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Taking it Day by Day - The Positive Challenge

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    Taking it Day by Day - The Positive Challenge

    I am challenging every single one of you to say something positive about EACH one of these three things EVERY DAY!

    1) Your SO (this should be easy)
    2) The relationship you share (almost equally as easy)
    3) Yourself (ooooo... it just got interesting)

    I have come to the realization that we cannot be happy, successful people unless we have a positive outlook on life. In turn, we cannot have a happy, successful relationship with our SO until we are happy and successful within our person. So let's get the positivity flowing! I'll start!

    1) He is always available to listen when I need to talk, day or night.
    2) Our trust is stronger than ever right now.
    3) I am a stronger person because the distance.

    Your turn!

    Ooooh I love this! Good idea!

    My positive things:
    1) My SO - He has a really big heart, and loves to make sure I feel loved, beautiful, and supported.
    2) Our relationship - All these months later, we are just as excited about our relationship as we were on day one.
    3) Myself - I guess I have to say that lately I've become much more determined. I'm much more motivated to do what I want to do, and get where I want to be.

    Mine are a little longer, ahah, but I'm not one to usually keep things short! :P
    started dating: 12/08/12
    "i love you": 04/12/13
    el paso: 07/24/13 - 08/05/13
    montreal: 12/13/13 - 01/03/14
    el paso: 01/05/14 - 01/19/14
    montreal: 05/30/14 - 07/27/14
    el paso: 07/27/14 - 08/18/14
    el paso: 12/27/14 - 01/16/15
    el paso: 06/02/15 - 08/17/15
    san antonio: 02/04/16 - 02/08/16
    san antonio/el paso: 06/03/16 - 06/21/16


      Originally posted by alittlemind View Post
      Ooooh I love this! Good idea!

      My positive things:
      1) My SO - He has a really big heart, and loves to make sure I feel loved, beautiful, and supported.
      2) Our relationship - All these months later, we are just as excited about our relationship as we were on day one.
      3) Myself - I guess I have to say that lately I've become much more determined. I'm much more motivated to do what I want to do, and get where I want to be.

      Mine are a little longer, ahah, but I'm not one to usually keep things short! :P
      I love it!! Don't shorten things, let it out!


        My positive things:
        1) My SO - He is the sweetest, most genuine guy I have ever met. He has a big heart and supports me and my goals, no matter what.
        2) Our relationship - We have a really strong bond. He is truly my best friend. Over the past months, our love for one another has only gotten stronger. <3
        3) Myself - I've always been a determined person, but I'm even more so now. I'm much more focused on school and my future goals. Doing what I have to do to make our future better.

        Mines long too, lol! I can get carried away.


          There can never be too much positivity!

          My SO- He still happily snuggles me and kisses me even when I have horrible morning breath, if that's not true love I don't know what is.
          Our relationship- He pinky promised me that he would be there through it all and three years later, it's still strong. That boy is special.
          Me- I've worked so hard on becoming less dependent on him and our relationship for happiness, I feel strong and powerful.


            POSITIVITY FTW!

            1) My SO - He is very considerate, he always thinks about how his actions will affect others and would like to keep everyone happy.
            2) Relationship - We don't argue, we discuss things calmly.
            3) Me - I am strong, I can deal with most things life throws at me.
            “We're all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness — and call it love — true love.”
            ― Robert Fulghum, True Love

            Met UK 3.08.2012-5.08.12 ->UK 1.12.12-3.12.12->PL 8.02.13-16.02.13->PL 1.06.13-9.06.13->UK 3.08.13-17.08.13->UK 26.10.2013-02.11.2013->PL 30.11.2013-08.12.2013->PL 22.03.2014-29.03.2014->UK 31.05.2014-07.06.2014->PL 06.09.2014-13.09.13->UK 20.12.2014-03.01.2015
            Closed the distance >21.03.2015


              My SO - She is the sweetest, most supportive, and beautiful woman I have ever met. She loves me despite all of my faults and insecurities I have about myself. She knows the good, the bad, and the ugly about me and who I am and still chooses to love me. She knows exactly what to say to cheer me up when I'm down and make me smile and laugh. She puts up with my stubbornness and all of the non important irrelevant crap I choose to lay in bed and worry myself sick over night after night. It doesn't matter what time it is. Whether its 2 in the morning and she's out cold sleeping, Or if it's 6 in the morning and she's getting ready to go to work. She still chooses to take time out of her day to sit there on the phone with me and talk about what's bothering me and helps me talk through it. I can ALWAYS count on her to be there for me.

