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Cant stop crying

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    Aww, Im so sorry. And its OKAY to cry. I cry a lot when things go wrong but after im done, i feel soooo much better. and eventually you just learn to accept things. It takes a while but just try to cope right now, like watch your favorite movie or listen to you favorite song on a loop. Or even type in " people falling " on Youtube , haha. whatever ges you through the night. Tomorrow you will probably feel better and if she feels for you as you do for her , she probably feels the same way. We are here for you ...


      It sounds like she's really confused about what to do and obviously not dealing with the distance well. She's probably scared that it's not going to work out so rather than getting hurt in the future, she's trying to put up these protective walls. It's a defense mechanism. I think you really need to be assertive with her and tell her that you DO see this working out and you're committed to making that happen. If she is scared, ask her to tell you straight so that you can work it out together rather than just pushing you away. Just my opinion on the situation.

      Until you can talk to her and work through things, I always find that having background noise helps me not cry as much. I don't mean like listening to music, because at least for me, music usually just makes me more sad. I'm talking about listening to talk radio or keeping the news on or podcasts about subjects that don't remind you of her. It might help distract your mind enough to calm down some.

