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How to love and help an SO with depression

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    How to love and help an SO with depression

    Hey guys. I've been lurking around here for a little while and wasn't sure about ever posting, but I think I've gotten to the point where doing so would be a good idea. So - hello out there! Nice to meet you all. Here's my little tale of woe.

    I currently live in Spain and my boyfriend lives in the States. We haven't dated very long - not even four months - but have known each other and been close friends for years. I have anxiety and he has depression, which means that we both have some pretty significant idiosyncrasies. My first month in Spain was exceedingly difficult and my anxiety made it hard for me to adapt to the cultural differences - buying fruit, taking the bus, figuring out the showers, etc. Luckily, I was able to get comfort and solace from him. Things quickly got better for me, but worse for him. He's in his first semester at college and - in my opinion - making a ton of stupid choices. He gets drunk all the time, skips class and procrastinates on his work, and won't go to see the psych counselors at our school. The night before I left for Spain, he got so drunk that I had to clean up his vomit, get him to come out of the bathroom he had locked himself into, and call 911 because I couldn't tell if he was breathing or not. This past weekend, he got trashed and made out with another girl, even though we're not in an open relationship. He drunk-texted me to tell me he had done something bad, but not what it was, and I was left the entire day wondering what had happened. When we finally talked about it, we both got frustrated and he hung up on me. He immediately sent me a message on Facebook telling me to come back, but I wouldn't because I didn't want to be hung up on again. After that, he sent me a message telling me he was going to get help and stop his destructive behaviors. He said he would do this for me, and not for him. If he did it for him, he said, he wouldn't be able to.

    Great, right? It is, but his behavior in general still worries me. He's depressed all the time and doesn't want to talk. I don't know if he's taking his medication. If I try to help him, he shies away and won't reply. I put a lot of effort into this relationship - always initiating conversations, sending him links, etc. - and he sometimes doesn't say anything back. He's currently involved in theater and is struggling to learn his lines. He only revealed this to the director - a friend of mine - because I put major pressure on him for a month to do so. I convinced him to make an appointment with a local therapist, which he then skipped. I don't want to be his mom or his therapist, but it's starting to feel like he won't do anything to help himself unless I MAKE him do it. The bottom line is that he doesn't know how to ask for help or communicate himself very well. I have repeatedly gotten frustrated about his lack of communicativeness - if I send a message or an email, I expect it to be answered, at least most of the time - but I wonder if he's too depressed to take it to heart. We love each other so much, but lately I've felt like I'm carrying him on my back - from 4,000 miles away. I feel physically weighed down and tired all the time. And maybe most importantly, I don't want to create a co-dependency situation. But maybe this feeling is common in LDRs? I really have no idea, as this is my first LDR. I will probably write you sonnets and send you orchids if you can. Or even, you know, make me think this can work. I love him so much that it feels viscerally painful to watch him struggle, but I love myself too, and I know I deserve better than this going on for months or years.


    Aside from him getting drunk and making out with someone else may I point out another red flag.

    "". He said he would do this for me, and not for him. If he did it for him, he said, he wouldn't be able to. ""

    Honey if he won't get help for HIM treatment and help will NOT WORK. He needs to do this for him not you.
    " There is always hope.


      Also I would like to add that depression or at least bouts of it are common in LDRs but his behavior is not common at all. This sounds to me like it has ALOT more to do with how things are with him personally rather than anything to do with the relationship. Also him not talking to you or responding to you trying to help him could be from a few different things, if he is acting that badly I would assume he feels guilty for pulling you through all of this. Depression in General is hard to overcome. But if he is refusing to seek help than there is nothing you can do. I know it sucks. And I am sorry but he needs to help himself, you can't fix someone who's broken without them being willing to fix themselves first, which from the sounds of it he isn't willing to get help.
      " There is always hope.


        I didn't read your whole post, sorry gotta get going soon. I lived with an ex who suffered from depression. I tried everything, lets go out and do something new, lets go see a therapist together. He didn't want any of it. Unless he is willing to help himself there isn't much you can do unfortunately. It ended up in us breaking up because I couldn't be with someone who wouldn't take care of their well being.


          Well this is complicated. However you must know that you have done everything you can for him.
          He has to help himself atleast, if he can't do it for himself and he said he will do it for you. Why not do it for the both of you?
          It's obvious that the problem is with him and yes depression can be really hard. But he has stand on his feet by himself.
          YOu have given him all your world, and it's time for him to do his part.
          He should stand up and be a man and not ruin his life including yours.
          I'm just curious why did he end up like that? Is it something related to school or family?
          Because I've been through with that with my SO. Where we only have been a month or 2 together and he has been suffering depression when his ex GF died. Yes, it's awkward and been 2 years before we met on line. He would cry for no reason and say he will need to go out and take a walk.
          Where I was left in the air wondering what he was on about. Until he told me about his ex gf who passed away years ago. Took us weeks for that, until the later part he realizes that he have me now and should not be selfish and thinks about his problem. Until now we are both doing okay and he moved on.
          I understand it is harder for you especially that you're a thousand miles away from him. But I suggest that you have to be strong for him, I know the struggles and the worries you have for him. But I guess the best thing you can do is be there for him and talk to him softly and clearly that he have to help himself. Think about it when he lost you, it's either things will get worst or risk that he will change and do things for himself by then.
          I hope you both the best!


            Well, first off... no, not every LDR has to be like that. I suffer from anxiety/panic as well and my SO suffers from manic depression (bipolar), so I can understand the frustration you sometimes have about your SO's depression. Now... you shouldn't be his mom or his therapist, but you should be someone he feels comfortable talking to. As such, a lot of things will come out with you that won't come out elsewhere. You can't fix him, nor can you make him do anything. Until he decides he wants to get better, he won't.

            You said y'all have been friends for years, though. Has he been depressed all through that time? Has his depression come and gone? Have you dealt with him irl with these issues or have they just cropped up since you've been in Spain? The drinking sounds very dangerous to me, as does the whole making out thing.

            What he probably needs to do is find healthy friend relationships with people who don't drink or only drink lightly. That way, if he hangs out with them most nights he's not going to drink because there just won't be alcohol around. So maybe encourage him to hang out with people you know he gets along with who don't go out and party a lot. And, yeah, therapy would probably help him a lot. If he's drinking that much he probably isn't taking his medication, either (not for sure on this, I just know that my friends who've been on medication don't take it if they've been drinking a bunch). If you can convince him to do something for you, take that route. However, he needs to get better for himself.

            Just keep in mind that you can't control his actions or thoughts.


              I have to agree with the others. If he won't get help for himself, he is never going to get better.

              No, LDRs are not meant to be like this. You are not meant to carry the other person on your back. A relationship is a 50/50 partnership, with each person carrying an equal load. I really hate to say this but I don't think your SO is cut out for a relationship at this current point in his life.

              You may love him, but you need to love you more. Put yourself first and do what you need to do, even if that means taking a break or cutting ties. There is only so much you can do for a person until you can do no more, which is where I think you stand.

