If you're reading this because you got excited thinking I was a troll you could run off, you are likely to be sorely disappointed.
NO! Wait! Don't go!
There's still free stuff to be had
First Prize is gift pack one, valued at roughly $25 Aussie dollars! You will receive
- An amusing novelty hatching egg
- A hilariously southern hemisphere calendar featuring random nameless Hunks.*
- One awesomely destructive journal for wrecking, guaranteed hours of entertainment and creativity.+
- Some really damn fancy Japanese soap that was made in China
- A giant caramello koala
Here is a picture, because we love pictures:

* In respect for the fact not all members are heterosexual women, I am happy to swap out the Hunks with a calendar featuring scantily clad women, or cats. Because if you don't like good looking humans, you probably love cats.
+ Nothing is actually guaranteed.
But if you sadly miss out on the Hunk Pack, do not despair! For we have prize pack number two, also at the value of about $25, which includes:
- A beautiful Australian calendar for next year. If you're actually Australian however, I may send you cats instead by default.
- A bag full of caramello koalas! Fun to share, or keep them all to yourself.
- "The French Dog" witty coffee table book. Because people on this site seem to like dogs.
- A pet kookaburra, annoying laugh not included.
- A fabulous multi-coloured bow-tie, fantastic for many occasions such as: your local pride parade, fancy dress party, bedroom role play, or the wedding of the sister-in-law you hate.
What's not to love?
Here's a picture:

So, what do you have to do to become the owner of these thoughtful gifts?
Just take one single photo! Easy as that! I know it's easy because I had to take two before I could submit this post. So don't tell me you simply can't do it, because you totally can
For more details on where to send your photo today so you can hang some HUNKS on your wall tomorrow CLICK HERE and all will be made clear.
Thank you for your time,
Carrots xx
NO! Wait! Don't go!
There's still free stuff to be had

First Prize is gift pack one, valued at roughly $25 Aussie dollars! You will receive
- An amusing novelty hatching egg
- A hilariously southern hemisphere calendar featuring random nameless Hunks.*
- One awesomely destructive journal for wrecking, guaranteed hours of entertainment and creativity.+
- Some really damn fancy Japanese soap that was made in China
- A giant caramello koala
Here is a picture, because we love pictures:

* In respect for the fact not all members are heterosexual women, I am happy to swap out the Hunks with a calendar featuring scantily clad women, or cats. Because if you don't like good looking humans, you probably love cats.
+ Nothing is actually guaranteed.
But if you sadly miss out on the Hunk Pack, do not despair! For we have prize pack number two, also at the value of about $25, which includes:
- A beautiful Australian calendar for next year. If you're actually Australian however, I may send you cats instead by default.
- A bag full of caramello koalas! Fun to share, or keep them all to yourself.
- "The French Dog" witty coffee table book. Because people on this site seem to like dogs.
- A pet kookaburra, annoying laugh not included.
- A fabulous multi-coloured bow-tie, fantastic for many occasions such as: your local pride parade, fancy dress party, bedroom role play, or the wedding of the sister-in-law you hate.
What's not to love?
Here's a picture:

So, what do you have to do to become the owner of these thoughtful gifts?
Just take one single photo! Easy as that! I know it's easy because I had to take two before I could submit this post. So don't tell me you simply can't do it, because you totally can

For more details on where to send your photo today so you can hang some HUNKS on your wall tomorrow CLICK HERE and all will be made clear.
Thank you for your time,
Carrots xx