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Visit planning drama

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    Visit planning drama

    A visit is supposed to be a happy time right? Well not for my SO and I. We've had many ups and downs, but we finally get to do our first visit this month. But here's the whole story:

    After being together for over a year, we really needed to be together. I had already planned in my head to go up for the summer. Only thing was, I told my mom of this. At first she was like "I'll go with you" and things were cool. But then I heard from my brother in reality she was freaking out about going up. Like she thought we were going to get murdered or something. God mom, it's Canada. So she later convinced me that he should come down, it'll be cheaper to buy just one ticket, AND that he's allowed to stay in our house. When the plan was for us to go up, mother was only planning about 4-5 days since she had to take off of work. I didn't like that so much at all, and I thought to myself since he's coming down he can stay longer.

    So my SO began looking for jobs, which didn't turn out so well. I think he went to one interview, but still nothing. I had a job, so as I saw the weeks go by I started to save up my money just incase. There was even a time where he told me that it looks like it wouldn't happen. This would've been our third failed visit and I couldn't accept that for an answer. So I told him that I would pay for his ticket and make sure he personally gets down here.

    Then a ray of hope shined through, it was his parents. He talked to them, because one he didn't feel right about borrowing money from me and not giving it back, and two, he still needed his passport and some spending money. So they agreed and he began his passport process, woot. Things were hunky dory, but the only thing is we had to wait til a certain point to know when he was getting his passport. So we didn't book any tickets early on...

    There's where the next problem goes in, when we finally look at the tickets, they were $100 more than what they were before. I only work on the weekends, so my paycheck isn't all that. I got worried because now the tickets were out of my price range. I was worrying and trying to figure out a way to make it work, it was so stressful. But two days later my SO said he told his mom about the situation, and says his family will pay for the ticket, and I just give them half when he gets here. Oh I felt so relieved, should've seen the smile on my face. Everything seemed near perfect right?

    Wrong. Mother noticed me in the ticket looking process and she asked what dates I was putting in. Basically, she thought we were still doing the 5 day thing. I was like "wtf mom". Her reason? She has to take off from work, because we can't be left alone. Why can't we be left alone? Because we'll have sex. C'mon mom, have some decency. This is the first visit, I'm sure we're not even going to get to that. *ahem* Anyways, mother is strict on her 5 day thing. But my SO wants to stay for two weeks. He can't get a hotel, not enough money and no transportation. I don't know why she thinks a week is too long, she has a load of excuses. It's really frustrating both me and my SO. And now my SO's parents are against the 5 day thing cause it seems like a waste of THEIR money, since they're paying for the ticket. So basically it's 4 against 1 with the two week thing; she's just screwing things up. Like my SO was going to book his ticket this Tuesday, but it's put on hold until this situation is resolved, ugh.

    I've talked to mother about this so much, but she's so stubborn. Then afterwards I feel weak and depressed. I tried letting her know that this was my visit, not hers, but she doesn't listen. Now because of all this my SO doesn't like her very much, and he says he's never going to come down again after this. *sigh* I'm hoping to get my SO's mom and my mom on webcam to discuss hopefully today. They're buying the ticket tomorrow, no questions asked. If she doesn't let him stay here, I got a backup plan from my brother. He has a friend who has an apartment in walking distance, so he could maybe stay there while mother is at work or something. We'll see, I'll have a talk with her about it and report back here.

    But yeah, that's my story of the most complicated visit ever. I just really needed to get it all out. And you can imagine all the stress I have about now, phew. But hopefully everything will somehow work out and I'll have my baby here by next week =D

    Everything will work out


      Seems like your mom is doing it out of some misguided attemp of protecting you. You will always be her baby( believe it or not *rolls her eyes*) and that will mean she will do everything she can to protect against anything she deems as trouble, in this instance alone time with your SO. I don't know if you have tried to sit her down and calmly explain it to her, that it is your first time seeing each other in person and how important that is and how much it would mean to you if she would support you in this situation instead of trying to decide what is best for you. Sometimes explaining it and being rational about it helps.
      But it will work out, you'll just have to keep up your good mood and be extra sneaky if your mom isn't going to budge =p


        While I agree with MTK that this is obviously her attempt to preserve you as not only her innocent child but as hers solely (some parents are super possessive and find boyfriends/girlfriends threats) I would think the monetary aspect would have had her coming around considering it was her idea to get him down here to begin with to "save money". Canada to US and vice versa is not cheap, 5 days is pretty much pissing the money away, for lack of a nicer term. Heck, even Louisiana to Florida's near $600 right now so when my SO and I were looking for me to spend a week with him and it started dwindling down to like 2-3 days because I lost communication with him in order to see just what was gonna happen, I realized even if I went over there anyway out of desperation it wouldn't be worth the money. This isn't a convenience store visit where a "hi, bye" thing will suffice, you guys deserve AT LEAST 2 weeks.

