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The best couple of weeks of my life

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    The best couple of weeks of my life

    She left a few minutes feels like my heart has been ripped out of my chest, i cannot stop crying it hurts so fucking much, it was the most amazing couple of weeks of my life, so many memories, im trying to go into details but the more i remember the harder i seem to cry, our first day that we saw each other and i had hoped it wouldnt be like that but it was a little awkard and i went into shy mode to where i couldnt even look in her eye for a day and half lol, it got better once we were in Mystic I finally let the shyness go and we had an amazing time in Mystic where we had our very first kiss which was amazing and it seemed like we were picking up where we left off like we've done it before, it just felt right especially when we made love was incredible, and i never thought this was possible but apparently you can lose weight when you have sex O_o ehem....thats all i'll say to was the most amazing time i've ever had in my life, few minor arguments but nothing major.It's amazing what you miss the most when they leave.....just her presence i miss the most, just seeing her around the house i miss, her kisses, cuddling, ect i just miss heart feels like its been ripped into many pieces, her in my life and around is how everything should be.....right now it feels empty.....i was whole when she was here...a part of me is missing right just hurts so much right now.....but at least we have plans for me to visit her in Scotland in 2 months thanks to and there name your own price i'll be seeing her in November and staying for 3 months, its gonna be awesome but it hurts to not have her here right now.....we did do a improv video together which i'll post at some point i gotta break the video up into parts because it was very long and when im in the mood too i'll post it at some point, i did promise pictures so here they are:

    I'm sorry that you're having such a hard time. It's never easy. I remember when I had to leave my SO... even before I had to say goodbye and walk through the gates we were crying. Hard. I had this painful feeling in my chest which lasted for many, many, MANY hours. I just kept on crying. While walking through the airport, while hearing her voice one last time on the phone before hopping on the plane, while on the plane(s), while typing to her from those free internet computers... I couldn't stop. It was the most horrible feeling I've ever experienced. When I was back in Germany the first thing we did was hop on Skype and we turned our webcams on. My SO started crying a few seconds after. It was so, so sad... and still is.


      lol we both started crying the beggining of this week because we knew this day was coming :/ i dont like this feeling at all, it hurts so much and everywhere i look theres another memory and it makes me cry even more, my life with her is how its supposed to be.....not like this right doesnt feel right without her here my home is with her, i know its not to far away until we live under one roof but it doesnt make it any easier right just hurts so much right now!!! i knew it would hurt but i didnt think it would be this much.....


        I started crying early on too. It's just horrible. Knowing that you will have to leave your SO again. Even though you would much rather stay with them. Forever. But you can't. Not right now anyway.


          I know that it is hard but instead of crying when you get reminded about her, why not try and turn it into something positive? This is a memory of you and her, no need to be sad about that, yeah?
          I am happy for you that you are already going to visit her so soon and be there for 3 months, that is awesome. Lots of pictures to take and silly things to do with your SO when the time comes. =)


            I get so sad when Joe leaves, every time. So I know how you're feeling right now. *hugs*

            But the bright side is that you'll be seeing her again in a couple months! And staying there for three months! O_O You're one lucky girl.


              MTK im trying......but i cant help it.....the knowing that your supposed to be with them, thats where your heart is, your home is with them......and then its all taken away from you when they have to go back "home" just hurts like trying to look on the bright side of life right now but at the moment im litterly in too much pain to do so, all i want is for to actually come bursting through my door and hold me, this just hurts so very much......


                I know but i had to try and suggest it :/
                It will get better and this is sadly something that you will have to endure, i wish it wasn't. But you know that your heart belongs to her so just keep figthing and it is perfectly fine to feel sad, it just means that she means a lot to you, more then words can even describe.
                At the very least take it one day at a time and before you know it, it will be time for your visit to her.


                  But you know that your heart belongs to her so just keep figthing and it is perfectly fine to feel sad, it just means that she means a lot to you, more then words can even describe.
                  thats an understatement.......i never thought i could love anybody this much in my entire life.......and i love her more then i can put into words and the visit made me love her even more.....i know i wont have to endure it for too long and by next summer time hopefully things we'll be under one roof forever but it hurts right now more then i can even put into words


                    Cute pictures Don't be sad, you'll see her again soon. Every day that passes means one day less until you see her!


                      thanks i know i will and i know very soon we'll be under one roof


                        aaww sweet pics! ^_^
                        hearin you guys sayin how hard it is to leave it already makes me cry even if i havent met my SO yet x)
                        But hey you'll see her soon again!


                          I'm glad you had such a great time together, and your pics are too cute! When I was bawling my eyes out, almost choking when Rane left the first time, the one thought that gave me any comfort at all was that, the first meeting is over. We've met! We are farther in our relationship, we know we have a spark in person, we are at least one step ahead. We didn't have a second trip planned, so you're really lucky to have that to count down to. Anyway, I'm sure these next few days will suck, but once you start to feel better, you have bunches of new memories and pictures to help with the time until you see her again. I know I found it easier between visit 1 and 2, than before meeting at all.


                            Awww...I understand SOO much...especially tonight...*Hugs* hang in there...great two look soo cute together...
                            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                              Originally posted by Caitlin2009 View Post
                              i never thought i could love anybody this much in my entire life
                              Same here!
                              I pray that nothing will go wrong with your plans and that you will move to NC together as according to schedule

