Hi Guys,
I'm a Newbie ^__^ This is my first post. I've actually been reading a lot of threads but have never really felt cause to write a post until today. I am excited to become part of this community...
I live in NYC and my S/O lives in Glasgow its a really tough distance but we've been doing quite well. I'm deeply in love with him and am learning to how to be open again after some rough relationships. Not just SO's but also family and close friends. I've recently had hesitations about all love, especially long distance. But for this one I can put all that away. He's the most gentle creature. Always caring, always attentive, and keeps his promises, it's the first genuine love I've felt for some time. Constantly and with every sense of want reassures me he is with me. I ramble...
I have a pretty high stress job and so does he. We usually keep each other company throughout the day. We are both fairly clingy. We aren't wild about it, we just constantly have each other on kik messenger there to speak to one another if the mood should strike, or if we need each other...or just want to express things we feel... or to tell the haps on the other side of the world. ~__^
With the amount of distance between us this is kind of how we get through the days. We're 2 months out from a long visit we've been planning, we just bought tickets last week... It's Great.
But now, I haven't heard from him in a few days.
This amount of worry and anxiety I have over this feels a little crazy. But as I described before it has become our natural state since committing. We talk from when we wake up to when we fall asleep and it's beautiful.
At first i noticed on Kik that his messenges were stuck on S and not being delivered. So I thought 'It could have been a phone accident.' (last time we spoke, he was at the pool and is clumsy like me -.-) I just don't understand why I haven't gotten an email... when I cracked the LCD on my phone we just skyped one another from my tablet. He has a tablet and laptop too.
Then, when his messages went from sent to delivered I thought 'There was also a death looming in his family and it could be that person finally passed and he had fallen into grief?' So I checked the app we use to call eachother and he's online... at last! i call... no answer. I try a direct Call still no answer.
That's when I started to freak. Selfishly I'd feel sad not being given an opportunity to at least try to prop him up while mourning, but Ok screw me in this situation, why not just let me know?
I could go on and on for paragraphs and paragraphs about why I'm feeling so frustrated, anxious, and sad about the whole thing. I want to stop freaking out so...
Any tips?
I'm hoping someone understands.
I'm a Newbie ^__^ This is my first post. I've actually been reading a lot of threads but have never really felt cause to write a post until today. I am excited to become part of this community...
I live in NYC and my S/O lives in Glasgow its a really tough distance but we've been doing quite well. I'm deeply in love with him and am learning to how to be open again after some rough relationships. Not just SO's but also family and close friends. I've recently had hesitations about all love, especially long distance. But for this one I can put all that away. He's the most gentle creature. Always caring, always attentive, and keeps his promises, it's the first genuine love I've felt for some time. Constantly and with every sense of want reassures me he is with me. I ramble...
I have a pretty high stress job and so does he. We usually keep each other company throughout the day. We are both fairly clingy. We aren't wild about it, we just constantly have each other on kik messenger there to speak to one another if the mood should strike, or if we need each other...or just want to express things we feel... or to tell the haps on the other side of the world. ~__^
With the amount of distance between us this is kind of how we get through the days. We're 2 months out from a long visit we've been planning, we just bought tickets last week... It's Great.
But now, I haven't heard from him in a few days.
At first i noticed on Kik that his messenges were stuck on S and not being delivered. So I thought 'It could have been a phone accident.' (last time we spoke, he was at the pool and is clumsy like me -.-) I just don't understand why I haven't gotten an email... when I cracked the LCD on my phone we just skyped one another from my tablet. He has a tablet and laptop too.
Then, when his messages went from sent to delivered I thought 'There was also a death looming in his family and it could be that person finally passed and he had fallen into grief?' So I checked the app we use to call eachother and he's online... at last! i call... no answer. I try a direct Call still no answer.
I could go on and on for paragraphs and paragraphs about why I'm feeling so frustrated, anxious, and sad about the whole thing. I want to stop freaking out so...
Any tips?
I'm hoping someone understands.