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    Hi, everyone. I know I've only been here for a little while, but today I got some news that I cannot share with anyone, including my SO. My day started like any other. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, checked my phone for messages, checked my email, and there it was.. A letter from the Florida Board of Nursing. Guys, I got my Florida RN license! That being said, I'd love to hear insights and advice about my situation and about the journey ahead.

    This is a huge step in the direction of being CD; however, I can't seem to reconcile my feelings over this. It came a whole month earlier than my worst case scenario. I know that should make me happy, but I can't bring myself to even smile over it. I live with my very young, recently graduated-from-nursing-school sister. She just got her first paycheck two weeks ago. While she has an SO here, all she has to share the financial responsibility with is me. We have never lived apart. Even when our parents separated. Even when we had to relocate internationally multiple times. At 20 and with this job, she really has the means to live on her own, but she's terrified and so am I! In this economy, it's so hard to make ends meet. We were both brought up to be practical, so we never left our family home, even when our entire family left us (again). I just took over the relatively cheap payments while she was in school, and now we're sharing it. I've broached the subject of me leaving, and while she wholly wanted me to be happy, I saw the fear and worry overwhelm her for days after, and this was before she even got her first paycheck! I hated putting that burden on her shoulders. I hated that she was calculating the best way to survive once I left. Should she move out to an apartment? Can she afford it? I couldn't stand her worrying like that!

    I admit, I have been unhappy in the last few months. I felt resentful of all the responsibility, of having to care for an entire house, of the fact that I wasn't saving a dime despite all my hard work, and, most importantly, of not being able to explore my budding relationship with this wonderful man I met in the summer (yes, my SO). We had to be apart before we could really get to know each other. I thank God that we both stuck it through, but, as you all know, LDR can awaken your darkest demons. My depression was so severe at one point that I was afraid for my own safety.

    So I can't tell her yet. She thinks I won't be leaving till July, if at all, so I'll let her enjoy her financial freedom for a while longer. I know I can afford to do this because, really, my little sister has all been frugal. She will always put money away, whether I'm worrying her with my departure or not.

    As for my SO, I can't tell him without getting him excited. We've been waiting for this for a very long time! I don't know how to share that excitement with him yet when I'm so worried about my sister. So I think I'll just quietly start applying to jobs to see where I stand in the Florida nursing market. While I will move there however way I can, I am determined to make this a professional move as well. It's vital to my happiness and to increase my relationship's chances of being successful.

    Or do you think I should tell him anyway, try to include him in my decision-making? He's very "you do what is best for you, baby". He hates the idea of imposing his desires on me, and he takes everything I say to heart.

    Oh blah, just typing this all up got me all excited now! I'm going CD, guys! ^_^
    Our separation so abides, and flies,
    That thou, residing here, go'st yet with me,
    And I, hence fleeting, here remain with thee.

    I believe you should tell them as your decision affects them both a great deal! Your sis sounds like an independent strong young woman who can take care of herself now. She will be happy for you yet sad you are leaving but that's to be expected. Your SO has a right to be in on your plans -- every step -- as going CD will be a part of HIS life, too!

    I wish you luck and happiness!
    February 2012 -- met online
    August 2012 -- he said "I love you."
    April 2013 -- met in person
    June 2013 -- broke up
    July 2013 -- back together
    August 2013 -- 2nd visit
    October 20, 2013 -- He proposed!
    April 22, 2014 -- Married/closed the distance!


      Originally posted by Benni View Post
      I believe you should tell them as your decision affects them both a great deal! Your sis sounds like an independent strong young woman who can take care of herself now. She will be happy for you yet sad you are leaving but that's to be expected. Your SO has a right to be in on your plans -- every step -- as going CD will be a part of HIS life, too!

      I wish you luck and happiness!
      Thank you! Okay, so this is what he knows and wants. He wants the distance closed by June. He knows a hint of my feelings about leaving my sister. He knows I'm actively working towards a professional move. He and I both thought the FL license won't come through for at least a couple of weeks more. Aaaah, I'm suddenly so giddy about this. I can't believe it's almost here!
      Our separation so abides, and flies,
      That thou, residing here, go'st yet with me,
      And I, hence fleeting, here remain with thee.


        That's great! I can feel your excitement! June is not far away at all! Now, go talk to your sis.
        February 2012 -- met online
        August 2012 -- he said "I love you."
        April 2013 -- met in person
        June 2013 -- broke up
        July 2013 -- back together
        August 2013 -- 2nd visit
        October 20, 2013 -- He proposed!
        April 22, 2014 -- Married/closed the distance!


          I'm so excited for you, and I understand your worries and concerns. I agree with Benni, that you should talk to both of them, even despite your worries. It will give your sister time to get used to having to pay the bills and it will be a big happy moment for him! I wish you both the best of luck
          Joey & Scott
          Met: April 2002
          Lost Contact: August 2002
          Reconnected: April 2010
          Together: May 20th 2010

          [COLOR="#800080"]"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." Benjamin Franklin


            Congratulations and what a huge accomplishment! Wishing you a bright future as a nurse and I'm so excited for you!


              Thank you guys! I told him, and the wheels are turning in his pretty little head! I kinda teased him about it, and he said, "I don't think you have any idea how soon my mind starts planning things. I'm already thinking about which part of town we should live in!" Made me smile so much.

              I've already applied to some jobs over there. Aiming for the ones I want first. I've been a nurse for a little under a year on a Med-Surg floor here in Vegas. I'm so nervous about leaving my comfort zone, but I know it's time for a change. I need to grow, and I'm so determined for this move to be a catalyst of that growth.

              I haven't told my sister yet. But then, I haven't seen her in days, so I have an excuse.

              Also, omg, I got a voicemail from a recruiter for the job I applied to. I wasn't expecting it to happen so fast! Lol. I'd appreciate some well wishes and prayers, guys. Thank you so much!
              Our separation so abides, and flies,
              That thou, residing here, go'st yet with me,
              And I, hence fleeting, here remain with thee.




                  So pleased that it's working out for you! Congrats!
                  Joey & Scott
                  Met: April 2002
                  Lost Contact: August 2002
                  Reconnected: April 2010
                  Together: May 20th 2010

                  [COLOR="#800080"]"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." Benjamin Franklin


                    Good luck to you in everything you need to do to accomplish reaching your goal!! Now, go find your sis and talk to her!!
                    February 2012 -- met online
                    August 2012 -- he said "I love you."
                    April 2013 -- met in person
                    June 2013 -- broke up
                    July 2013 -- back together
                    August 2013 -- 2nd visit
                    October 20, 2013 -- He proposed!
                    April 22, 2014 -- Married/closed the distance!


                      Sounds like everything is falling into place for you, congrats!

