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Long DIstance Purgatory

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    Long DIstance Purgatory

    Two years ago I got into a long-distance relationship. I was determined that the distance should be closed or the relationship ended, one or the other, after a year. The best-laid plans, however...

    Here's the issue. We have seen each other only 4 times in two years, for only a few days each time. I have gone to her twice and she has come to see me twice. The last time she came to see may was March 2012.

    She is now afraid to come here because she feels that I am cheap and won't provide for her (never mind issues of whether she should provide for herself, just go with the premise that she needs someone to take care of her). She says that I will only pay money over her when it benefits me. She is afraid to move almost 3000 miles and then things go bad and she is left to fend for herself in a strange environment.

    I don't consider myself cheap. I have offered to help her financially in the past but have met resistance. For example, she said she needed new tires for her car. On two occasions I offered to pay for new tires. She never followed through and in the end borrowed money from a friend in her area. She blames me for not having taken the initiative to ensure she had the tires, but from 3000 miles away it is not a simple thing to accomplish without her participation.

    Another time she needed a new cell phone. I was able to arrange with my provider for her to go to a store in her area, select a phone of her choice, and she would not only have a new phone but she would be on my plan so she would not have a monthly phone bill to pay. She did not accept that offer because she was already on a plan with a different carrier and would be stuck with those charges. She said I should have thought to buy a cell phone and mail it to her (which I had not considered because I thought it was nice to offer to put her on my plan).

    Another time she hinted that she needed a particular brand of soap ($10), and I failed to take the hint and get the soap for her. She felt that my failure to do this little thing was indication that I showed little concern for her well-being.

    Now some of you may think she is a type of golddigger. For reasons not necessary to go into here, that is not the case and it is not material to the question.

    Here is the issue: she is unwilling to come to visit me, because she needs to know that I will be there for her, financially as well as otherwise, and that until I prove to her that I will take care of her. She requires that assurance, which to her requires deeds, not merely words.

    From my perspective, the only way this issue can be resolved is from spending time together, to allow her to see what a real relationship with me is like. Me sending things to her is not the same as living a relationship day-to-day.

    So we are in a kind of purgatory -- she will not come here until she believes that she will be provided for in our relationship. I, on the other hand, need her to come here to show me that she really wants things to work out between us, and so I don';t get caught in an eternal long-distance relationship. I told her that when you are in a relationship with someone who displays a characteristic you don't like, you have two choices -- either break up with that person or stay with that person and see if you can help that person change that characteristic. But it is not an acceptable third option to freeze that relationship in some purgatory until you are satisfied that there has been a change.

    Any ideas on how to break the stalemate?

    Why can't you go there?

    2016 Goal: Buy a house.
    Progress: Complete!

    2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
    Progress: Working on it.


      I have gone there, twice, including the last time I saw her. However, I have a career where I live and could not start over again elsewhere. At the beginning of the relationship I explained this to her and she was ok with moving here (she had good reasons to leave where she was). I need her to come here (and she generally likes where I live) because that is a step toward moving here permanently. My going there just reinforces her staying there.


        Oh boy, this is a tough one

        If you both can't compromise, I'm afraid there's not much here to salvage, it sounds like you're willing though, if you can find a fair way. I'm not sure what that would be though, as I really don't understand her at all. As an independent, strong woman, I only require myself to take care of me financially, and it would never cross my mind to tell my guy to provide for me, so I don't have any insight on her perspective. Other than that, I think you need to tell her that a visit has to happen soon, or you'll have to move on. I'm not at all into ultimatums normally, but in this case, I would consider it. She has to know that you have boundaries, and her refusing to visit is crossing one of them. I'm not sure I see any other way to break the stalemate without a drastic measure, LDR's aren't worth it if you have the means to visit, but can't. Good luck, I hope that was at least slightly helpful.
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          Ahh after reading this, I see how difficult that would be. I don't think it's fair of her to say you wouldn't be able to provide for her when you had offered to buy her tires as well as put you on your phone plan.. it doesn't matter if she decided not to go with that in the end, it was the thought that counts.. and she shouldn't get mad at you for not thinking of what she wanted you to think of, most of us are not mind readers!! I think maybe she has just realized how scary it can be to move, to close the distance.. it's something my boyfriend and I are facing.. when the time gets closer, it gets scarier.

          I suggest you wait a few months.. maybe look up things for her that will help her feel more comfortable moving, tell her some of the things she could do in your city.. I guess try and think of what she might possibly need and send it to her? It sucks because although I can understand someone saying "no don't buy that for me, it's too much" but secretly still wanting it.. that's not fair and I know this.. and especially when in an LDR..

          I know my boyfriend wants to provide me and will provide me as best as he can even though he hasn't been able to technically "prove it" because his finances right now are not brilliant and he has a LOT on his plate. I think because we have been together so long and talk so much, he has been able to say this. We are unable to close the distance now, but it's because of money and immigration (which takes money and also is difficult because of family issues) so are both going to university now to help us change that hopefully. It's hard. I wish you luck and I hope you can show her she's trying.