              Our Relationship (and love) - Grows every single day as we continue to learn everything there is to know about each other and what gets us ticking whether it be good or bad.

              Myself - I've never been much of a confident person. Whether it be in myself or my goals in life and trying to strive to achieve them. I know it's cliche, But I have FINALLY learned that it doesn't matter what I choose to do in life just as long as I'm happy. I've learned that I don't have to strive to please everybody. I'm perfect just the way I am and as long as I'm happy with myself and what I choose to do in my life, That's all that matters.


                Thats a great idea Rach92g, I think it will really help me, especially in this stressing moment
                1) My SO - He is the most positive person I know
                2) Our relationship - Trusting each other like we do despite the miles between us and what people think, is amazing
                3) Myself - Thats a difficult point for me cos of what I'm going through these weeks... can 'being stubborn' be a positive thing somehow? ahah


                  1) My SO is funny, sincere and so intelligent and I love him for that
                  2) Our relationship - is calm, peaceful and hopefully it will get stronger with time
                  3) Myself - I have grown up so much during my 3,5 months LDR and though I have so fears/ doubts I TRY to be positive about his committement to me and to our relationship


                    Originally posted by Brieasaurus View Post
                    There can never be too much positivity!

                    Me- I've worked so hard on becoming less dependent on him and our relationship for happiness, I feel strong and powerful.
                    You're absolutely right about that! Positivity is like love, the more we make of it the better the world will be. And I love the whole "dependency" thing! You truly do make your own happiness. We should all learn from this. Don't rely on others to make you happy. I love it! Great post!
                    Last edited by rach92g; August 22, 2013, 07:55 AM.


                      Originally posted by aniay View Post
                      POSITIVITY FTW!

                      2) Relationship - We don't argue, we discuss things calmly.
                      This is a great thing to say about your relationship! I feel that it's so easy to get caught up in the moment that we start yelling at each other really for no reason, and then the tension is even worse. Way to go guys! Talking calmly can often save a relationship.
                      Last edited by rach92g; August 22, 2013, 07:58 AM.


                        Originally posted by BigMatt93 View Post

                        Myself - I've never been much of a confident person. Whether it be in myself or my goals in life and trying to strive to achieve them. I know it's cliche, But I have FINALLY learned that it doesn't matter what I choose to do in life just as long as I'm happy. I've learned that I don't have to strive to please everybody. I'm perfect just the way I am and as long as I'm happy with myself and what I choose to do in my life, That's all that matters.
                        I feel that this is the most important part. I love what you've said here about yourself. Keep thinking these positive things, and your confidence will grow as a result.


                          Originally posted by PrincessJOE View Post
                          Thats a great idea Rach92g, I think it will really help me, especially in this stressing moment
                          1) My SO - He is the most positive person I know
                          2) Our relationship - Trusting each other like we do despite the miles between us and what people think, is amazing
                          3) Myself - Thats a difficult point for me cos of what I'm going through these weeks... can 'being stubborn' be a positive thing somehow? ahah
                          If I have helped just one person with my quest for positivity, then it's worth it already. I hope the positive thoughts continue to flow through your mind. And yes, stubbornness CAN be a positive thing! Very unique!


                            Originally posted by alizee View Post
                            1) My SO is funny, sincere and so intelligent and I love him for that
                            2) Our relationship - is calm, peaceful and hopefully it will get stronger with time
                            3) Myself - I have grown up so much during my 3,5 months LDR and though I have so fears/ doubts I TRY to be positive about his committement to me and to our relationship
                            Your relationship may be young, but give it time to grow! This lifestyle is not for the faint at heart, it will make you a stronger person. I love how you said you've "grown up" during your LDR. I can totally relate!


                              My positive things for today:

                              1) Though we have a 3 hour time difference and I am up right now about to leave for work, I can imagine him all snuggled in his covers sleeping sweetly. He's just the cutest thing!
                              2) Throughout our relationship we have always supported each other. Early on, we were involved in the same school activities, so it was easy to support something we were mutually interested in. Now that we are older and creating our own lives as individuals, I'll admit it has been harder for me to support him, but it is becoming easier and I'm even getting excited about his career choice. We always find a way to be supportive.
                              3) I woke up in a great mood this morning, despite the fact that I'm still battling a cold/allergies/bronchitis or something haha I have no idea what I have.

                              Have a wonderful day everyone!
                              Last edited by rach92g; August 22, 2013, 08:08 AM. Reason: Typo - I'm an OCD Journalism major ha, I can't deal with typos!

