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    It's the difference in hours.
    He's usually working nights and I work during the day. Plus, we're both going to start soon. It's hard because we're talking less than we used to and it makes me appreciate the time when we do talk. <3


      Gah the limited broadband - I'd forgotten about that one - it's maddening!


        I know this sounds corny lol but the distance is what makes it harder than anything else really, it gets to both of us quite often that we can't be together and cuddle even though we should.

        We only have a 2hr time difference so it's fairly easy to handle compared to some other couples but finding the time to talk sometimes is rather challenging since I work 8 hours a day, then come home to clean, cook, feed and care for all of my animals (6 of them), spend time with my daughter and help her with homework etc so by the time I get everything done and talk to him I'm usually nackered and we just briefly go over what's happened that day and get to bed lol. If we were together we could do those things together and have the time to do something with each other.

        I wouldn't trade it for the world though because I rather have him in my life in a LDR than not have him at all ♥


          I think the difficult part for my s/o and I is just the distance, honestly. We both have our family issues, and daily trials, at the end of it, he just wants to come home and hold me, but I'm simply not there. My living situation is a little screwy right now, and he really wants to help me move down there, but I don't want to be rescued, this is one time that I'd rather just help myself. I think the fact that I continually turn down his help makes it seem as though it's not my main goal to get down there and be with him, I feel like that kind of drives a wedge between us a little bit. Luckily we're in the same time zone, so we can wake up at roughly the same time, and talk while he's at work, then talk when he gets home, but we're both really snuggly people, and that gets difficult. Especially since there's a way to have all of that, but I just won't take the help.
          Even though we're far apart and our love seems just a vision, soon we'll be together, million kissin' intermissions. Someday soon, further down the road, I'll see you, get to hold you close.
          mc chris - "Distant Lands"
          ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


            Originally posted by Darth_Taco View Post
            There were two major ones. The lesser one would be my drug addiction. I've been sober over a year now though, longest I've ever been clean. It's all for him and it's been worth it. The bigger one would be our different views on marriage. He wants to get married one day, I run from wedding related shops despite being handicap @_@. Fortunately we recently resolved this (which I will make public eventually...maybe :P).

            I got sober for my SO too. I didn't care about my life or anything before her and now whenever we fight or something, I get crazy urges to relapse. I was sober a year and then we broke up for a few weeks on Valentines and I relapsed really badly. I understand where you're coming from, makes it really hard.
            Met: 1.20.09 (At School)
            Starting Dating: 5.22.09
            Been an LDR since: 8.17.10 (3 hours distance)
            Last Time I saw my SO: 10.02.10
            Next time I will see my SO: 10.14.10


              Currently the problems we face is;

              1. Her family doesn't know about me so I can't send her care packages, etc. We can't be seem in public together, I can't move in with her, etc. Her parents knew about the 1st 7 months of our relationship and then they told her it's me or them (the family). So we're still together just on the "down low"

              2. I'm in a lease so I can't move to see her until Sprng and she's in a 2 year lease with her sister so even If I moved up to where she is I'd have to rent a room from a creeper off craigslist or something. (Long story as to why I can't get my own place)

              3. Traveling is expense, I'm a 3 times a week waitress until season kicks in.

              4. She's busy from Morning to late afternoon. I work late afternoon till ten.

              5. School comes first for her
              Met: 1.20.09 (At School)
              Starting Dating: 5.22.09
              Been an LDR since: 8.17.10 (3 hours distance)
              Last Time I saw my SO: 10.02.10
              Next time I will see my SO: 10.14.10


                Originally posted by Tanja View Post

                I wouldn't trade it for the world though because I rather have him in my life in a LDR than not have him at all ♥
                oh agreed big time!


                  Agree with Noodle & Tanja. Everyone around me is like why dont you guys just break up and se if you guys can get back together after she graduates college and I'm no? worse suggestion ever?! Rather struggle with ehr then without her
                  Met: 1.20.09 (At School)
                  Starting Dating: 5.22.09
                  Been an LDR since: 8.17.10 (3 hours distance)
                  Last Time I saw my SO: 10.02.10
                  Next time I will see my SO: 10.14.10


                    Originally posted by loveonspeedial View Post
                    Agree with Noodle & Tanja. Everyone around me is like why dont you guys just break up and se if you guys can get back together after she graduates college and I'm no? worse suggestion ever?! Rather struggle with ehr then without her
                    oh yes so true, my bf and I have argumented about that but then realized that without each other it'd just be hell
                    nothing and no one can seperate what belongs together <3


                      The biggest hardship in our long distance is that we are both used to giving physical affection after we resolve a conflict, and without "kissing and making up" it seems like everything just hangs there. Also, it's hard because usually when we argue, we'd just walk down the street and see each other, but now we can't do that anymore

