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What's your 'trigger' sad thing, and how do you make it hurt less?

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    This sounds so lame, but during my first trip to Canada, we watched the first three seasons of Chuck within 9 days. I came home and finished the series on my own, but now anytime I see Zachary Levi or something about the show, I get sad. It has easily become one of my favorite shows, but I can't watch it without him because it just isn't the same.

    Also, Caribou Coffee. The first time we ever met was at a Caribou Coffee place so lots of special memories associated with this also.


      I don't think I have a specific trigger, but one that keeps coming up is that after a long, stressful day, my whole body just longs to hug him and just hold him for a while. Except I can't do it so it makes me so frustrated and sad.
      So, here you are
      too foreign for home
      too foreign for here.
      Never enough for both.

      Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


        These days, anything, really.
        I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


          Weekends. They're generally my trigger for sadness. I appreciate the break from the hectic environment of working days, but I don't like the idleness, it gets me down. Actually, Saturday and Sunday are my favourite days to work, I get to focus without pressure and distractions. Also, my SO tends to slip into a lethargic mood over the weekend (unless he's out and about) and it's quite frustrating.

          Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


            Originally posted by TwoThree View Post
            These days, anything, really.
            Me too and it sucks!


              Probably having to be up and awake at night without him. Sometimes I really wish I could be in front in terms of time, I get jealous that he gets to fall asleep to me every night. But then I get to wake up to him every morning and get snuggles in bed while he's at work, so I guess it goes both ways really.
              Also when he's out having fun or I am and we can't be with each other. That sucks. Just makes me wish I could be with him/he could be with me. Actually find myself avoiding social situations because it just hurts too much lately.

