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phd stress (his)

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    phd stress (his)

    This isn't really a question or advice post, it's just a ramble.

    M is set to submit his PhD thesis at the end of December.*
    So, being October, and the final phase of revising and preparing for defense, he's quite stressed and occasionally gets panicky that he won't be done in time.

    * HALLELUJAH. I feel like there are so many things that are just kind of "on hold" until that point, and I know he does, too. PhD be doonnnne please, so we can see what's up next as far as visits and new chapters of lives.

    He's still being really awesome about us, making sure he carves out a bit of time for Skype and texts, so while it's maybe not as much time as it has been or as much as I'd like, I don't feel neglected or anything. I think it'll take a bit more patience and trust in the actual month of December, but that's a bridge to cross when we get there. But we spend most of our time having good conversation or watching movies together, it's not too much dwelling on stresses or anything, so if we can keep that up, even if it's less often because he's crazy busy, I think we'll be okay.

    I'm just not sure how to continue supporting him without it seeming redundant. I feel like I'm constantly saying the same things to him, about believing in him, being proud of his work, etc.
    I've read most of his thesis at this point, so I've had chances to help him out with pieces that I can, like if he just needs a sounding board or is trying to rewrite a particular paragraph or whatnot, and I know he appreciates that.

    But yeah. It gets frustrating to not be there to help him with the little simple things (like making dinner because although he's a good cook, I know he doesn't always take the time to make actual meals) and to just be around without necessarily having to interact, to just be there when he does finally go to bed, etc.

    Gah. Stupid PhD.

    But. I'm probably just overthinking the redundancy of saying the supporting things, he may not even notice the redundancy, being just focused on work and freaking out about it, lol.

    I did recently put together a little relaxation care package.. sent him some hot chocolate sticks, chocolate-chip-cookie-in-a-jar mix, a silly card, and a gift certificate for a massage at a not-girly massage place near his work. He was so appreciative and I love seeing the big grin it put on his face.

    So. 3 more months of the particular brand of patience and supportiveness that comes with being a PhD partner. Ayiyi. He's lucky he's cute. :P (And sweet.... and funny... and interesting...)

    You guys sound like you have a really good relationship, and I'm glad to see that. You're already doing the best you can for him and more. Don't worry too much about sounding redundant-- sometimes just having you there to talk to is what he needs. No amount of "I support you" and "I'm here for you" will make him feel better about his Ph.D., but the fact that you are there to say it and you put the effort in to make sure he knows is what matters. I know you want to do more for him-- no one wants to see their SO unhappy!-- but this is kind of a bigger and more personal thing that he has to deal with. Keep doing what you're doing.

    (P.S. I just finished my masters and it was hell and I am so glad my SO did the things you're doing)
    Last edited by kittyo9; October 3, 2013, 06:29 PM.
    Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
    Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
    Engaged: 09/26/2020


      Thanks, kittyo9. We do have a really good relationship, and sometimes it's good for me to just stop and think about all the awesome things.

      Congrats on finishing your Masters! And you're right, it's definitely a bigger and more personal thing, and that the actual words aren't really the support, it's being there. Good reminder.

      And hey! You're in CT! I live in Mass, but I work in Bloomfield, CT.


        Hahaha, fun coincidence, I went to school in Worcester, but I'm from (and currently in) CT! What is your SO getting his Ph.D. in?
        Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
        Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
        Engaged: 09/26/2020


          Silvermoonfairy....I think we might be dating the same guy! Only kidding! However my boyfriend is also due to submit his thesis in December and I could have written that exact post that you just did! It's tough, because it is a super stressful process, and whatever we do isn't going to really change that. I too feel like I wish I could do more. But from what you've written you sound like you're doing a great job as it is. One thing I would say is it is really stressful time writing a thesis (I'm a phd student too!), so try and keep it from sneaking into your relationship. I made the mistake recently of misreading a situation and combining it with his slightly different than usual mood and got pretty upset over nothing! You might find as he gets nearer the date he changes a but due to the extreme stress of it all, you sound like you've got a great relationship so just try and weather it and I'm sure come December you'll have a very happy, post thesis, boy!


            Originally posted by kittyo9 View Post
            Hahaha, fun coincidence, I went to school in Worcester, but I'm from (and currently in) CT! What is your SO getting his Ph.D. in?
            Yup, small world.

            His Ph.D. is in the economic, technological, and cultural shifts in tv and media in the last 20 years.
            (so, at least I can usually understand it a bit more than if he were doing like.. biochemistry or something, hehe.)


