house.
                      Progress: Complete!

                      2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
                      Progress: Working on it.


                        Ooo...I'm so excited for you! I understand the nervousness and anxiety, but as others have said, don't go into it expecting to come out married with kids on the way. Give you and him time to get to know each other. The spark could be there, but if it isn't then that's okay After so long it may seem anticlimactic and that's normal because you'll have built up this picture of what you want to happen and life very rarely meets those expectations. Don't confuse the come down after all the build up with you two not being compatible. It could just take you a few days to get used to being in the same city and with each other in person.

                        Enjoy the time spent together and try not to cloud your thoughts with what ifs, you're both bound to be both excited and nervous at the prospect of meeting for the first time and that's gonna show and it may be a little awkward and that's okay too.

                        As for what to bring, as someone else said, pack condoms just in case, but don't expect it to happen just because you packed them. Don't force the issue, if it's going to happen, it will As for his birthday, make or buy him a nice card and tell him the gift is getting to see you for the first time, I'm sure he'll love that!

                        Most of all, have fun and enjoy your time together!
                        Joey & Scott
                        Met: April 2002
                        Lost Contact: August 2002
                        Reconnected: April 2010
                        Together: May 20th 2010

                        [COLOR="#800080"]"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." Benjamin Franklin


                          Thank you so much!!

                          mangoluverin: I'm on the pill, I think teh least he could do is pack the condoms) We talked about it and we'll try to not get too discouraged if there is awkwardness and just try and be patient and wait it out i guess. We met on a random chat site which we were both checking out at the time out of curiosity. We had a great conversation and exchanged contacts. I gave him an account i almost never use, in case he was a creep haha..we could have met last summer, but I backed out... and in a sense, I am glad I did because the timing wasn't right for me then .

                          lyonsgirl: you have a good point. I also thought about this. I am not buying any and am leaving it up to him. I don't want to create the illusion that sex has to happen and I want us to take it easy.. but at the same time, I know there is a chance we do go there ( including days in which I think we'll barely have patience to make it through the door ), and I don't want to have our moment and to have to interrupt it to go searching for condoms in a city that neither of us is familiar with, at who knows what time.

                          Cookies are such a great idea!! Thank youuu

                          JoeyBug: I feel like a kid almost and want to throw a tantrum saying "but I wannnt us to woork ouuuut " hahaha.. you are so right though. thanks for bringing it home..I need to remind myself ( and maybe him) about the build-up, to be aware of that and to give it a few days. I am so excited ... SO excited.. but I am also very very anxious. I need to just keep reminding myself of these things though..

                          Really..thank you.. this is honestly helping.

                          nother thing ( talk about condoms), I never had sex in somebody else's house.. I feel a bit weird about that. I don't want us to be messy at all.. but I also want us to enjoy ourselves. Using condoms should help.. anything else I should be considering?

