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Feeling...meh. anxious. and lonely.

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    Feeling...meh. anxious. and lonely.

    For those who have been reading the nonsense i post, I've been staying in a hotel because the college housing was full. well, my first day of classes are tomorrow! I've learned something about myself this weekend too. I suck at meeting people my own age. I have met several people staying here, all older. and developed a friendly relationship with the attendants working behind the desk. but all the other students staying here..? i had a short conversation with one guy, but i havent even seen him again. and my SO is TERRIBLY sick. Friday he went to visit his friend, so we didnt speak. saturday he was pissy because of something that happened the night before and starting to feel sick, so we hardly spoke at all. didn't talk on the phone, because his throat is too sore. we are texting some today, but he needs rest. and i'm fine with it, of course. but im alone, too... i just wish i had someone to talk to, i guess.

    I'm tired of being in this hotel! I don't know the area, and cant drive. so I'm pretty much just stuck. ugh. X_X and the cleaning lady touched my toothbrush today! that goes in my mouth! Bleh.

    I'm done now.

    I feel ya girl. In a similar situation. In a hotel too currently. In a new city. No friends here so far, just some ppl I met but dont hang out with yet. And didnīt hear from my SO all day today after a long bad discussion yesterday.
    I wish your SO to feel better soon. And you girl hang in there. Walk to the store and get a new toothbrush.


      I'm sorry D: I hate not talking after a spat. I hope things work out before the day is up! And thanks for the support haha. every little bit helps.


        Giiiirrrlllll, you'll be fine! Things will get better! Keep your head up


          Have you discovered the blogs section yet Think this kind of stuff is more suitable for that than for new threads!


            If you've only just started college, I wouldn't worry too much yet. There are plenty of opportunities to meet people, and some of those people will have similar interests and mindsets, regardless of their age. Don't write them all off before you've even got stuck in yet. Another piece of advise for surviving uni in an LDR - do live your own life. It's so easy every time you feel down to want to recoil into yourself and just talk to your SO, but if you do it to an extent where you're isolating yourself from the people around you, you'll only get more lonely and put more pressure on your relationship.


              Things are slowly getting better. I'm out of the hotel now. I have two roommates so far, and they're nice. I'm kind of hoping we don't get a fourth person in here though lol. I've been trying to make friends at school, and i talk to people every now and then. but for some reason i have trouble remember everyones names RIGHT after they tell me -_- I guess it's because i just have so much on my mind lately.


                I know how you feel exactly.
                I've never been one to particularly enjoy having a lot of friends, and I'm not the best at making them because I'm shy.
                I'll probably never stay at a dorm for college because I'm not really into the party scene or anything like that.
                I think that you'll make friends in time. The best friends are the ones that come without trying, at least that's how it's been in my experience.
                Everything will be okay, just try to take some deep breaths and enjoy your days in college.