              Originally posted by redapple View Post
              Silvermoonfairy....I think we might be dating the same guy! Only kidding! However my boyfriend is also due to submit his thesis in December and I could have written that exact post that you just did! It's tough, because it is a super stressful process, and whatever we do isn't going to really change that.
              lol to dating the same guy. :P
              And yeah, it's definitely tough and you're right, we can't really lessen the stress and intensity.

              One thing I would say is it is really stressful time writing a thesis (I'm a phd student too!), so try and keep it from sneaking into your relationship. I made the mistake recently of misreading a situation and combining it with his slightly different than usual mood and got pretty upset over nothing! You might find as he gets nearer the date he changes a but due to the extreme stress of it all, you sound like you've got a great relationship so just try and weather it and I'm sure come December you'll have a very happy, post thesis, boy!

              This is a really good tip, definitely something I should remember. There have been small hints of him changing a bit from stress at other points, like when he's been trying to submit an abstract for a conference or whatnot on top of his teaching load and thesis writing, so I could definitely see him changing a bit from the pressure of the final phase. (He's not teaching this semester, thankfully. I really think he'd have a breakdown trying to do the final writing *and* teaching!)

              I mean, it's not like he becomes a Jekyll/Hyde person, but he gets a bit quieter or not as talkative, and I think it's more of a tired/preoccupied thing. But it can be easy to overthink and be like 'is he losing interest?? is it me?? why isn't he as talkative??" etc. But the few times I've thought something like that, it's always been nothing, and then I remind myself, I'm not even dealing with the stress of a PhD and I still have blah or non-talkative days, lol. Remind myself to let him be human.

              I think it's that, since it's LD, everything seems magnified. If a partner who was physically here with me was having a bad day or wasn't chatty, I wouldn't really think twice about it/it wouldn't make me question if it's us, I'd just let them handle it, back off as needed and support them however I can. That's what I'm trying to do with LD. I just try to keep my unfounded concerns in check, and remember how much we care. Harder when you can't give someone a hug, though!

              And if something does start to bug me and I think it needs to be addressed, we have *great* lines of communication and the ability to resolve concerns, which I really really love. We've actually already talked a bit about the next few months, and our battle plan for handling the really stressful times. *knock on wood*

              Wait, you're a PhD student AND dating a PhD student?? You must be superhuman! :P
              What is your PhD topic?


                Again a lot of what you describe is exactly how I've felt recently- especially the whole he's a bit quite, is it me kind if thing! And you're right being LD totally magnifies things. Nice to hear it's not just me Luckily we close the distance next week! My phd is basically organic chemistry with biological applications, he's a chemist too (biological imaging) so it's pretty intense!


                  It feels like we can start an LDR PhD (we can add some more acronyms to make it even more pseudo-academic ) sub-forum! My SO is also submitting (hopefully) in January and I just started my PhD, so the things you talk about ring bells. I wonder, is it the mentality of people that choose to do PhDs that make them focus on one thing and ignore the world for periods of time or is it the other way around?

                  But it can be easy to overthink and be like 'is he losing interest?? is it me?? why isn't he as talkative??
                  That's me. And it will be me. Noooooooooo (although it is so good to know it is not only me!)


                    Originally posted by redapple View Post
                    Again a lot of what you describe is exactly how I've felt recently- especially the whole he's a bit quite, is it me kind if thing! And you're right being LD totally magnifies things. Nice to hear it's not just me Luckily we close the distance next week! My phd is basically organic chemistry with biological applications, he's a chemist too (biological imaging) so it's pretty intense!
                    Definitely not just you.

                    Yikes! That does sound intense! But also, yay on closing the distance!


                      Although my SO is not getting his PhD, he is taking a class that stresses him out to no end. All I can do is give him space, allow him to be frustrated, and bake him cookies and bring him beers


                        The PhD update.. just over a month left until he submits his thesis. I'm so ready for it to be done, lol. I can only imagine how ready he is!

                        The past two weeks have been even more hectic for him. We've had less time to skype, but he still manages to make some time for it, and we hop on yahoo for text chatting when there are things that he can multitask. I miss our longer, more involved skype conversations (we love to debate current events, for example) but I really appreciate how much effort he's putting in to making sure we get time to at least tell each other about our day.

                        I also just started a new job that I'm really excited about, so I think that'll help keep me busy and keep my brain distracted in the next few weeks when I expect our chatting time will drop off even more. PhD *and* LDR is quite the double hit, lol. But. Hopefully we'll keep working through it as painlessly as possible.

