My long distance girlfriend just told me that she doesnt see us working out. She still loves me its that were gonna be apart for 2 more years. Im going off to college and she is going to a two year college in texas. I love her with all my heart and i cant let her go. She doesnt like seeing me be sad. I havent been able to stop crying for the past hour. im in tremendous pain and i just feel like hitting things. anything to get rid of this pain. I doubt talking to her would help and i dont feel like freaking her cause of the way im acting. i cant do anything to feel better or to stop me crying. any advice would really help
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Cant stop crying
Oh I'm so sorry honeyIt sucks when your heart and hopes get shoved down you're throat. Sometimes the only thing to do to feel better is cry. It doesn't really help things, or make the hurt any less, but once you've cried all you can, it makes it easier to think. and by the time you're all cried out, you'll be to tired to want to break things and can talk to her calmly and see if there's not something that can be worked out.
I would know. I'm a cry-er."God I'm evil!" ~Me
"Yes you are. Now shut up and kiss me." ~AJ
Everyday apart is one day closer to being together again.
Calling someone to cry to is always a good start. Then when you've calmed down, try to talk to her. Tell her you're willing to make the relationship a priority and you hope she will to, and that long distance doesnt have to just be waiting, you can still have a sembelance of a life together if you try.
If you both still love each other, hold on for all you're worth.
Hugs, Comfort & CarrotsHappily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person
my family doesnt approve of my ldr. it just feels like there isnt anything worth fighting for in life anymore. She said "I feel like were suposed to be together. But not yet. Like I feel like we were suposed to meet at shelby and ajs wedding and then be together. I feel like shelby was never suposed to introduce us till then. And none of this would be happening to us if that makes since?"
May I ask, how long have you been together?
And don't say it isn't worth fighting for! How often do you come across in your life someone who changes you? Its rare... believe me! Since you still love each other, in my opinion, I would talk it out with her. About her reasoning why she see it that way. Stay strong, maybe it has someone to do with a fear that you won't have enough time to talk to each other. There is always the option of writing emails to each other. Remember that there is always other people in LDRs out there who are further apart, or have a greater time difference and/or have been together longer. So don't give up!
Even ask her if she would be interested in joining LFAD. Then you both could speak to others in LDRs and find common ground on challenges everyone is trying over come.
"True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall
Good Luck Kyle!
AA"Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
"Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
"True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall
Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.
Call a friend. If you can't, I'd call just someone regardless of how they feel about your relationship and say straight up "shutup I'm not here for an opinion I want comfort."
A lot of break ups happen because one of them feels they aren't strong enough to keep up with the distance. How long were you guys long distance before this? Did things seem to be going well before? When you're calm and you can think straight without falling to bits, which may take a few days, I'd talk to her and try and see just why she feels you guys can't make it through a couple years talking on the phone and internet and using webcam. Would either one of you be able to make occasional visits like every 3 months or something? That might help because then you'd see each other at least for a little bit. If not then it simply means working harder and if she loves you and you love her then you two can bear that load and know in the end you can look back on it all and say "we did this for love and it was worth it."
I'm sorry you're hurting so terribly, I'd love to reach through the computer and give you a hug and let you scream and cry.
I'd still say try to talk to her! I mean you try it and maybe it works out, of course if she is willing to try it.
I mean technically seein my situation I cant be with my bf untill in 4 years! But I am not givin up, I will do my best to see him as often as possible and Im pretty sure we will be together sooner than anyone or most of all us 2 think.
As archangel posted the quote, dont give up on true love.
And I think if you two are meant to be together you will, now or later no one knows, but you will.
all the best! *hugs*
I'm sorry Kyle. Your going to get through this, even if its with her or with out her. Keep ya head up and stay strong for me brotha!
♥Now on we go♥
♥To where no one knows♥
♥But I know, that I love you even more♥
♥Tears we cry♥
♥Asking myself why♥
♥Did I let the only one that I love go♥
♥You were meant for me♥
♥Darling can't you see♥
♥This is your song♥
Your song (For you) By Glenn Lewis
You'll be my hubby and I'll be your wifey, so let's be together in bliss for "lifey" lol
(I know it's cheesy, just bare with the siggy XP)
when my gf broke up with me I was going super crazy and she was actinglike everything was fine and after i relapsed into drugs and completely gave up someone close to me told me acting like that meant I was giving up on her too. I stuck it out for 2 months, we're back together and better since.Met: 1.20.09 (At School)
Starting Dating: 5.22.09
Been an LDR since: 8.17.10 (3 hours distance)
Last Time I saw my SO: 10.02.10
Next time I will see my SO: 10.14.10
I think that talking to her would be the best approach, i know that you don't want to freak her out but i think it would be for the better in the end if you clear the air and let her know how much she means to you and that you know that it can work out, if she is willing to make an effort and if she feels the same for you then time and distance is not going to matter in the end.
Knowing that someone is willing to wait for you for years is not to be taken lightly. I think that is a nice thought, you won't have here and now but you know that you will have it later. =)
She told me that she didn't feel like we were supposed to meet up so soon. we were supposed to meet up when our friends got married and then the distance wouldn't have been an issue. She says that she still loves me and doesn't want to date anyone else but to make the distance go by faster and less painful that we both should just do our own thing a little more. Were still gonna talk on the phone and text but a little less. She said that ill still be able to ask her about her day and say I love you but I'm crazy about this girl. I already want to text and talk to her 24/7, Its gonna be hard for me to relax with that stuff. Then next day came and I wanted to be clear about what she was talking about. So I asked her if we were still gonna be together and not date or kiss anyone else and she replied with "I don't know I just need some space." She kept telling me she doesnt want to date anyone else and that she loves me then she says that. I dont know whats going on and i dont know what she wants.
I can understand her having problems with dealing with the distance, but that's kind of a cruel way to go about it by saying she loves you and that you guys can supposedly act like nothing's changed except you won't talk as much. And personally her idea of making time go faster is rather, well, illogical. I would feel like every day was a week and be ten times more miserable if my SO forced a wedge of silence between us. Has she not heard the saying "time flies when you're having fun?" It's better you guys try and make every day the best it can be, together, than suffer in silence. Her excuses don't really make sense to me so I don't know if she's lying to skirt another issue or what. Maybe give her a few days to a week to think and come back and ask if she knows what she wants then? Again I can understand if she's truly got problems with the distance and is confused but she's not helping the situation any with what she is and isn't telling you. All of this affects, and has been affecting, you as well as her so you deserve to know everything she knows and get a say and a chance to convince her otherwise if you can.