        I hope your SO's mom can change your mom's mind and that if/when the trip happens it won't be so bad and your SO will reconsider his comment about never coming down again.


          if you are stubborn enough you can make it work, things will work out dont worry. And as for being dont worry she cant "watch" you guys 24/7 so you'll get alone time


            Originally posted by Puramu View Post
            Wrong. Mother noticed me in the ticket looking process and she asked what dates I was putting in. Basically, she thought we were still doing the 5 day thing. I was like "wtf mom". Her reason? She has to take off from work, because we can't be left alone. Why can't we be left alone? Because we'll have sex. C'mon mom, have some decency. This is the first visit, I'm sure we're not even going to get to that. *ahem* Anyways, mother is strict on her 5 day thing. But my SO wants to stay for two weeks. He can't get a hotel, not enough money and no transportation. I don't know why she thinks a week is too long, she has a load of excuses. It's really frustrating both me and my SO. And now my SO's parents are against the 5 day thing cause it seems like a waste of THEIR money, since they're paying for the ticket. So basically it's 4 against 1 with the two week thing; she's just screwing things up. Like my SO was going to book his ticket this Tuesday, but it's put on hold until this situation is resolved, ugh.
            My mom used to say weird things about sex like that to me too, so you are not the only one, but saying that she can not leave you alone whatsoever is ridiculous imo. From your previous posts, it sounds like you are in college, so that must mean that you are 18+. If you want to have sex, you will, and regardless of whether or not your mother tries, she will never be able to watch you 24/7. I mean, if you wanted to have sex that bad you could just go to a motel and get a room and tell her that you went to see a movie. If I were you, I would tell her that she needs to have a little trust and faith in you to do the right thing.

            If she has the first five days off, she will get to know your boyfriend anyway, so maybe she would feel more comfortable leaving you two alone during the second week. Basically, my mom used to say things like that too until I made her understand that a LDR is like any other relationship. If you two lived in the city together, you would get to spend time alone all of the time. The only situation I can kind of understand that reasoning was if she worked the night shift and didn't want you two to spend the night together alone.

            Also, if part of the problem is money, maybe your SO could offer to pay your mom a small amount for staying at your house.

            If talking rationally does not persuade your mom, I recommend getting a relative that she trusts to act as the mediator and help you two come to an agreement. I had to do that in order for my mom to agree to letting my boyfriend visit me for the first time.


              Be very persistent, but without being bratty of course because you won't your mom to know you're mature enough to handle this situation. Also, it is your mom's house, so you do have to abide by her rules, no matter how shitty they are. The point is, you should be happy to see your SO even if it comes down to only five days. It won't be the only time you'll ever see him again, and some time is better than no time.


                Ok update.

                I talked to my mom about him staying at my brother's friend's house and she seemed a bit merciful. Then my SO talked to her, his mom wasn't around so he had to do it hisself. He assured her that we wouldn't have sex, and if i go to the doctor after this and I'm not a virgin, she can have the power to break us up. Whoa, he didn't discuss this with me beforehand, heh. But really, I wasn't really planning on doing that the first visit anyways, so it's all good. We agreed about the 11th-23rd. I asked mother since he made that promise can he stay here the whole time, she said we'll see when he gets here. So yeah, guess she wants to get to know him or w/e.

                Thank you all for your encouragement and advice. I think everything's going to be a-ok now


                  Well let's hope your mom doesn't take him up on the offer to check your 'virginity' considering hymens break themselves all the time. But I'm glad he was not only able to convince her to loosen her hold but to reassure her that this wasn't just some expensive booty call. I know my mom treated my almost seeing my SO like that with the first words being "make him wear a condom." Sex is a nice perk but it's not why you guys are together. But yeah, I'm glad things got cleared up relatively quickly and hopefully they'll stay that way.


                    Okay, well I hope you two have a great time on your visit


                      yeaaah even if you went to the doctor he would tell you the same thing, hymens will break regardless if you have sex or not and thats only a scare tactic to kids to tell there parents if they had sex or not, but its good shes coming around


                        Some parents are simply impossible! Good thing you're getting somewhere though. She cant keep you in a her protective shell for ever :S


                          Well he booked his ticket today, and he's going to be here from the 15th-24th. Not two weeks, but meh, we can deal with that. Ok, time for the countdown, 9 days


                            Nice to hear it's working out


                              so happy to hear that its all going great for u! but at the same time... makes me miss my SO

