For those who have been reading the nonsense i post, I've been staying in a hotel because the college housing was full. well, my first day of classes are tomorrow! I've learned something about myself this weekend too. I suck at meeting people my own age. I have met several people staying here, all older. and developed a friendly relationship with the attendants working behind the desk. but all the other students staying here..? i had a short conversation with one guy, but i havent even seen him again. and my SO is TERRIBLY sick. Friday he went to visit his friend, so we didnt speak. saturday he was pissy because of something that happened the night before and starting to feel sick, so we hardly spoke at all. didn't talk on the phone, because his throat is too sore. we are texting some today, but he needs rest. and i'm fine with it, of course. but im alone, too... i just wish i had someone to talk to, i guess.
I'm tired of being in this hotel! I don't know the area, and cant drive. so I'm pretty much just stuck. ugh. X_X and the cleaning lady touched my toothbrush today! that goes in my mouth! Bleh.
I'm done now.
I'm tired of being in this hotel! I don't know the area, and cant drive. so I'm pretty much just stuck. ugh. X_X and the cleaning lady touched my toothbrush today! that goes in my mouth! Bleh.
I'm done now.