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    My parents allow me to talk to my bf but when it comes to a fight between them and me as an example cause of school they say stuff like its just virtual and he and the love doesnt even exist
    But as long as they let me talk to him I dont care, cause I know he's real just as everything else. Not everyone has to be evil on the internet.


      My parents, family and friends have been very supportive of me and my SO, although it did take many of them a little time to catch up with us. We have been together for over 2 years now and the people around us are just about realising that this is the real thing.

      We have visited each other and met each other's families and friends, but before we did this I think people were waiting for it to come to a natural end. It was really hard for anyone who hadn't experienced a long distance relationship to understand that our feelings were real and that it wasn't just a fantasy. The older generations, in particular, had difficulty seeing it as a real realationship - I think their lack of experience with technology was a factor in this, especially since we met playing an online game.

      I distinctly remember having many conversations with my SO about how we were just waiting for everyone to catch up with us and how it was very difficult to stay patient. But we were right - it just took time and patience, more then I thought I had. I knew our relationship was worth these additional hardships that come with loving form a distance and now the world is catching up with us.

      I hope your parents catch up soon, then they can join you in the joy of your relationship.

      With great love,



        When I moved away from him last June, nobody expected us to last. They always said things like "I hope it ends well". My new friends here don't really understand it either. There was a time when almost all of my friends at school were trying to convince me to break up with him to date another boy here...they still don't understand. But I hope I was able to show my friends back in Texas that love truly knows no distance, when I went back to visit last month and everyone was shocked at how close my relationship still is.


          i am 24..and my parents still hate my ldr....i mean they r so much against it and its also because we belong 2 differnt castes ....i just dont know how 2 convince them..they r hurt a lot and want 2 fix me to sumone of our caste,,,...


            My parents really seem to like my bf. The age difference (I'm almost 21 and he's 29) doesn't seem to bother them and it shouldn't because my parents have 9 years of age difference. My bf speaks German as his first language and my mom speaks fluent German so it was easy for them to talk. My dad in stead speaks quite bad English (though he was a lot better than I first thought! He just doesn't hear too well because he's already +70 years old) and has taken some German courses decades ago so that didn't help. I just pretty much had to translate everything between them.

            My bf is very polite (he brought an expensive cake for my parents when they first met and always asked if my mom needs any help in the kitchen and so on), so it's really easy to like him. My brother's wife, who's like a big sister to me, was first a bit sceptic about the age difference, but she now seems to like him a lot as well now that she's met him.

            And when my mom called me two days ago she mentioned that my dad has enrolled to a German class so I guess it means he also likes my SO! Soon everyone else can speak German with him but me!
            Last edited by maielle; August 17, 2010, 03:18 PM. Reason: Typing errors


              My parents have meet my SO, they think of him as their own son, so I know they don't have a problem with us being together. However, that doesn't mean that my mom approves of what he's doing. When my boyfriend first went to China, he and his friend he went with were completely unprepared for everything. There were times that everyone here at home thought that they were doing the stupidest thing they had ever decided to do, and my mom was among those people. (so were his parents) So my mom doesn't have a problem with my relationship, however she doesn't seem to understand why I don't talk him into coming home because to her, he's being stupid.



                Only live with my mum and she's fine with it. She encourages it and encourages me and elina to see each other as often as possible


                  Luckily my parents adore my SO. They are always so concerned about his well being and they love sending gifts and care packages to him and his friends. It's pretty cute! They've given me their blessing to do whatever I need to do to make it work between us.


                    I wish my parents could be like that.. They hate it so much that as of yesterday, I'm banned from traveling to see him.. I literally can't think properly.. ='(
                    Although this distance breaks my heart,
                    And it's unbearable when we're apart,
                    I know that it will all be fine,
                    As my heart is yours,
                    And yours is mine.. <3


                      I think parents aren't as happy about an LDR because they can't monitor the situation, nor can they meet, and feel your SO out. I think its normal for parents to want things to be CDR so they can watch over you and make judgements. Thats just my opinion though.


                        I think you're right.. I'm young enough so in one way I know they just care.. But they're showing it the wrong way..
                        Although this distance breaks my heart,
                        And it's unbearable when we're apart,
                        I know that it will all be fine,
                        As my heart is yours,
                        And yours is mine.. <3

