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Starting college... Less time to talk :/

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    Starting college... Less time to talk :/

    Hello everyone!
    I am starting college in just a week and I'm already nervous because it means much less time to talk, don't even mention that meeting each other will be less possible. Now we are used to talking every day almost whole day and meeting like twice a month for at least a week. The thing why I am worried is because I will be very busy and my boyfriend is unemployed, so he spends most of his time at home, doing nothing, so you can imagine that he will be bored, waiting whole day for me to talk. I'm just afraid how he will handle it. For the meetings, I'll receive a student card which means discount for transport, so I hope I will be able to travel to see him like every weekend, but I'm afraid that he won't handle the lack of communication when I'll be in school. I hope you understand, I'm not very good in explaining lol. Do you have any idea how to handle this? Thanks ♥

    Seems I'll be going through the same thing as you...
    I'll be going back to Uni soon, and my SO is currently unemployed too, although he's looking for work and taking some extra classes. I'm worried for the same reason, we talk pretty much all day, everyday at the moment, and it'll be difficult to transition into less time because of my busy schedule. I just hope he'll find something soon so we can both be busy during the day.
    I always worry about silly things, he assures me all is fine though. We know we'll miss each other, but maybe it's a good thing? Maybe just talking to your SO about the situation will help you both?
    Last edited by Chlo; September 8, 2013, 08:34 AM.


      Hi I'm in my second year of college, my boyfriend is in his third, and it always happens when we start school again--we have less time to talk to each other. That's just the way it is :/ We just have to figure out ways to work around our school schedules and fill in some time to talk every night. You'll be a lot busier with school, so you'll need to schedule some time every day where you can talk to your boyfriend. Ya'll will be fine, it'll just take some time to adjust to the new schedule Good luck and have fun!


        It*s the same thing with daily jobs ... when you*re at work (at least 8 hours) and then get home and have other things to do you will get tired and of course the communication it*s not so good everyday!!!
        I remember when I was in college! I miss those years!!!
        You will both have to work on some dates during the week - let*s just say 2 days where you 2 can talk - and then, of course, it*s the weekend where you will have a lot of free time to spend with each other (in person, or talking)


          You'll have to figure out a schedule, when your best days/times of the day are to talk. And hopefully he can find work, study, or at least a few hobbies to keep him busy while you are in college or studying.

          My SO and I are in a similar position at the moment, because he starts his university year in a little over a week, but I just finished my first week.. but then for this year we will both be studying so it'll be evened out. When I first met my SO, though, he was unemployed, and I was working part time and taking general courses part time, so I was busy and he had all day to do whatever, so he wanted to talk all the time when I got home, and didn't like when we didn't talk as much, whereas I didn't have as much time to miss him because I was either busy with work or school or I was talking to him or had just been talking to him. Though there was a time he kept running out of internet credit because he was lacking of finances... and then I know I started missing him. And then I've gone through other times when I've been busier, and last year I think he was busier but I was working, but after work I can just relax, whereas after college/uni, you have to study a bit and then relax.. or relax and then study!

          It's definitely doable, and don't worry about it, but being the busier person, you'll have to be the one probably to determine when you can talk, and try and be as flexible as you can. But also let him know when you have to study. And study on webcam if you can! Then he can watch you study.


            If you have any trouble it will probably be during the transition time but it'll be a busy time so everything will go by quickly. He's a grown man and will have to navigate his feelings himself. I'm sure he can figure out things to do with his time.


              Thanks for your responses everyone!
              The thing is I'm not really a fan of scheduled dates... For me it feels like the couple is talking just because it was scheduled and not because they actually have something to say. And for studying on webcam, as Squeeker said - we already did it when I was studying for final exams and I enjoyed it, he was actually helping me a lot with it I just hope it will be okay when we both get used to this new schedule.

