Okay, so originally my SO and I planned on meeting for lunch today when he drives up to see me. Well apparently my Mon somehow guessed we were planning that and was pretty much making me promise we wouldn't do that. Okay, now so I had been messaging my SO to tell him not to meet me for lunch just to get some rest. Well he never got my messages because he left his phone back in SC with his grandparents cause it was messed up. So now, my mom decides that she's going to take me out for lunch instead of him in case he doesn't show. We, lunchtime rolls around and turns out, they're both here! Ugh! My mom introduces herself, then let's my SO and I go eat by ourselves while she goes and eats at the restaurant across the street. Lunch is over, we walk back to my work cause he has to get something for me from his car. My mom pulls up in her car, asks him if he'd like a tour of our town with her since I had to get back to work til 5 like I thought. So I discover that my supervisor is letting me leave at 3 since my SO only had a few hours with me. Problem...my mom hasn't got a cellphone, my SO left his back in SC. I have no idea where she was taking him but she has to bring him back because were all meeting for supper at 6. Should I just drive around town to see if I can locate her car? I had no idea my supervisor would let me leave early until now and I can't get in touch with my man.,