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How long apart can you handle?

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    I guess I would do ever how long it took if there was a good reason but I wouldn't be happy about it. The longest we have ever went is thee months and it was getting really hard on me emotionally. Since that time I see him every other month and it is still hard for me. I think I am not meant for this long distance relationship business I am ready for him to move here! One year and I don't think there has been a single that they haven't talked. I wasn't looking to fall in love or meet someone but now that I have I love him more than I ever thought possible so as everyone here knows when you love someone so much it sucks being apart from them.


      We didn't meet for the first 7 years of knowing each other, we were just friends throughout the whole time obviously, but sometimes it just really sucked not being able to go see your best friend and hang out with them! We've now been together for over a year, ~5 months without meeting each other, two weeks together, another ~4 months, two weeks together and now a final ~3 months 'til we're together permanently. Yay!
      I know that he's worth the wait for any amount of time, and I know that I would do it for him, any time at all, but after about 4 months I start to get really crazy and worn down and it gets veeeery hard!

