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Getting a Good Start on 6 Month Anniversary Gift

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    Getting a Good Start on 6 Month Anniversary Gift


    So, not all problems solved yet with the communication issues with my SO (and now I sensed some slight animosity in our conversations that's a bit odd, but maybe that could be again due to him being tired and cranky!). We ended up playing on OMGPOP last night! It was really fun! Tried several games before my internet went down for some blasted reason and then he ended up calling my cellphone really late, which woke up my parents! Oops! Anyway, the games were great--talented or totally tanking at them, they didn't last too long and it made for lots of laughs. Thanks to LFAD for the great suggestion!

    Ahhh...the above wasn't really my point, but I guess a way of saying that I feel a little more like he and I can keep up our relationship into the fall if we still manage to have (mostly) good times like that, to balance out arguments and busy schedules, etc. Which means that in September, it will be our six month anniversary. This is one of the big ones, ne? Not really sure if he will do anything much for it, but I want to (and a little extra something from him, even a card, would be cool, though my birthday is also in the same month so he might sort of forget about the six month thing or not think it is a big deal). 1. I don't want to be a control freak or to force too much of a celebration on him for this, but do you think it is worth pointing out to him that it is a milestone for us and suggesting that we have a date or something to mark it (since some of the other month anniversaries just pass with a simple text, reminder in a phone call, etc.)?

    Still looking for work (I know, I know...although it is kind of on pause right now, too), so if I was broke before, I'm broker? Ha! That was weird. I think that making him a gift would be the best option. 2. Does anyone have any suggestions? For instance, I never did draw/ paint him and was thinking that working on that and framing it would be nice (especially now that I have reference pictures of him that I took). Or, another idea that has been floating around would be to make him a comic book of our adventures, which would also require a lot of work (but I could probably do it if I started now). I think the picture would be more likely to be displayed (and he does seem to like getting stuff framed, so I could even leave that for him to do), where the comic would be cute.

    3. I'm not sure if this would go in the package or not, but we have a lot of blackberries around here to pick in August and make jam out of. I have been picking some and...okay, maybe not making the jam, but helping. I have mentioned it to him and he has never tried blackberry jam before and he thought it would be yummy to try some. If I do send a jar, does anyone have any packing suggestions (it has to go from Canada to the USA)?

    Great update! I love how funny you are in your is as if we are on the phone with you!!

    Happy Soon to be 6 months! Our 6 month was 4 days before my bday ...

    I am glad things are going better for the two of's a one day at a time thing...just focus on how your heart feels hon!
    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


      1. I think that as long as you talk to him and agree on what kind of date you two would like, I don't see why not. An anniversary is special =]
      2. You could try and combine the two. For instance, do a short, one page comic about a moment you two had that was special and then frame that. Kind of like the sunday comics? I hope you get what I mean, but I think it would be cute
      3. Hm...I would suggest a lot of bubble wrap and make sure that it's padded safely, but that's all I can really suggest. I wish I was more helpful D=

      Hope this helps! <3


        1. I think that you should definitely point out your 6 month anniversary! That is a big milestone, so remind him that it is coming soon
        2. I agree with Lexi, I think it would be cute if you combined both ideas somehow.
        3. LOTS OF BUBBLEWRAP! haha I sent jam to my SO once and I used a ton of bubblewrap.


          I made my SO a "fleece tie blanket". No sewing required! Just a pain in the neck to make!! But my SO loves it and it keeps him warm

