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Advice for more Skype time?

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    Advice for more Skype time?

    My SO and I are 2 hours away from each other and we're both in school and working so we have very long days. We only have time to talk at night before we go to sleep. I want more to time to Skype because we only usually Skype for an hour which is not enough time to me. When we do Skype, my SO falls asleep and I'm up with nothing to do. What should I do? Please help!

    I mean my SO is 2 hours ahead of me.
    Last edited by bribri2729; October 24, 2013, 02:36 PM.


      Can you put Skype on your phone? I have it on mine and I use my 4G to Skpye chat with him when I am out sometimes.
      "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
      Benjamin Franklin


        Try scheduling in Skype times! Share calendars on iCloud/Google Docs/etc if you keep one there. My SO and I are CD now, but we've been so busy that I'm made a calendar on my phone so we can fit in time together.


          Yes I always Skype with him on my phone.


            Hmm... I think this is something you two need to talk in-depth about. Do you talk only an hour everyday or only on weekdays? Do you spend longer on Skype on weekends? Although it really sucks, sometimes one hour a day is how it has to be until time frees up.. I'd really try to make some time for each other on weekends if you guys aren't already though.


              I agree with scheduling it.. see if there's an evening (maybe a Friday night?) where you guys can do schoolwork ahead of time or whatever so that you can clear your schedules for each other.

              Alternately, do you ever have long breaks between classes at the same time? Could you both bring laptops/smartphones with Skype/tablets/whatever and find somewhere quiet to Skype in a long between-class or lunch break?


                Thanks for the advice everyone! I talked it out with my SO and we agreed to Skype an extra hour during the week and longer on the weekends.


                  How about you turn on Skype while you're doing homework, both at the same time?
                  I do this with my man sometimes. I work on my things, he works on his, but when we look up the other one is right there

                  Relationship began: 05/22/2012
                  First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
                  Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
                  Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
                  Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
                  Married: 1/24/2015
                  Became Resident: 9/14/2015


                    Originally posted by bribri2729 View Post
                    Thanks for the advice everyone! I talked it out with my SO and we agreed to Skype an extra hour during the week and longer on the weekends.
                    Yay! Enjoy!


                      My SO is also two hours ahead of me and we're also both in school and working, haa.
                      We're lucky that we get to Skype every day though.
                      We have Skype on even when we're just doing homework silently. Even if we aren't talking, it's nice to know that he's there. We also sleep with Skype on often. It usually happens accidentally, he'll fall asleep on me and I just leave Skype one. It's also nice to have that comfort even if we're not talking.
                      Another thing would be to try and get the same days off work! That way, you guys can Skype all day/after classes.

                      P.S. I see that you're from Vancouver, but in WA. I'm from Vancouver, BC!
                      YAY Vancouverites!!

                      first met: ~10.03
                      became official: 28.03.11
                      first meeting: 08.06.12 - 24.06.12 (jason in vancouver)
                      second meeting: 18.07.13 - 30.07.13 (jason in vancouver)
                      our first vacation together: 30.07.13 - 20.08.13 (cynthia in new orleans)
                      third meeting: 14.12.13 - 03.01.14 (cynthia in new orleans)
                      fourth meeting: 21.05.14-02.06.14 (jason in vancouver)
                      surprise! 13.08.14-27.08.14 (cynthia surprises jason in new orleans)
                      viva las vegas: 21.12.14 - 24.12.14 (c+j vacation together in vegas!)
                      jason's 1st canadian christmas: 24.12.14-02.01.15
                      my first mardi gras: 12.02.15-20.02.15


                        we just leave Skype on when we do our stuff,i can study and he can watch a movie or browse net,but the sense of "togetherness" is really awesome

