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Would you do it again?

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    Hands down, yes, to my SO. For anyone else? I honestly don't know, because I can't even contemplate with being with anyone else. I suppose it would depend on the person, really. If I love them, yes. If I want to be with them, yes. If there's one thing this distance has taught me, it's that distance is just a number, and no matter how hard it is to be apart from them, eventually, the reward at the end of it all WILL be worth it, and I'd do anything for the man I love.

    I would be LD for the rest of my life if that meant that was the only way I'd get to be with my SO. I can't imagine anyone else, nor do I want to imagine anyone else. I love him, and that's it.
    "I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning


      Can anyone really know?

      I definitely never even dreamed I'd be in the type of relationship that I am in now! Up until I met my SO, I thought LDRs were wicked crazy. But maybe it is crazy, and its own type of wonderful, what human beings are willing to do when it comes to that special kind of love.


        Originally posted by kattermole View Post
        Really interesting replies everyone, thanks!

        I agree with those who say they'd do it with their current SO, I'd do it with Ben again if we had to if the alternative was losing him. However I really wouldn't like to do it with anyone new, should I ever be in that situation. I can't imagine having a CD relationship with anyone other than my SO, though, so who knows.
        Hi! I just saw your comments and what you wrote about the surprise for your partner. Sorry to intrude but I also just saw you're ending the distance soon! How nice! Would you be willing to answer a PM where I'd ask you about the surprise you did? I say this because I was planning for a while to do the same, but I am not sure how to organize it. I really agree with what you wrote on this thread!




            For him, I would do it again. But not for anyone else, although since we closed the distance a while back and are getting married in a few months I don't need to worry about that

            Long distance sucked. I would not be interested in being in another relationship like that.


              I'm in my second one and its now falling apart. I would never let myself go thru this again. My ability to love is there. It's just too painfull when things end.😞


                Originally posted by Moon View Post
                I would, depending.

                While I don't exactly love the distance between us, I deal with it pretty well and I'm at a point in my life where marriage and kids are behind me, so a less-than-conventional relationship is fine. I wouldn't actively seek out another LDR, but I'd be OK with it, for the right guy (though, I've already found the right guy )

                The depending part...One thing I've learned from LFAD is that I would not have an LDR with someone in a country that's difficult to visit. If I had to apply for visas every time, and pay a high fee to do it, along with huge travel times, I just wouldn't be interested, no matter what. I'm OK with LD so long as I can actually visit them, without a lot of hassle.
                I couldn't have said this any better. This is definitely how I feel.

                First Visit: September 2016
                Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
                Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

                John 3:16
                For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
                John 4:12
                I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


                  I agree with your assertion that long distance relationships are very tough to handle. my long distance bf of one year recently broke up with me, and its tough, and I know that I won't want to do a long distance again.


                    For the question you posed, hellll no. I would not do it again. Maybe if long meant a couple hours drive, but the chances I'd meet someone I'd take a plane just to be with is pretty slim. I'm glad long distance gave me room to grow, both with another person and on my own, but I just wouldn't be able to handle jumping into another one "after" this.

                    Married: June 9th, 2015


                      I might do it again. It feels like everyone I know just isn't relationship material to me. Yet online people I connect with a lot easier. Or maybe it's 'cause it's easier for me to open up to them.

