There's a saying I hold true to my heart, "When one door closes another one opens" and that very well might be what's happening to us! Daniel goes to the Kansas City Aviation Tech School and we recently found out that they're shutting down for good (while opening another location in vegas). Its supposed to be shutting down after all of the students graduate september 2014 but corporate are trying to find ways to expel students asap. Teachers and students alike are already leaving because they also are taking away housing come January. They don't even have the campus on the website anymore.
Daniel was looking at places to possibly transfer to and I found an aviation Tech school a whole 30 minutes away from me! Its basically the same program but a different company. I spoke to my parents and they're more than willing to have him live with us. There's also a bus route that goes from the center of my town to the school so he can save up some money when he finds a job here to buy a car.
The only downside to all of this (besides him having to basically start all over) is that this all happened the day after I bought the plane ticket for a visit we were supposed to have next month
I was wondering if I would be hit with a huge amount of fees if I changed the tickets to a one way ticket in his name at a sooner date? I'm flying US airways and United. We already spent about $600 on these and can't afford much more. His family is trying to come up with anything they can.
Daniel was looking at places to possibly transfer to and I found an aviation Tech school a whole 30 minutes away from me! Its basically the same program but a different company. I spoke to my parents and they're more than willing to have him live with us. There's also a bus route that goes from the center of my town to the school so he can save up some money when he finds a job here to buy a car.
The only downside to all of this (besides him having to basically start all over) is that this all happened the day after I bought the plane ticket for a visit we were supposed to have next month
