First things first. Me and my SO know were getting married soon. We've known for quite some time but we weren't going to say anything to my parents just yet because it wasn't the right time to tell them. My mom has been going through some stuff with her dad and I didn't want to put another thing on her plate already. My SO was planning on telling my parents his intentions towards me as soon as possible. Well, his mom knows our plans and has for quite a while now and was happy about it but felt like we were being sneaky by not telling my parents our intentions yet. I already explained to his mom why I hadn't done that yet and for good reason. MY mom is the type of person who stresses out very easily and she gets mad very easily. I wanted to hold it from her until things had settled down a bit with my grandpa but apparently his mom decided to take matters into her own hands. My SO, just recently got dismissed from his job, so he said he plans on just getting a job up here and moving when he gets one. Well, I told my mom this and she called his mom to tell her that she didn't want her thinking we were trying to force him to come up here. Well she didn't get a hold of her the first time. Well my SO's mom called my mom back and told her EVERYTHING! And I mean everything! She blabbed of our intentions, she said how I was planning on originally going to temporarily move down there until we got married and when he had his firefighting job still, we were going to stay down there until he got his training and then move up here for a while. Well she told her everything and she even told her that he was planning on marrying me. Well thanks to her, my mom got upset thinking we were being sneaky by not telling her but it was in her best interest and ours that I didn't tell her yet because it wasn't the right time yet! Now Im mad and upset at my Future MIL because she blabbed everything, hes mad at his mom and now we have to just face this head on now because obviously my parents probably lost trust in us, I have lost trust in my SO's mom and now its all topsy turvy. Good grief! I'm 23 for crying out loud, if this gets any worse were seriously thinking of eloping because having them feel like they can control our actions when this is our life, is just causing a rift between us all. Were adults, we respect their opinion but its our life and we need to make the choice on what we want to do, not them. Prayers would be greatly appreciated right now because I feel completely terrible about how my mom found out when his mom had no right to outright tell her everything we had been discussing.