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1 and half year, soon his 2nd visit to me and i haven't said anything to my parents

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    1 and half year, soon his 2nd visit to me and i haven't said anything to my parents

    I'm 23 years old girl who lives with her parents in Georgia..
    well, me and my boy are in a ldr during 1 year and 5 months, we met 7 months ago, he visited me..
    my parent's didnt know anything about him and before he came i said to my mom that i have a friend who is coming to see me from england.. and after his visit i said to her that i am super in love with him.. she super likes him and even loves him (once i managed their meeting in skype and they had conversation by me becouse he doesnt know my language well and my mom doesn't know english it was funny by the way).. all of my friends, my aunt and one of my cousin and his family know about him..
    during his 5 days visit to me i was staying with him in a house which i took for us but my family didn't know anything about it, i said to them that i am going out of the city with my friends..
    i feel strange and a little bad becouse i am lying too much to my father whom i super lav too.. my boy is going to visit me in 1 month and i want to say to my family that i am super in love with one boy who is in england, but i know that maybe they (my dad and bro) will have bad reaction about it, my dad is that person who super loves his country (as i do) and out country's and religy's (i'm orhtodox) traditions.. by that traditions you can't live with a man before the marriage, so if i say to them i have a boy when he comes here i can't stay with him, whiich will be super bad, becouse we only are seeing each other during a little times in year.. so i prefer not to say to them about him and go out of city for holiday with my boy (i will again lie which i hate).. soo the only way is to say about him to my dad after some years if me and my boy decide to live together and get married?

    plus when he get's that he is foreighner maybe he will get hart attack, becouse he will never get used to that idea maybe i will not live near them when i get married..

    i am not planning to get married in the nearest future, but i want to visit him to england during summer or by christmas as his mom invited me and him to her by christmas times.. if i say to my father that i am going to go to my boyfriend that will be super bad for him..

    i don't know what to do.. i dont want to say soo many lies to my lovely ppl.

    i am sure that no from this page is in such situation as no one is from my country here..

    maybe it's weird what i said i know, but i really need some advices or opinions

    I know exactly how you feel, my boyfriend and I started out long distance ( you can see the full story on my page to give you a better idea of things) and at first my Mom did not approve at all. She didn't even like that I was talking to him let alone did she approve of the weekend I told her we are dating and he came up to visit me at college. That night I told her, he was with me, she totally freaked out (my Mom is also very big on it not being appropriate for a girl and a boy to stay in the same room before marriage). He and I ended up making the irrational decision to drive 2 hours back to my house so that he could meet my Mom for the first time. And this was literally less than a week of us being an official couple. She ended up meeting him and he actually stayed in our house (on the couch) for the rest of that weekend and every other weekend he has come to visit me (which has been a lot) he even spent the holidays with us.

    Bottom line, before I ramble too much parents always want what they think is best for their children, no matter how old they are. I am 19 and in college and my Mom still tries to run my life but there as to be a point with some things where you have to stand up for yourself and follow your own heart. I did, and now my Mom absolutely loves my boyfriend, I swear she doesn't want me with anyone else ever. It's always going to be rough at first, but if it is meant to be then it will be and it will work itself out, but you have to take the risk first.


      Originally posted by kmarie1293 View Post
      I know exactly how you feel, my boyfriend and I started out long distance ( you can see the full story on my page to give you a better idea of things) and at first my Mom did not approve at all. She didn't even like that I was talking to him let alone did she approve of the weekend I told her we are dating and he came up to visit me at college. That night I told her, he was with me, she totally freaked out (my Mom is also very big on it not being appropriate for a girl and a boy to stay in the same room before marriage). He and I ended up making the irrational decision to drive 2 hours back to my house so that he could meet my Mom for the first time. And this was literally less than a week of us being an official couple. She ended up meeting him and he actually stayed in our house (on the couch) for the rest of that weekend and every other weekend he has come to visit me (which has been a lot) he even spent the holidays with us.

      Bottom line, before I ramble too much parents always want what they think is best for their children, no matter how old they are. I am 19 and in college and my Mom still tries to run my life but there as to be a point with some things where you have to stand up for yourself and follow your own heart. I did, and now my Mom absolutely loves my boyfriend, I swear she doesn't want me with anyone else ever. It's always going to be rough at first, but if it is meant to be then it will be and it will work itself out, but you have to take the risk first.

      Thank you for your advice..
      Yes, i agree with you first step is difficult, but then it goes ok even if they are not happy about me and my boy being together at first..
      I talked with my boy, he knows everything about my situation and he said that maybe we shouldnt say to my parents that he is here, becouse we made plan to go in a different city and be there during his visit here..
      If we say to my parent about him then we will not be able to go there or just to stay together and for him it's super important me to stay with him during night..

      I don't know what is happening to me.. I am such a brave in everything but not in that thing! I feel super supeeer baad about saying lots of lyies to my dad and to my mom.. bleeh


        today my mam said everything to my dad about me and my love and for my surprise he had super cool reaction about it.. i thought he wouldn't like that news becouse he is super religios and he loves his country but .... i am so happy it feels like i dont have to hide something after now! thank you all for your advices

