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Need help reading his signs. Does he like me? :)

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    Need help reading his signs. Does he like me? :)

    Hey guys!
    First off I used to be in a LDR – lasted 3 years but we split due to him not wanting to make the effort anymore for me :/ sad I know but I have moved on
    You are all doing so great and I feel that LDR’s are amazing and well worth it!
    I know it isn’t a LDR-related but I REALLY would love your advice! ^_^
    Thanks in advance for reading =D

    So – I like this guy from work. We are similar age, both 22.
    We have common interests and likes – (also he is 6ft 8 and I am 4ft 11 which is funny as we both are so opposite to height but I do love tall guys )

    I started noticing him when I used to call through on the phone to him (we work in a call centre) and have to sometimes call each other for help. So we got talking as you do at work on the phone and sometimes we get some funny customers ringing in and have a carry on :P

    Then, I noticed when we sat across the room from each other when I would look his way he suddenly would look away – shyly as if I then used to start noticing him looking my way catching his eye – and me doing the same and we would occasionally smile and giggle to ourselves.

    It then started when we would finish around the same time and he would joke ‘you’re stalking me again’ and I would say ‘im not!’ :P and he would act like “hmmm yeah right haha” and seemed to say in a flirty way which I would reply in a flirty way too
    I drive and he doesn’t – which I once offered walking out together if he would like a lift, he kindly accepted and said I was very kind to do so. Then we got chatting about this event that we and few work mates are thinking of going to in June that is what are into (gaming) and I think that’s as though its an invite which I replied I would wanna go to.

    We then friended on Facebook, But shortly after I friended him on there, I private messaged him saying “hii how are you?” and he didn’t reply….which then when he saw me at work told me he was sorry and forgot to message me back – which made me feel at first was an excuse but I am not too sure. This is what is making me think he may not like me or something lol
    We noticed we had quite a number of common interests. Which…since he has been commenting at work when we have time to talk (if I am giving lifts for him – he would bring up he saw a video I uploaded on my Facebook and youtube about gameplays I make – commenting he liked them, and once he talked about something to me I never told him – he must have read a comment I said to a friend on Facebook – meaning he is checking up on me! )

    Cut long story short – he is leaving my workplace and moving onto another job next week. He said “you won’t be able to stalk me as I am leaving next week" – which I congratulated and he thanked me a lot. A part of me is going to really miss him, as recently I have been going to work only thinking about him, and seeing him.
    Even today, a friend sitting behind him got to talk to me on the phone, as soon as our friend said my name, the guy I like turned around and said “oh is that Rachel” as if he overheard and wanted to be involved pulling his chair over to my friend and overhearing our conversation, which I said to tell him I say hi and he replied saying hi too”. (Rachel is my name btw).

    I REALLY like him – but I just don’t want to seem like I am stalking him even though it is our joke lol I wanna ask him to do something one time but I have a fear he will reject it lol…what do you guys think? And because since he never replied to my Facebook message about few weeks ago, I didn’t want to seem desperate to message him again and just wait – but I feel I don’t want to wait too long otherwise he may never want to message me. I only have a few more days with him in person. Want to make the most of the face-to-face time before he leaves.

    Last edited by RomanticAtHeart; April 30, 2013, 03:44 PM.

    Please let me know A.S.A.P what you think - really would love your thoughts! Much appreciated! ^^


      You won't know until you ASK! :P
      Made it official: 12-01-10
      First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
      Closed the distance: 07-31-13


        I agree with Black_Halloween. You won't know until you ask! :P

        First Met Online: May 08
        Became a Couple: 4.11.09
        First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
        Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
        Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13


          You really think so..? lol :P i sound so silly xD
          But what if i sound too eager tho, and if i dont get to say it before he leaves, then do i await him to reply by message or..?


            Why message him when you can ask him in person!?!? Just be like "Hey, fool i like you" or something :P
            Made it official: 12-01-10
            First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
            Closed the distance: 07-31-13


              Yes, ask... its easier than you think. Start out by telling him that you like him, and ask if there is a chance for a relationship. Being open and honest about it is the best way to go, and if he tells you that he doesn't feel the same way, don't feel awkward about it, for long.

              I have done this many times, once I found out the guy was in a committed relationship but just liked to be flirty, another time I found out that the guy liked me back but we found we couldn't be compatible with each other, and another time the guy told me straight up that he was still hoping his ex wife would come back to him cause he was still in love, but he thought I was a great friend and was willing to hang out with me. The one thing these guys all have in common is that I am still friends with all of them! I was open, honest and said what was on my mind. I didn't take offense to feelings that weren't the same.

              That's what you need to do, it sounds like you have a great start to an awesome flirtationship, so don't try to read his mind, and don't ask us to interpret signs that we haven't seen. Hell I don't read the signs right when they are flashing neon in front of my face.


                Just bit the bullet and ask him as otherwise you might drive yourself crazy with over reading/over analyzing into everything

                *Distance isn't an obstacle when it comes to love, but rather a great reminder on just how strong true love can be*

                We're engaged 2014 - save $$, 2015 - get married, 2016 - make the big move!


                  Originally posted by Black_Halloween View Post
                  Why message him when you can ask him in person!?!? Just be like "Hey, fool i like you" or something :P
                  LOL I like her idea ^

                  ♥ In 666 Ways I Love You & My Heaven Is Wherever You Are. I'm For You. ♥

                  We Met: June 9,2010
                  Back Together: August 1,2012
                  First Visit: September 21,2012 - September 29,2012
                  Second Visit: January 13,2013 - February 24,2013
                  Engaged: January 17,2013
                  Closed The Distance-MS - AZ: June 15th,2013
                  Moved To FL Together: November 14,2013
                  We Got Married! - July 3,2014
                  SO Graduated College - August 7,2015
                  Moved to Ky - August 10, 2015