          Though if she still doesn't realize it and you try and help her. Maybe you can try talking to her about what she wants? Tell her you aren't a mind reader? Of course in a way that she isn't going to take it as an argument... sometime when it's a calm situation, maybe say "I really wish I could provide for you. I wish I could be able to buy you everything you wanted. Though that would be a lot easier if you moved here so I could look after you and know more what you needed." Or something like that.. you could even say how you maybe felt hurt when you offered to buy her tires and she got the money from a friend.. or that you thought she'd appreciate you offering to put you on your phone plan.. even if that could happen after her contract expired. You could maybe help her pay off her contract.. this all depends on how much money you have. If you are struggling financially a bit, tell her.. It's best when both of you can be open with each other. I don't really know if what I said is helpful, but I just wanted to try and help. I wish you all the best..


            I agree with Moon on this. But I would like to add that she shouldn't be expecting you to take care of her financially. It's ok to go in together on things or if you want to help her occasionally,but to expect you to fully take over financial responsibility of her is ridiculous. She's a grown woman and she should be able to be self sufficient and independent. She shouldn't rely on you for the rest of her life or it could be a serious down fall. (without putting too much info out there) My parents have been married for almost 23 years and have since become separated pending divorce because my dad would not look for a job and spent over 6 years unemployed while my mom took care of him and everything else. She even supported his cigarette habit,which was rather costly,considering he smoked 3 packs a day at that time with his brand of cigarettes costing a little over $5 a pack. She barely had money to make the bills but would get them for him because he would get a short temper and become borderline verbally abusive towards anyone in the house if he didn't have them. Mind you there are other reasons,but the point that I'm trying to make with that is that if she relies on you to take care of her for the rest of her life instead of contributing and being self sustaining that can put a lot of pressure on the relationship and lead to it failing. So,I recommend you doing as Moon suggested because it looks like that's the only way anything is going to change.
            Last edited by LadyDaemon; October 4, 2013, 09:27 AM.

            ♥ In 666 Ways I Love You & My Heaven Is Wherever You Are. I'm For You. ♥

            We Met: June 9,2010
            Back Together: August 1,2012
            First Visit: September 21,2012 - September 29,2012
            Second Visit: January 13,2013 - February 24,2013
            Engaged: January 17,2013
            Closed The Distance-MS - AZ: June 15th,2013
            Moved To FL Together: November 14,2013
            We Got Married! - July 3,2014
            SO Graduated College - August 7,2015
            Moved to Ky - August 10, 2015


              I understand her concerns, but I don't believe that her reasons for believing you aren't financially stable are viable. I'm not saying she's a gold digger, but it seems more like she's just making up an excuse as to why she doesn't want to go there. It's possible that she feels uncomfortable overall about moving out there, and it has little to do with your financial reliability. She was probably way more on board earlier in your relationship, but as time progressed and things became more real, she is starting to experience cold feet. You could try getting her to open up; ask her if she's afraid of moving there and leaving everything she knows behind. Regardless of whether or not she likes where you live, moving there would be a huge step for her. It's good that you're trying to get her to visit. If I were you, I would not bring up moving in permanently so much, it might be scaring her away. Don't ask for anything more than a visit (don't add the extra pressure of her moving in someday) and then maybe she will relax and come see you.


                I have to say that if you love someone enough than you have to be willing to have faith in them. It does not sound like she is showing much faith in your or your relationship. I have dated losers in the past that sponged off me so I am not saying you should be willing to accept people like that, but you have a job and support yourself so that clearly is not the case. When I first met my SO he was unemployed and had been living off aid for 2 years, he was not in school and lived with his parents. Sounds like a gem huh? I did not care, that was not the person that was his situation. He eventually got into the school he had applied for, found a job, got off aid and moved into his own place. If I had only looked at him financially then I should have ran out the door, I am so glad I did not. I had faith in him.

                I am terrified as to where we will live and how our jobs and finances will work out, but we love each so deeply so we push forward. I jump a plane every 90 days for as long as the Schengen will let me and when I can't be there and he can get the time off work, he jumps one and comes here or we meet up in the middle. We have faith in us.

                Why can't the two of you find middle ground sometimes? You are only a plane ride away from each other. I would kill for that. She does not have border control telling her she can't see the man she loves or when, she is the only one stopping it herself. She might not be a gold digger, if there is no gold to dig, but she might still be someone that is more like my former best friend. She always made sure she never had to work, she found a man to take care of her. She did not need him to be rich just willing to put a roof over her head and let her sit on her ass most of the time. She never did housework and even refused to take her son to school in the morning and made him do it after he worked a 12 hour shift ( as a cop, no less). She was a user. I am not calling your SO a user but when someone expects somebody else to support them, that is a red flag to me. My SO wants to put marriage on hold till he can "support our financial future better", I don't want that. I want to start our lives together, NOW. I don't believe you should wait because of money. I have had money, nice money, with my ex.....and lost most of it. So, why should I wait to get money again before being with the person I love? You can lose it in an instant. If you have that person as your life partner though, your life will still be rich , just with love instead of money. For richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health till death till you part. Those vows speak volumes.

                On a different, Delaware, huh? That is where I am too.
                Last edited by Hollandia; October 4, 2013, 10:33 AM.
                "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
                Benjamin Franklin


                  I don't think I can offer much advice without knowing why she expects your to provide for her. I understand you don't want to say, but that makes it hard to form a reply. Because all I'm thinking is that this seems absurd. Sorry, can't be of more help.

                  Met online: 1/30/11
                  Met in person: 5/30/12
                  Second visit: 9/12/12
                  Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!

