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    Originally posted by HMA View Post
    "Hello sir, I'm doing a survey on behalf of the town. Firstly, do you have any children? Uh huh... uh huh... And their ages? Uh huh... uh huh. THANKS *click*"

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      Originally posted by HMA View Post
      "#$@% ##@$%@%#$#@@#!3#%! UM. Thanks for your time."
      Haha, I totally don't have the guts to do it. *sigh*
      Plus, if he called me and asked if I phoned his dad and under false pretenses I would probably be like, "Err, I may... or may not... have phoned your father and pretended to be doing a survey." Because I'm a terrible liar!
      Plus with caller ID, he could see your number is out of state.

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        Originally posted by Silviar View Post
        Plus with caller ID, he could see your number is out of state.
        Not if you use the fakecaller ID on


          Or *whatever-the-heck-it-is to block the phone number. I don't even know because I've never done it!


            *67 I believe. I could be wrong though.


              That sounds right. Maybe I'll enlist my friend to do it so that I can find out NOW instead of being mature... ha
              I'm really quite suspicious about it.


                You know, I know this sounds bad... but if you're willing to pay $10-$20, I know how you could pull the information without him even knowing. There are quite a few legitimate sites that allow you to pull a person's background info, including their birthdate, criminal record, etc, so you can check a person out.

                IMHO, if you're suspicious... you can't be too safe... but then again, if he never shows up, you've got your answer anyways.

                LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                  I was going to say the same thing as Silviar...

                  Hope things work out for you hon!
                  NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                    Running background checks might be going to the extreme in my opinion. If you do feel like that is necessary then that shows a definite lack of trust that should indicate that you might not want to be with him.
                    What do you expect to come of this situation? I mean, do you want to catch him in another lie so you can be proven right or do you want to be proven wrong and see that he might just be a 26 year old guy with no cam.
                    The whole situation stinks but i believe that you need to make a decision. In a way you are stringing the both of you along and it will end up affecting your relationship if you continue to have one.


                      I agree 100% with MTK. If you're even considering half-way such things like that fake survey or paying to get a background check, you need to leave him without knowing because the very fact you would do it is unhealthy. Regardless of the results, the guy would find out and that's his trust for you out the window. You're causing yourself unnecessary pain for a man you more than likely wouldn't last with if he is being truthful.


                        Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
                        I agree 100% with MTK. If you're even considering half-way such things like that fake survey or paying to get a background check, you need to leave him without knowing because the very fact you would do it is unhealthy. Regardless of the results, the guy would find out and that's his trust for you out the window. You're causing yourself unnecessary pain for a man you more than likely wouldn't last with if he is being truthful.
                        I agree with this 100%. I think that you should be with a guy that you can fully trust and not waste time worrying if he's lying or not. Ultimately, the final decision is up to you. I would say do what you think and feel is right.

