I'm an Asian girl with typical Asian parents ... as in the overprotective, controlling, judgemental type. >_< My mummy isn't so bad ... but my daddy is really very overprotective and controlling. As I'm in a long distance relationship, it's already pretty rare that I'd be able to see my boyfriend ... but what makes it worse is my dad is fiercely overprotective (as in he practically thinks that every male out there it out to rape you >_<) and he hardly ever lets me out. So I have to sneak around and lie to see my boyfriend, and I feel so bad about it... especially when I have to lie to my mum.
What's worse, my dad is the "traditional" type ... as in he is really quick to judge and always always sticks to his "tradition". He has this expectation of who I am, what I should be, what I should do ... and I really can't fulfil his expectations. I'm almost certain that if he were to find out that I was in a relationship, he would force us to break up ... and he would probably never approve of me and my boyfriend, simply because of the fact that he is not Asian. I know, it sounds horrible and racist, but I hope you won't be so quick to judge. I guess it's his "beliefs" ... he'd insist on "continuing the bloodline" and all this rubbish ... when all I really want is to be happy.
This will be very hard to understand for people who have never had this experience, but I was wondering if anyone (in particular Asian girls/boys) have had this issue and how they overcame it? How did you tell your parents about your boyfriend/girlfriend, and how did they react? How long did you wait to tell them?
Thank you so muchos. >_< x
I'm an Asian girl with typical Asian parents ... as in the overprotective, controlling, judgemental type. >_< My mummy isn't so bad ... but my daddy is really very overprotective and controlling. As I'm in a long distance relationship, it's already pretty rare that I'd be able to see my boyfriend ... but what makes it worse is my dad is fiercely overprotective (as in he practically thinks that every male out there it out to rape you >_<) and he hardly ever lets me out. So I have to sneak around and lie to see my boyfriend, and I feel so bad about it... especially when I have to lie to my mum.
What's worse, my dad is the "traditional" type ... as in he is really quick to judge and always always sticks to his "tradition". He has this expectation of who I am, what I should be, what I should do ... and I really can't fulfil his expectations. I'm almost certain that if he were to find out that I was in a relationship, he would force us to break up ... and he would probably never approve of me and my boyfriend, simply because of the fact that he is not Asian. I know, it sounds horrible and racist, but I hope you won't be so quick to judge. I guess it's his "beliefs" ... he'd insist on "continuing the bloodline" and all this rubbish ... when all I really want is to be happy.
This will be very hard to understand for people who have never had this experience, but I was wondering if anyone (in particular Asian girls/boys) have had this issue and how they overcame it? How did you tell your parents about your boyfriend/girlfriend, and how did they react? How long did you wait to tell them?
Thank you so muchos. >_< x