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Are you Facebook official?

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    We became Facebook official after we got engaged (after 5 years of dating), became engaged on Facebook the night before the wedding, and married the day after the wedding. Being Facebook official was really just a big joke to us :P


      Yes we are.. Married officially in Facebook but not yet in real life. lol
      I even used his last name and he is okay with it since it will be official in years to come.
      Me and his Mom are even friends in facebook and so is he and my Mom and friends.
      He rarely use facebook where I do everyday to keep in touch with friends and my Family way back home.
      But it depends on a person's perspective really. If he doesn't want to then let it be. As long as you both know you are together.


        Nope. I've never had my relationship status on my profile, because I don't really think it's anybody's business. If I want people to know my relationship status, I'll tell them some other way. They'd be my nearest and dearest, mostly, who I don't communicate with via Facebook anyway.

        I think he used to have his relationship status on his profile until he split with his ex-girlfriend, and then he removed it completely from view. Neither of us feel the need to put anything up.

        I might put up that I am engaged, and I will probably put up that I am married, when those things happen, but I wouldn't link it to his profile. The people who need to know that will know by other means.
        London girl, American cowboy. "Like a western Dirty Dancing."


          We're not even Facebook friends. I had gotten a little ticked about some comment he made on a woman's pic early out in our relationship and removed myself. I felt it best that we keep stuff like that separate. I don't want to be the crazy stalker girlfriend who checks her boyfriends page/comments/!!


            Yes, we made it "Facebook official" after about 3 months of dating.

            We didn't really discuss it that much, he just did it as a 'surprise' one morning, which I was very excited about (and updated my status too). We didn't really put that much thought to it.

            This is the first time I actually have a relationship status on my profile. Before it was "hidden".


              We made it immediately Facebook official. I had originally asked him to just make it so it said nothing (because I was too nervous to ask him to put it as in a relationship) and I went to his Facebook and it said "in a relationship." He didn't send me the request because he's Facebook illiterate and had never done it before, but we soon changed it to show our names We didn't put it to engaged until our families knew, a week or so after he proposed.

              a gente se completa neste abraço


                We are. We made it Facebook official after meeting in person for the first time.


                  We're Facebook official.


                    I'm like your boyfriend I guess (but I'm a girl) in that I think posting relationship statuses to facebook is silly. My boyfriend and I are in a very real and very committed relationship, and in my opinion, rather than validating that, making it "facebook official" would make our relationship seem like a cheesy middle school marketing ploy to try to get attention. I'll probably only change my facebook relationship status when we are married.

                    That being said, I also don't think it's asking much of him to change his relationship status if it is meaningful to you. Though I always prefer not to, when my past boyfriends have asked me to change my status to "in a relationship," I have done it. That might be part of the reason I don't like doing it though-- I feel like after a while all the "Mary Sue is now in a relationship" and "Mary Sue is now single" updates on my feed become really ridiculous, and I don't want to bring my current relationship down to that level.

                    Cheers, hope a different opinion was a little helpful.


                      We are Facebook official, especially since that is how we got reunited in the first place


                        We are "Facebook Official". For one, it was a good way to allow family members and friends that we never see about us like someone stated in a previous post. Two, I pretty much just want to tell anyone and everyone who will listen. I'll shout it from the rooftops.

                        To read our love story, click here.


                          I dont think my so will ever want to be facebook official considering he finds facebook silly..... but I love the thought of being fb official and having everyone know... haha :o


                            I'm pretty sure we became facebook official like 10 minutes after we started dating xD. But that's cuz we asked to date online (even though he was a 15 minute drive away). But I'd probably feel the same way if my SO was the same. :P


                              if we were Facebook official it would mean so much more than just stating we are together... but also saying a little "hallo" to all of my friends and relatives that I am poly. Also, it would be a little problematic to get Facebook to accept it, I don't like the term open relationship anyway. It is not just up to the two of us; my husband would have to agree to it as well. So it is a little further down the lane for the three of us. If I am going to tell the world about my polyamorus boyfriend it will have to get a little older and settled, and also I would have to tell my dearest outside of Facebook first.
                              I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                              - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                              "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                                ya we are for a while i was the only one who the the relationship thing up then one day i came home and it the notication that he added me to the relationship
                                im really happy about it idk why it seems more offical that way

