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To give everything up or not?

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    I agree with the others about asking for the time off, It never hurts to ask. What kind of work do you do? A lot of work can be done remotely now and since the times are changing more and more employers are jumping on board with this. You could still work while being away, just a thought/suggestion.


      Originally posted by digitalfever View Post
      I don't think you should quit your job. I think financial security and personal well come before your SO.

      It's fine that your SO can support you while your in the US buy what happens when you head back to London? I think you have to consider the long term affects of your decision to quit your job.

      This. ^^

      You need to think about yourself and personal job security first.


        So, what did your supervisor say?


          Originally posted by Safihre View Post
          So, what did your supervisor say?
          I kind of haven't grown a pair of .... And asked him yet. I know as soon as I ask it will get out in the office and everyone will start treating me differently.

          I work in the Ritz Hotel in London as soon I you guys may know. And in the next 2 weeks we have 5 receptionists leaving which means will be asking. I just don't think it will work in my favour. I know it doesn't hurt in asking but I just don't think it will be possible.

          Also I KNOW Justin wouldn't let me give anything up just to be over there for a few months. He wants me up be stabilised while he's away and having a job to keep me busy and stuff.

          I think I may just aim for asking a 4 week holiday in the new year around may. We're technically only allowed to take 2 weeks holiday at a time. So maybe I could get away with just asking it I can use some more of my holiday and explain he's being deployed?


            Originally posted by Louise_B View Post
            I kind of haven't grown a pair of .... And asked him yet. I know as soon as I ask it will get out in the office and everyone will start treating me differently.

            I work in the Ritz Hotel in London as soon I you guys may know. And in the next 2 weeks we have 5 receptionists leaving which means will be asking. I just don't think it will work in my favour. I know it doesn't hurt in asking but I just don't think it will be possible.

            Also I KNOW Justin wouldn't let me give anything up just to be over there for a few months. He wants me up be stabilised while he's away and having a job to keep me busy and stuff.

            I think I may just aim for asking a 4 week holiday in the new year around may. We're technically only allowed to take 2 weeks holiday at a time. So maybe I could get away with just asking it I can use some more of my holiday and explain he's being deployed?
            Is it possible to roll over your holiday time?


              Originally posted by digitalfever View Post
              Is it possible to roll over your holiday time?
              what do you mean? its been a long day :/ LOL


                Originally posted by Louise_B View Post
                what do you mean? its been a long day :/ LOL
                From the previous year? Can you build up Lieu hours?

                I'm glad that you are looking into asking about time off rather than quitting your job. I know the time feels like a long time. but like someone has already said what is 9 months in the grand scheme of things.

                My boyfriend has been gone since Feb and (hopefully) will be back in Dec. He is working on a cruise ship.
                We both worked for the same leisure centre, and both disliked it. Although he disliked it more than I knew and they were a HUGE reason why he just seem to pack his bags and work on the ship. I still work for the company, but when he 1st left I was so angry at them and all I wanted to do so was quit and just leave. I knew though, that I was irrational. and quitting my job wouldn't have gotten me anywhere. He would still be gone.
                I'm glad I didn't, I hate the company and I have applied for lots of jobs since he left but just haven't found anything else. and that's 6 months of looking. Hold on to your job. I have good friends were I work and I think they have helped distract me from the past 6 months. and I think it would help you too. The last thing you want is nothing to do with your days.

                Speak to your bosses and try and get time off. If not 3 months unpaid, try your idea for a month just before he leaves, make the most of your time together and keep looking forward.
                ”I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever. I promise to never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love. I vow to love you, and no matter what challenges might carry us apart, we will always find a way back to each other.”
                The Vow

