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New Baby, Seeing SO in about a Month, NERVOUS

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    New Baby, Seeing SO in about a Month, NERVOUS

    My SO and I have been together for almost three years. We just had our first child together 2 months ago. Our LDR started because I was extremely sick for the first 2 trimesters and couldn't work. So to ensure baby's health (as well as my own) we decided I would stay with family in Kentucky and he would stay in Vegas an continue to work. The last time we saw each other was for my birthday in Feb and I was just starting to show. Like I mentioned baby arrived 2 months ago and we are visiting Daddy in about a month. I am sooo nervous! I pretty much have my pre-baby body back except for a little bit of belly. He's a personal trainer so we always worked out and were in shape. Even though he understands I just had our baby and he loves me any way I am, I still am really nervous about seeing him. I wonder if he will still find me attractive and if I am even going to be feeling intimate. I feel like the only one in a LDR where a new baby is involved. Are there any others out there? Do you have any advice?

    Congratulations on your baby!!!

    I understand your nervousness. Just take things slowly if you don't feel comfortable right away. Spend lots of time cuddling and enjoying each other's company first. You could even try starting out with the lights off when you do decide to be intimate with him, until you start to feel more comfortable with him again. I really feel like you'll forget a lot of your worries once you're in his arms again.

    Truly, I can only imagine that he'll be more in love with you than ever after seeing you with his child, and a bit of extra weight around your belly shouldn't turn him off in any way. I'm sure he can't wait to see you!


      welcome on here!
      and congrats on the baby! ^__^ I myself dont have one but I'd love to xD haha
      Im sure he'll find you just as attractive as always
      Good luck!
      oh and btw yay for kentucky haha my SO is from kentucky (sorry had to say it)


        Welcome to the forum! And congratulations on the baby
        I'm sure he's going to find you just as attractive, if not more!


          Welcome and congrats on your new baby!
          I'm sure he'll love you and find you attractive, even with a little bit of a belly! =] Like Rach said, just take things slow until you get comfortable again.
          Good luck and congratulations once again<3


            Congrats on the new baby. I would assume that he would love you and want you even more than he has, as you are now the mother of his child. Once you get back into the swing of things I'm sure you can start working out again. Don't sweat it it'll be fine.



              Congratulations on your new baby! I'm afraid I'm not in the same position, but if there's one thing I've been told by lots of new parents is that if they can work up the energy to have sex, they're just excited to be able to get to the point.

              And I'm going to guess you're husband will be too starry-eyed looking at his beautiful child and lovely woman who gave birth to his child to care about a tiny bit of tummy. Plus then you can always work it off together...

              LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                Welcome my dear. 2 months ago? You will have no problems at all *wink* As far as the baby fat? He won't even see it, his eyes will be drinking you and the little one in. Welcome to motherhood. ^_^


                  Welcome and congratulations! It's a crazy and exciting time with a new baby. Try to look forward to it without being nervous - I'm sure he will understand. It will be wonderful I'm sure.


                    Congratulations to you both! Having a baby is always wonderful

                    I wouldn't worry too much about him not finding you attractive - he's been waiting to see you all this time and I'm 100% sure that once he sees you and your baby he'll be in 7th heaven and so so happy to have you in his arms again

                    You're the only couple I've heard of that had a baby while being in a LDR... I bet it was difficult for him, not being there when the baby was born (and for you too). All the more reason he's going to be thrilled to see you both!

