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Should I break up with him?

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    Should I break up with him?

    Hi I'll call myself C
    So I met this guy who is 19years old( I'm turning 18this month) through a penpal website. At first, we were just text friends and all that and then I started liking him (though we're just texting :s ). But at that time he had a girlfriend (whom he was planning to live with in the future.)Then this year on April he caught his gf cheating with two other guys(btw she cheated on him previously once but he forgived her) so he got so mad and broke up with her. And about a few days later we were chatting and he suddenly said that we would be a cute couple and then added that we should be in a relationship. Well of course I said yeah and I thought things were going well until he got a part time job. He works from 3pm to 11pm everyday(with one day off) and now he rarely texts me. I told him that I missed the old times when we used to text a lot and he said that we both have our own things to do(for him, work and for me, school work and exams) but he also said that he'll make the time. But I think he has plenty of time to text me cause he has like 10hours of free time(from the time he wakes up til he goes to work). And whenever we text each other he would always kill the conversation by saying Yeah No Wow Oh etc. Is he not willing to text me? I'm really confused because one day he told me that he has strong feelings for me despite of the distance but he won't text me that often. We had been trying to text more often but sooner or later he won't reply to my texts. My last text was the day before yesterday and he is still not replying to it. Oh and he even won't send a picture of himself while I do when he asks one. He gives excuses like his room is too dark but the switch is too far or it's morning and he has to go asleep.I don't want to be clinging nor do I want to annoy him. I really understand both of our situations but it's killing me. I've always thought about breaking up with him but whenever he texts me back, it washes away and moreover we haven't met in person yet so I don't want to easily break up with him until I meet him in person and know more about him.
    So to sum up my questions.
    Do you think he started a relationship with me because he really likes me or just because he wants to forget about his ex?
    Do you think he isn't willing to text me?
    Should I break up with him and just stay as friends until we meet up? If yes then how should I say it to him and still be friends?
    If not then how should I maintain my relationship with him? (by the way we really don't have the time to video chat we only send instant messages to each other)

    The only way you're going to know is if you ask him directly, and tell him that a relationship involves communication and stick to your guns and don't let every "wow" or "oh" text blow you away to the point you stop remembering you wanted to hold him to communicating with you. What I'm not getting is how he supposedly has 10 hours of free time - does he only sleep 6 hours? - and should have the time to text you within that time, but you then don't have the time to video chat? If you have the time to IM, send text messages like in the beginning, etc., you have the time to video chat. That said, he also jumped into a relationship with you. I had a friend with me joke that we should be in a relationship, normally not something he would say, but given the circumstances he said it under, I can understand why he said it. That said, I would never agree to be with someone who was still hurting from a previous relationship. It's too easy to become a rebound, and even if they think they like you, that's often not the case. It sounds like maybe he got a job, so he no longer needs something to keep his mind off his broken up relationship and so you're sort of being put on the backburner. Did you two actually discuss your relationship? Do you have titles? Are you exclusive? If so, then I think you need to confront him and ask him to define you and then figure out where both your needs are. If not, then my guess would be he was just blabbing and didn't really mean it, and I would get out before more hurt is caused.


      He sounds like a serial monogamous. Someone that jumps from relationship to relationship because it comfortable. Personally, when a guy likes you and I mean TRULY likes you and is meeting your needs because he wants too. You won't find yourself on a message board asking for advice.


        I had something similar to that some years ago, and it wasnt really good: i met this boy on a penpal website too, we started talking a lot and i started liking him even if we didnt meet yet. Result.... i was really into it, it was just a 'game' to him (i mean he had a gf, they both cheated on each other so i was like... a 'past time' to him when things werent good with his gf). As you said, i often thought 'i have to stop it, i dont like it this way!' but everytime he texted me i was ready to start again.
        As ThePiedPiper said, i think you should talk openly to him and discuss if you are in a relationship, if you are exclusive and say openly what you both expect from it. To be honest, he seems to be a bit like the boy i met and like if he keeps you waiting cos he knows you care about him, even if he doesnt act well, he knows you'll forgive him, but i may be wrong of course good luck in any case!


          well he lives in the US and I live in Korea so we have like 14hours of time difference and when he has his "10 hour free time" I'm at school so apparently we don't have the time to do web cam :/


            how should I ask him without hurting both of our feelings or making our relationship/friendship worse?


              Mmh well, not knowing him personally it's not easy suggesting you what to say maybe you could just tell him what you think/feel and ask him the same, it could be a good start

